Interplanetario reveals that the Line Kazak box is Missile Launcher, Sniper HMG, and what could be a Paramedic but looks more like a Doc to me. Linkable Kazak Doc?
I'd be more surprised if they can't, they're literally a line Kazak with doctor. hell i'd say just shove the profile in with the rest of them, its not like they show up anywhere else.
I think they are separate mentions in Infinity Army for AVA reasons as if the doctor profile would be inside the standart Line Kazaks they would had AVA total.
Haqq can already do that with the Ghulam (who even has Doctor+) and i' doubt i've ever played anyone who's brought more than one, maybe two. so i don't really think that's a concern.
And what with the plethora of Shock and T2 weaponry makes you think the Kazaks care about being fair?
It is news to me that the Ghulam Doctor is part of Ariadna. The doctors are hard to use for Ariadna as it is, so giving one faction the much-needed boost for the doctor but not the others is quite hurtful. Obviously, I agree that it would be very useful to be able to include doctors into line kazak fireteams. I just expect the players of the other factions to complain that they are not getting the love.
Yes, but none of the other factions have got a doctor that isn't a 112 (which i always thought was weird for FRRM) considering that this sectorial does have one that can link i think it should. and if we're talking about not getting the love, my first love in this entire game was the FRRM, so yeah. give the Russians their linkable doctor, it makes sense.
Sorry I meant the players of the other sectorials, not factions. I don't understand what the difference between the 112 and the kazak doctor is when it comes to linkability. I always thought the difference between the two was 1 point and a different weapon.
that may also be a good reason why kazak doctors should stay unlinkable. The players of other factions may not be happy as well. I guess they will forget about the doctor when they are confronted with all those T2 weapons.
Then put another skill on there that prevents the Kazak Doctors from being Unlinkable, or give them a K9 Antipode 'guardian'.
I have no clue what you mean or what you are referring to, sorry. The way I see it, CB has the choice of allowing Kazak Doctors to join fireteams. They have not given 112 this option in FRRM, even though mixed teams where already en vogue when FRRM got their final update. I thus doubt that Kazak Doctors will be able to join fireteams. It may be useful, not even overpowered considering other factions. It would, however, be unfair to the other sectorials of Ariadna. There is no reason CB has to give Kazak Doctors anything new in order to allow or forbid them to join fireteams, I really don't get you.
Haqq universally has doctors instead of paramedics, which is one Doctor (the Kaplan) and ten with Doctor plus. as opposed to Ariadnas two, only one of which seems to be reasonably capable of joining a fireteam of LI. In this situation i think that Haqq is still showing its bio-medical superiority even without getting into its other displays of those talents. I think most of us knew what you meant, no worries there. currently neither of them can link which is where this discussions coming from. and yes the only difference is a few minor stats, and the Kazak doc has V:courage. considering that its a far riskier proposition to try and rez someone in Ariadna that pretty much anywhere else I'm saying the rest of the galactics can suck it up and let us try and get Yuri up after they've shot him once we've moved an entire linked team into position to do so. If the trade off for the Doc not being linkable is that he gets an antipode with medical bags strapped to him than i'm in.
So pleass walk me again through the rationalization why TAK should be the only non-Haqq sectorial with linkable doctors?