On the bright side the K9 Strelok is nasty. DTW+SMG Strelok with CC & an Antipode throwing a Hammer on PH15 pretty much forces Dodge AROs or threatens a kill. With Camo and and Forward Deployment it is easy to get close enough as well. HRL Ratnik is extra weird because I'd much prefer the Panzerfaust for ARO duty in the same Rangeband. No Impersonation and no Marker State makes even his use as a proper Roadblock questionable.
Curiously enough, I think the most innovative thing on the Ratnik is minesweeper. Having a forward-playing Minesweeper in the super sensor faction means enemies can't just drop idle mines in contested areas. There's a very real danger that the Ratnik can flip that mine, and risk pinning the enemy model that placed it.
If you just walk up to it, yes. But remember, if an ally of the mine is in the template, it won’t detonate. So a Ratnik could get within 8” if something else was nearby blocking the mine from detonating.
Also minesweeper is usable on other things than just a mines so the 0-8 mod makes sence. Repeaters, AI Beacon ...
Highly unlikely you'd be able to find a spot where the mine does see you within 8 inches and cannot explode because of friendlies being in the vicinity.
So I mis-played the Ratnik Minesweeper skill, and by that I mean, I didn't use it at all since i'm a total newb. So my Ratnik was placed alongside a building in partial cover, my opponent poked a Naga out of a doorway, dropped a monofilament mine. In that instant what are my options to use minesweeper correctly? A. Don't ARO (mine won't trigger at all, right?) B. Dodge (triggering mine, hope to make the save, which I didn't make = Dead Ratnik) C. FIre Back (triggering mine, hope to make save) D. Minesweeper Can I minesweeper the mine just dropped. the naga was pretty much w/in 8 inches of the mine?
You can't Minesweeper the mine without discovering it first. Not entirely related but I'll note that Mine Launchers and Drop Bears are deployed un-camo'd.