You know what if you had said yeah it's unlcear we would tidy it up no foul. Instead it is feeling hostile to those who literally just want this tidied up. You are aware that a large chunk of this thread is proof that it's not as clear as you say it is. If you don't want to listen to genuine responses on why it currently is not clear be my guest. Next time I'm asked for feedback I'll be hesitant to do so if your dismissive attitude is what I have to look forward to.
This is indeed a big problem. How can someone be motivated if the answers he receive makes him feel dumb ???
I am sorry if you feel dismissive attitude towards yourself, it is not an intended one. I essentially admitted on page 2 that keywords can be confusing in the case of FO, but the last two questions were not, in my opinion, confusing at all, 5 member link team bonus is to BS attacks not weapons and FO is a BS attack in its label and fatality is not the skill used to attack, it is a skill used with the BS attack that is done with a BS weapon. Now, if one was to ask if Fatality could be used with the FO skill, then yes, it is confusing and should be addressed.
Ignoring the storm brewing, here's a question that's highly relating to the actual topic that came up on the Yu Jing forums: Can I still Triangulated Fire (Forward Observe)? (In other words, "Do I apply this logic to other rules, and if so to what extent?") Triangulated Fire calls for you to make a BS Attack with a BS Weapon. Forward Observe is a BS Attack by label and using a BS Weapon, but it is not a BS Weapon in and of itself according to this FAQ. Does Triangulated Fire ask you to use a BS Attack or does it ask you to use a BS Weapon - which is significant?
Seems pretty clear to me. Obviously /all/ the warcors don't have a problem with it. There is a list of Weapons that has been around long before this FAQ. Forward Observer has never been on it.
I guarantee what happened is when the FAQ ruling was made CB just didn't read their own rules and didn't realize that Forward Observer describes itself as a BS weapon, and due to either inertia or pride they're gonna stick with it anyway.
It gets better. Despite what was fervently hoped earlier in the thread. Are Technical Weapons and Throwing Weapons necessarily also BS Weapons? We know grenades are (they're described as BS Throwing Weapons) and we know Flashpulses are (the rules of FO describes them as such). So take a Vorpal Blade: it's a CC Weapon and a Throwing Weapon. It is not a BS Weapon.
Serious question, where is this list of weapons? Because I've always just used the weapons chart (you know the one that has FO on it)? Edit: I think I found it
Yeah nah you might want to read that chart again wax. Amd as for clear, lol I mean were really getting into some Orwellian stuff here "no please ignore what your eyes are telling you, there is only the truth that the party says to you"
There's one here: And equivalent places in N3 and HSN3 books/PDFs.
Can we get one of those for Comms Equipment please. I mean now that we're treating what I'd assumed was an index as rules. :) Also that list doesn't point out which are BS Weapons and which are not. So we know that FO is not a weapon, but is a Technical Weapon and is a BS Attack. So for Drop Bears if they're allowed to B2 if Thrown I see now reason why they can't be B2 if Deployed.
And this one? Honestly though the issue isnt so much rhe change. Rhe issue is bullying people into the idea that the change 1) was required 2)is well worded without raising additional questions on how core parts of the game work and 3)really never actually was a question in the first place because it's so blindingly obvious without the FAQ That attitude is the problem
As you're well aware, that's a chart of everything that has range bands. I'm not a fan of the FAQ entry (to put it mildly), but there's no bullying going on.
Seriously it says weapons at the top and has all the details. Why are mines on it if its only range bands? More than the glorified index you posted. As to bullying we already have one poster above saying the attitude that the text in the rules doesnt say what the text in the rules clearly does say was enough to make them feel uncomfortable
Yeah I'm talking about the actual list that tells you what is a capital "W" Weapon in the game rules (as others have already pointed out), not the chart that has all the range bands and traits on it. Nice try though. I read things very carefully. Probably why the FAQ made sense to me from the jump. ;)
Regardless of who is right. The fact we are arguing is evidence that it's not clear. I'm happy to be wrong. But it's not clear. In the last couple of days I have fielded plenty of questions from local players about this specific ruling and how it affects other skills. Whether they are right or wrong it's causing confusion. And I'm doing my best to give accurate information but tbh it's hard to draw logical conclusion because of the way it's set out. Eg. Skills don't get the bonus but bs attacks do. Ok cool that makes sense but why doesn't fo get it I am looking at a page that declares that fo is a BS attack... It's just confusing guys. I hand on heart couldn't tell you what does and what doesn't get the buff as it stands right now. And I'm not trying to be difficult or pedantic rules as written I got no idea.