Nah, come on, Neema is a new model for a faction that's not getting much. Igaos we don't count as they were repacks :)
Looks like we'll be between 12-18 months without releases. If we are lucky, we'll get something at the begining of 2019. If not, we'll have to wait for GenCon 2019.
I've been thinking about it and I'm in the same boat, if they are moved into ca, or get mixed up with humans and get moved to NA-2 I don't think I'll care to play the faction any more.
Unless the opposite happens, and the Tohaa society presently under CA rule manages to break free... Could also be a big Sygmaa release for Tohaa vs EvilTohaa funtimes.
Calling it in a year: "Because we didn't see any Tohaa getting sold they will be overrung by combined army, some Tohaa troops becoming part pf the CA while the rest will build the Non Aligned Army "Triumvirate" with some Mercs"
Why so dramatic? We have been fighting and fighting for a long time against the CA, now that they do not focus on us alone they will not defeat us or absorb us! #ThreeTheTohaa
Might as well be that, with the help of a Speculo, the Humans finally realize what the Tohaa have been and are doing, that whole Ariadna Wormhole thing followed by the pawn sacrifice of the human sphere against the CA. So they start a War with them, while the Tohaa, allready embedded in the Human Sphere on their search for the McGuffin Box, start to sabotage the human defences on Paradiso. Now with a weakened defence and caught in a two front war, the Humans lose hold over Paradiso and have to retreat. The Human Sphere starts to fracture, each planet fighting off the combined army isolated from the others while the Tohaa sit in the dark, rub their hands and use the Chaos to keep searching. To support that, they bring in more troops and ships.
nothing to see here, don't mind me.... just placing a bookmark to necro this when the complaining starts again in January 2020
Don't let the door hit you on your way out I guess. Some people could use a change of tapestry. The sound of whining in Artichoke is getting older than the PanO saltmines these days. If they feel this disappointed and can't like play their perfectly viable Faction or start a new one, Infinity might just not be for them.
Agreed. Guys, come on. If you collected Dark Eldar back in the day, you'll know we went through like 3 editions without model or rules updates. Let's have some perspective here. While the lack of model updates is disheartening, especially as other factions get Sectorials and new models (a la new Chasseur) heaped on them - Tohaa as it stands is still a very competitive and dare I say it - complete faction. If the lack of a Sakiel Box is getting you down, then convert. Do more with less. Use your creativity. Get the SWC box of Kameels and use your bits box to make some helmets for the Kameels, bulk up their armor and guns. Boom. It's a Sakiel box that YOU made. I'm not having at go at you guys - you're entitled to your frustration. I'm just saying that there are workarounds to your faction not getting releases, and that's just part and parcel of being in the miniature gaming hobby.
It's been years, bucko. Don't lecture me. No one is obliged to have faith in this business, especially not at this rate.
I think this is definitely an "agree to disagree" moment, mate. Just for the record, Dark Eldar was about 5 years no updates. Sisters of Battle have been waiting for 8+ years for their basic troopers to have model updates. I collect both - so I'm got some leg to stand on thanks. As someone who's wargamed in a variety of systems, I think CB's communicated very well compared to other companies (not naming names but we all know who I'm on about here). Moreover, Tohaa has been given more than its lion's share in beneficial rules (Symbio armor in Hunting Party, Symbio Bombs forcing multiple bad ARO options, Symbio mates obv) - yet all I see here is constant negativity. It's exhausting. This vitriol I'm seeing in this small section of the forum is quite frankly disheartening - especially since Infinity has the broader reputation of having a more positive community.