Wow, Varuna's really getting love. Nice things for panO yaaay! See those pants on the Crocman? Looks like a diving suit the Kamau have. Attention to detail = sooo cool Edit: my bad, I checked and the MSR Crocman has that suit too. Still cool that they'll have similar themed uniforms in one army.
Is anyone else having problems saving the images to an IPhone? Sometimes CB forum attachments act weird.
Thanks @Koni I think you're missing Tohaa and Haqqislam previews, though, hope they're coming soon :)
I'm pretty sure it is supposed to resemble this part of the Santiago Knights' helmet. I actually really like the miniature. I'm happy she is running and that she is wielding her Spitfire.
We don't know yet... Could be just that the LGL wasn't ready for the seminar... or it's a blister... or something else. It's hard to tell, but the paramedic and HMG look like the same body/legs but with different head/arms
I expect a Tinbot A in there (on a Combi Rifle profile). Or another Danavas because why not. LGL I expect will be removed from options.
It has me wondering if the Dakini box is going to bring another Danavas, or possibly a profile for them we don't have yet.
The Kamau HRL render wasn't shown at GenCon, no (no Varuna renders were, just the dossiers). It's just missing here. @Koni, any chance you could add the HRL Kamau render at some point? Thanks for sharing the others, the new Invincible Army dossiers are awesome. And I actually love the Dakini renders, the new Dakini are some of my favourite models in Op:Coldfront, and I like the dynamism of these ones.
The mixed "Kempeitai + Keisotsu box" was a very good idea, I wouldn't mind seeing the same with a hypotetical "Dakini + whatever box".
Theoretically, it could be awesome. Practically I only see them adding Danavas, Yadu, or Shukra, none of which we need a second (and Danavas we really didn't need the first one either).
For Yadu you have a point. For Shukras, I doubt spending 50 points to double up on Biometric Visors and Counterintelligence is needed.
I think it will all depend on the link teams, both core and Haris. We know that Yadu are flexible for links (what ever that means) and i think they were said to be a core as well.. So probably a box for them. Dananvas and Apsara I could see, but perhaps not 2 - depends on the options however... it could always be ANOTHER new unit ;)
Is there a Deva weapon/skill option we asked for that they can put on a lesser body? Maybe something with G:Sync Devabot Repeater. And the base trooper has MOV4-2, WIP13, BTS 0, Defensive Hacking Device and Assault Hacking Device. And Combi Rifles, of course. Bostria has been saying in seminars that Yadu are very flexible in linking.