Don't know if they're a sept release but personally I'm quite unsatisfied 'cause Tunguska was released in june and till now there're more releases for TAK and Vedic although they're not even official in the army builder.
A lot of what TAK and Vedic have gotten/is getting are things that already existed. Beyond Coldfront marks the start of stuff that is really new. I can say that I've found a listing for Hollow Men for September. That's surprising.
Well, Frontoviks, Shukra and many other units are new, there're of course many resculpts but there're really many news for these 2 sectorials army, let's make a point, here are Tunguska new units that need miniatures : - Mary Problems - Puppet tactica - Securitate swc - Grenzer swc - Spector - Zondnautica - Perseus - Hollow men (sept???) We just had the starter and the jammer heckler.
And before the starter we had the Szalamandra, Interventors, Spektr with BSG and the starter set Spektr, and Kriza Borac with MK12 and SMG. I won't pretend there's not stuff we could really use--but I think we're starting from a good place. I will say though, anyone who didn't see this being an issue given that we weren't getting an Army Pack was deluding themselves. We didn't even get a 'preorder exclusive!" model to go with it--which would have been a great place for Perseus or Raoul or even Mary Problems.
They could delay rules releases to go with models but people weren't happy about that either. They probably figured they would release it because there is enough models out to play with the starter, using a Grenser MSR and Securitate Core. What is CB's winning move? Delay rules or have rules with no models?
It's harder to play a game with new models and no rules than rules and no new models. Take it as a OperationS man, I wish Tunguska was in the TAK box instead.
I wish neither Tunguska nor Operations were in the TAK box. It should have been Druze Society/Ikari Company. It really should have. Those are iconic match-ups, Ariadna vs the mercs that get commonly hired specifically to piss off Ariadnans. Also, we don't have TAK or Operations yet. Coldfront is still at least a month out for most people. We know the lists are shooting for November--is it wrong to want people to wait?
Couldn't care less about TAK 2player box opponent, have your wish. Only reasonable 2player box for OS in my opinion would be Shasvastii or EI aspects. Everything else is just a distraction for Aleph. I'd still prefer a Tunguska single release to avoid the curse of "lets pretend it's vanilla armies for new players to learn the game". Or, alternatively, they could have released a "advanced rules box" with OS, Shasvastii, and terrain suited for terrain rules, hackable terrain, etc. Yes. It's not keeping up hype, it's spreading it thinner and losing on shiny aspect (people wanna know what it is they are buying). New profiles and sectorial rules are what is interesting for the box, not the new Naga Sniper or Deva Hacker (doubly so for that after the Danavas bullshit) models. Frankly, I think they're delaying releasing the OS rules because because they didn't think them through and we'll get a set of uninspired linkteams, old profiles will get barest minimum of new loadouts (Deva Harris Combi Rifle 24/0,5 ; Dakini Combi Tinbot A 15/0,5 ; lose Dakini LGL), and new profiles which are either basic or step on toes of existing profiles (Rudra will get Spitfire, nothing else) without providing excitement to faction. This they'll try to balance by giving us G:Jumper LZ, which will be completely uninspired while being OP to carry the faction no-one in CB cares about anymore.
That's a marketing problem. I'm asking individual people to not give in to petty, childish, greedy instincts and just chill. Marketing research being based on the lowest common denominator isn't an excuse to act like that.
Aleph specifically, Danavas and other releases and direction over the past 4 years. But also everything that has been released for the game. I gave my predictpredictions, let's see what happens.
Putting Operations in the box vs TAK was good, Aleph players have been waiting for that Sectoral for years. Coldfront is nicely designed.
With all other, you are right, but these models where released years ago. The BSG Spektor is an old sculpt too. And to get the normal Spektor and the Kriza you have to buy two vanilla boxes where you can use 3 out of 9 Models for Tunguska. And why the Hollowman get's an SWC box and not the Grenzer or Securitate can't I understand.
I mean, if you want to be hyperbolic about it--the BSG Spektr and the Interventors box are "old" in that they were released around the same time as Icestorm. That's positively ancient! :P
BSG Spektr is newer than the Interventors. You can also sell the individual components from those sets and easily make back your costs if you play your cards right. Chill. We know Securitate are getting a box, purportedly before the end of the year. I don't know what the hold up is with the Grenzers box. It should have been done ages ago if we're going to be realistic. But maybe we'll luck out and it will be the start of a multiple arm kit.
Even if you discount the N3 resculpts before Tunguska was announced (interventors and spektr bsg, grenzer MSR, spektr combi) you still have more new Tunguska models than Vedic AND you have rules to use them. 2 garudas Danavas new rules Prior to official Vedic announcement A still not generally released box set with 3 daikini Naga MSR Yadu - new rules Shakura new - rules Deva Asura HD+ MSR - new profile Compared to 3 securitate new rules 2 Hecklers new rules Hollow man multi+pitcher new rules 2 Kriza Borac (mk12 and hmg) new rules Sally Tunguska appears dramatically ahead to me with new models, and new rules, and even got a year long teaser with full auto 2 and the Kriza. Stop whining BECAUSE CB has given you some but not all your new toys. They drip releases out a bit at a time for everyone (except tohaa) so you don't go 5 years between updates to your army like some other businesses do. Just enjoy what you have and be patient!