Hard to tell if it's power armor with digigrade feet extensions or a remote presence model ala Dakini and Hollow Men. Leaning more towards the latter considering the general slim build without exaggerated female form.
The very unit, as in Remote Presence. Although in the other hand she seems human enough, so I dunno...
It's rare that they make dossiers choosing female gender for heavy infantry, but that one shares the general shape of the Tiger soldier, but with some smudgy-low-poly:d-out tell tales of a heavy infantry. The leg armour, breaker pistol, and the chest armour look tells me this, but not being able to see the thighs due to a combination of low-quality photo, skirt, and unusually for Yu Jing dark colour choices (Yu Jing really has taken a turn towards darker speaking strictly of colour choices with both redder and in this case orange-green) means it's hard to see the tell-tale synth-muscle. Regardless I'm sort of expecting this one to be a HI take on the Guilang, which makes me even more curious about what the Zhencha is.
Great idea, it would make some profiles like Pheasant or Bao Troop much more attractive to pick up. Either thsat or rework...
Seems like a strange mix of weapons if that’s it. Again, they look like a YJ version of the JSA Unit-9. One close range special operative and one long range surprise attack guy. I’m hoping it’s not a controller some type of Kuang Shi. ☹
I would love a sniper with some kind of "perimeter weapon controller" like up to 4 Crazy Grizzlys (D 15 /DA) with some kind of G:Group-Servant or some Neurokinetic deployable turrets.
I can get behind that! OR a better version of Puppeteer. Where they don’t need to be helpless while running the puppets. I’ve been hoping for a smaller version of the Su-Jian to replace the Karakuri.
A multirole light infantry like ryuken would be pretty neat, especially paired with some command abilities. No NPC army is getting nomads toys less than a year after they are released and especially not a better version.
Pic is waaaaaaay too low-res to tell if that is HI or not. And we have seen MSR on the Haidao's dossier, so presence of an MSR is no longer a defining characteristic for something being not-HI. I will note that the foot does not have the syth-muscles like the Haidao does, but this could also be some digitigrade foot extension (though plantigrade gives you less energy-consuming walking and running, digitigrade looks cooler) "Operative Control Unit" does kinda suggest something like a Tactical Puppeteer, though.
It really seems to small and thin for an HI, but as one of those terrible people who wants minimal non-heavies in IA I'll hold out hope. Its a stretch, but if nothing else we know YJ's Dágang used tech on Aristo Bìxié that solves the 'but how do you fit a person in there' question with 'you dont have to, they didn't need those limbs anyway!'.
I think it is almost definitely a remote unit at this point. Given CB's sculpting proclivities, this thing lacks a lot of the telltale signs of being a flesh and blood female (i.e. no boob plates). But its form is reminiscent of the Karakuri. That designation could go a few ways: Operative Control Unit could literally mean that it is some kind of remote command node (probably used by the Yanjing) to oversee covert ops without risking operatives. Make it a refinement of the Su-Jian project (itself a refinement of the Karakuri) and you have an easy way to put agents in the field without risking their death or capture. So it could be a backline defense TO/XO unit or it might be Holo2+CoC instead. The sniper may be that back line minelayer we've been waiting on, though not sure where that would leave the BS one (hopefully it has more than just those two options). Operative Control Unit could mean we get something along the lines of a less advanced version of the posthuman with this thing ghosting in to various "operative" frames that it uses to complete missions. Operative Control Unit could mean it is an operator for a very specific piece of hardware (not sure why we'd need on on-site given that we have the tech for remote operation off the battlefield, so this one is tennuous). Finally, it could mean some sort of controller or puppeteer for some kind of perimeter defense system or remote fodder unit as well. Possibly sort of equivalent to Ghost: Autotool or something. It could be some weirdly translated Spanglish that doesn't actually explain its role and it ends up just being some kind of mobile field-agent ala the Shikami or something. Either way, definitely one of the more intriguing units they've revealed so far. I'm very interested to see what it does, and I expect it will trigger just as much rampant speculation as we had the first time we saw Kuang Shi Control Device revealed prior to Human Sphere releasing back in the old days.
Most likely. Just add a coma and it makes a bit more sense. "Daoying operative, Control Unit" If it's a REM HI then it unlocks the possibility to give it 6-x move. Add super-jump to really put the emphasis on the mobility. Give it mines, a shotgun/sniper, and you have an unit perfectly designed to rush to your breached flank, deal with anything that got there by shooting it at point blank with the shotgun, then seal the breach by dropping mines everywhere. A very useful unit for a low-body-count kind of army which might struggle to field enough bodies to properly cover all the board. TL;DR: Yu-jing's take on Hollow men, but in a supportive role as fast responder.
I always assumed that operative control was just Spanish for operation control. Making sure everything runs smooth and is as efficient as possible. Counterintelligence, chain of command, backlibe defences.
Boarding shottie isn't much of a backline defense, though. And while the dossiers don't show all the weapons options, they do tend to show the signature weapons of the unit. A YJ Hollowman (or even just a Remote Presence HI that doesn't transform) would be interesting. I'd hope that it's not an actual Hollowman, the squick factor is pretty high on the brain-in-a-jar.
Still think it's slim and thin simply because of CB's weird female ideals (and they don't always get full synth-muscles.) CB doesn't always do boob-plate on HI and they've been decent at avoiding it for Yu Jing and Haqq in general (which does not mean they're the norm, mind) It could be that it's going to get a Kuang Shi Control Device, I'd hate it from a fluff perspective but it meshes decently with gameplay (need for cheap orders and the guns mesh okay). The gun options being so intentionally extremely barebones, not even a combi, is what tells me this isn't going to be anything like a Hollowman and the mines scream skirmisher.
It could be some form of integrated ALEPH tech, not excluding even G:Jumper. If it has some form of Control device I wish it was cheap remotes or something else, even though I own Kuan Shi.
Koni has posted the hi res images in general discussion. With a better pic, Daoying looks remote presence to me. Almost an androgynous form. No boobs, narrow waist and the space robot feet with heels. Very cool.
It strikes me less as remote presence and more something that could be fluffed as a way for severely injured operatives to be given 'upgrades'. Anyone else clock that the Mowang has an Akrylat Kanone on its dossier?