I think that box is just pretty new and other new boxes (Dactyls, Thorakitai) are SP more than Vanilla. But I‘d certainly be excited for Posthumans i. The sectorial
While I would drop all projects immediately to play Posthumans the Sectorial!, my brain starts to hurt if I stop and think about how that would actually work . . .
Hmm, 9 Netrods plus as many bodies as you like. The whole Sectorial is just one overworked Australian!
What profiles in particular? I'll be interested to see more for the new S4 REM. The full Sectorial was pegged for November.
Have they said why it's so "delayed" from the box? when the other sectorial releases all came with or around their box releases, and i'm sure Varuna will too
From what Bostria said they're rolling TAK, Varuna, and Vedic all into one big Army Builder update along with some more general profile tweaks, it'll also coincide with the Beyond Box.
I wasn't around for red veil / Ramah, I was just referencing the stuff this year. That's kinda what I figured, still not a fan though. I'd like to at least get the rest of the profiles on the army, since we've even seen them already.
When did the blue Ns become hints/reveals and not full releases? I assumed the delay was because end of ITS 9 and Interplanetario, so they'd release then or in line with the official box release. Nov is supposed to be Varuna *release* as I understood it...
From what was said at the seminar I think when they got to the logistics of it all they decided to roll the 3 sectorials into one big update, which gives them a bit more time for proofreading and error checking on all 3. Similar to how the Beyond Coldstorm box was pushed back to give production more breathing room.
This is a wild assed guess, but I think their philosophy towards sectorial’s has change. Before, I think they were releasing minis but not the sectorial as they were saving them all for a big book release. Somethings changed with their strategy and they are releasing the sectorial’s with the minis as they go. I think Ramah got caught in the old philosophy. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
They changed from releasing models monthly and rules in one big book to releases based on narrative events.
Well, in honour of having a chance at a profile this Interplanetario (but lets not fool themselves, its not gonna come) : lets come up with what we'd like to see. Rudras seem the only thing we don't know so far, so, here's one weapon option I'd like it to get: Rudra MULTI Rifle, Light Smoke Grenade Launcher / Electric Pulse (0 | 40) I know it's too expensive, but hey, I'm willing to pay for my Smoke And another few: Rudra (Total Reaction) MULTI Rifle / Electric Pulse (0,5 | 40) - not that good, but fun :D Rudra Missile Launcher / Electric Pulse (2 | 38) - would be fun with B2! :D Rudra 2 Heavy Shotguns / Electric Pulse (0 | 41) Note: point costs I estimated very loosely.
Cheese. THIS Cheese (safe link, even for 1d4chan). And what Jumper LZ does! Having the rudras do the same thing as the rebots would be boring and ilogical (TR bot with 2 wounds? Frigging wtf! I've seen those in campaign mode, and they are a nightmare). I'd go with the double BSG guns, an HMC one and/or a Feuerbach one.