I now look forward to painting up some Croc Men, I like challenging myself when it comes down to painting CB figures.
Indeed. Which is good. And that's why I created a space for people to discuss the topic and ask questions.
@AdmiralJCJF Thanks for the interesting historical info. Now I can avoid inadvertently embarrassing myself on this topic. Knowledge is good. Reminds me of the past discussion of historical references that have come up. The history of units like Scots Greys, Mormaers, Chasseurs, Uhlans, etc. has all been discussed on the forums in the past.
Just a slight warning, as a living culture it's not usually considered particularly sensitive to refer to Maori practices as "historical". This contrasts slightly with some of the actually historical references used in Infinity. That's part of why I wanted to have this conversation, this is part of the lived experience and mana of the indigenous people of New Zealand. While all that I know love to see their culture reflected in popular media it's important to be respectful.
Admiral, you are from NZ if I'm not mistaken? Thanks for the cultural brief, I didn't know there was so much significance to the tribal tattoos. Australia/NZ is on my list of places I want to travel to, I'm hoping to take 2 weeks of vacation there sometime in the next couple of years!
I know but the United States is a fucking third world country when it comes to vacation time from work. Usually most employers offer 2 weeks total vacation/sick time, increases to 3 weeks after working there for 5 years, increases to 4 weeks after 10 years of service. If you are good at negotiating salary and benefits you can ask for more time, but its rare to actually get it. I personally have 4 weeks vacation per year at my current employer, because I took a salary cut to get it (vacation time to travel the world is much more important to me than money, anyways). Work culture is honestly the thing I hate most about the States - employers work you until you are dead and everyone eats it up. Some of my coworkers practically live at the office, work 16 hour days with no overtime pay (yay overtime-exempt salary jobs!) and sometimes don't use their days off. Rant over, back to the main topic.
I know this is not the main topic, but it is braking the law here in the states if you work overtime and don't get paid. Now, back to the main topic.
Overtime pay is only legally required if you are an hourly employee or make a salary under 48k/year. Salaried workers making over 48k/year do not get overtime. Yes this is legal. Yes it sucks. Back to the main topic.
It's not as much that you don't get paid for overtime and more that you are paid a set yearly salary regardless of how many hours you work and there is no such thing as overtime for that kind of work arrangement. On the bright side, sometimes this lets you play fast and loose with your schedule.
Sorry! for going off topic again, but that sucks guys. Ok, back on topic, do any body have a plan on how they plan to paint the tattoos, and do any know if CB is going to redo the old Croc men?
The sniper is already new, and we're getting a new hacker in the Varuna starter. As for painting the tattoos? Unless you're Angel or similarly skilled I would suggest a lot of swearing, effort, and botched attempts before either giving up or resorting to faustian pacts!
A calligraphy set would actually be your best bet. I knew a guy who did lettering on his space marine scrollwork using one. You just have to make sure that no paint ever touches the ink after it's been drawn on, otherwise the ink runs.