Dont make fun of one's efforts, will you people? We were newcomer in the past days. Thank you for noticing, @IAGO242 . I remember you participating in Kurage. Good job!
Thanks comrade! Ah my bad, I was excited as I have aleph to and now Asuras are better, I forgot su jian was structure. But I didn’t know they were always shock immune, good to know! Always NWI!
Breaking news! Sensor bots can't triangulate fire forward observe! Forward observers in links don't get bonuses!
I think you might want to fact check this on the rules forum. As I read it Triangulated Fire and Forward Observer is unaffected since Forward Observer is a BS Attack declaration that Triangulated Fire requires.
Triangulated Fire Allows the user to declare a BS Attack with one of his BS Weapons Burst Support Bonus In the Active Turn, the Team Leader can apply a +1 bonus to the Burst (B) value of his BS Weapons. The reasoning the FAQ provides is that Forward Observe is not a BS weapon, but a Skill that can be used with BS Attack. So technically that should have never been possible in their logic and isn't a change.
I think the best reason for Forward Observer to not work is that it you use the Forward Observer short skill (which is a BS attack). It states you're making a form of attack using a BS weapon when you use that skill, but you arguably can't do forward observe and use the weapon profile without using the short skill. If your skill is forward observe, you can't be triangulating fire at the same time. This probably hasn't changed, but printing the weapon profile made it look enough like a technical weapon you just had, that it was a reasonable mistake to use it with triangulated fire before the FAQ clarified it. The link bonuses not applying to deactivator, forward observer, medikit etc are a new change from the FAQ - I see nothing to suggest that's how we should have been playing it all along. But now we do!
The skill you declare is Triangulated Fire. Forward Observer is a BS Attack and you use it in place of the BS Attack skill inside Triangulated Fire. Trust me, if it was that easy to discount this tactical use before, it would've been caught 3 years ago and not made it into the advanced Infinity tactica of tricks. What's new is that we now need to know whether it's the BS Attack skill that is operative or if it is the weapon.
Honestly the daftest thing about that FAQ was how it means you can still use G: Rem Presence and NWI/Dogged on the 2nd level of unconsciousness, meaning that if you have G: Remote Presence and V: NWI you essentially have three wounds and V: NWI on top. Which is pretty stupid, and not only is it stupid, it also results in the ridiculous rules situation where one shoots a Su-Jian, it's controller opts for it to not use V: NWI for whatever reason, it falls unconscious, you shoot it again doing 1 Strength damage, and it can activate V: NWI and "wake up" so to speak.
No, you're reading it wrong. NWI and Dogged can only be avtivated when the model enters unconscious. If the trooper goes from unconscious 1 to unconscious 2, you can't enter NWI.
It says on the wiki that you can use them on entering the second level though? Or does that mean if you take enough S to go down to unconscious lvl 2 in one go you can activate it? Which is still the more egarious issue, as its +1 S basically.
1str->unc2 yes unc1->unc2 no It's literally just an extra unc level. Makes it a lot harder for your opponent to leapfrog over the NWI state, but otherwise not actually all that different from an Asura.
Which means it's often literally just a second wound, that's kind of my issue with it really. Spray it with an AP HMG out of cover, do three wounds, it won't die. It's not insurmountable, I just think it's a dumb rules interaction.