That part was already quantified--the Maori don't seem to have a %age but rather they're more community oriented.
The Croc Men are the descendants of the Polynesian Division, which pulled from throughout the islands, and the current regiment pulls from throughout PanOceania as a whole, but preserving the traditions of the Division as a memorial to its sacrifice at Ravensbrucke.
Its always funny to me that "gentlemen" of hyperpowers are more prone to hypertantrum at something trivial than a literall space 4/2/8/whateverchan that is Nomads. I mean, YJ tantrum can be understandable sometimes but this?
Well, saying that you would walk away from the table or call some one an asshole because of how they painted their figures has certain implications to say the least. it isn't a stretch to say that they'd prefer you not to paint your figures as white guys w/ tattoos. Saying you won't play me because of the color I chose is absolutely a backwards way of policing what I do. At the end of the day what i own is a hunk of pewter in the shape of a human, complete with a made-up fantasy story that is either provided by my own imagination or the company that makes said hunk of pewter. what color I choose to paint it shouldn't effect how you perceive me, my beliefs or the enjoyment of the game.
I'm sorry to inform you but discussion with (or within) nihilist/cynic circle is pointless. To use a fun quote: "It's a strange game, the only winning move is not to play"
And implying I should be forced to play you regardless of how you present yourself, is a very forwards way of policing what I do. And let's not be disingenuous, this isn't about what color you paint your miniatures. No one is offended by the color red. (at least I hope not, there might be some part-bull members on this forum.) This is specifically about a very specific set of visual imagery that has important significance to a particular culture. Misuse of imagery can be offensive to the culture it is taken from. I found the information in the original post interesting, and of use if I do not want to unintentionally be a jerk. (it could also be of use if for some reason I wanted to intentionally be a jerk) You may think anyone offended by your use of imagery is overreacting and foolish, but them refusing to play with you because of the visual way you present your army, is in not an attempt to control you, it is an attempt to avoid an unpleasant situation. However if anyone tries to come up to you and say your not allowed to paint your miniatures a certain way, and try and take your miniatures away, or deface them, then by all means, punch them in the face. In fact give them an extra kick for me. (or more sensibly, call the police, because in most countries, there are laws about that sort of thing)
You're right, you don't have to play anyone you don't want to – for whatever reason. and thats okay, but at the same time others are allowed to be critical of your reasoning. Like most social/cultural issues, there isn't a hard line between appropriate and inappropriate of how you can or can't paint your models. there are extreme cases where most people will agree with one another, but for the most part issues like this one fall somewhere in between. for me, painting whatever skin color, and any subsequent tattoos or markings you want, falls under appropriate. If you'd like to paint your little guys so that they better represent you, or something you like on the battlefield, who am I to get upset? it's your fantasy just as much as mine. I think a refusal to play someone just because of a bit of paint is an over reaction. The intent and attitude of said paint are much more important, in my opinion.
For what is worth - I, personaly, would refuse to play with someone who painted his miniatures in SS-uniforms colours and painted swastikas all over them. Wouldn't you? I get that we shouldn't get too sensitive about absolutely everything but I think there are boundaries even if, in the ends it is some plastic/metal toys colouring we are talking about.
Absolutely! I agree whole heartedly, something like painting one's models to be offensive on purpose falls into one of the "extreme cases".
I would never dare to try present those two situations as equal. I just wanted to establish that we all agree, that despite the fact that this is only a game there are clearly some boundaries that should not be crossed, even if it is only painting we are talking about. Whether or not this Maori tatoo thing is one of them is not to me to decide.
Well apparently what world needs to finally accept peace&prosperity is a uniform hatred for the nazi ^^
So is the issue that someone is arguing that Maori people cannot be light skinned? Because that is false
I think the argument is that if you're going to paint body tattoos on your models based off of the art renders CB provided, they have to be culturally sensitive* to the Maori people. *this term has touched a nerve with some people and we can't agree on what exactly "culturally sensitive" means.