Not sure why you're so hostile there, it's not an argument at all. I had no intention of making it as an argument at all in support of it, I do think it's a bit crap there's not even a consolation release for Tohaa, just laying out how I think they're approaching it. And there's still the catch-22 problems: To do Tohaa justice, they'd need a lot of work because they're not as well established as the CA, but the Tohaa can't get any justice because they need a lot of work. CA also sell better because of better support, but Tohaa really only sell poorly because they've had little support. Ultimately, there's little we can all do but wait.
Sry, it's too hot at the moment and the temper are heated up. And why should the clock be reset? I don't need the Sakiel box due to the easy conversions of Sakiel with Kamael arms
By that reasoning then it obviously isn't everything is copy paste and design, as well as focus on the new sectorials for this year filling up the pipeline, would make sense.
The availability of certain sculpts with particuliar weapons is not the issue. How can I field 4 Sakiels when I only have 2/3 Sakiel figurines ?
Just coming here to thank you for your great reception to the pre-recorded seminar, and to inform you that we'll continue with this line of pre-recording seminars in order to keep you informed the best way possible. Thank you!
The same way we field full teams of Acon Regulars, while having only four sculpts, only two of them Combis. Or full AVA of Shrouded, having only two sculpts. We get more and convert them. The main issue here is that the VCombi, the more versatile of these, is available only in the starter box.
That one was so much fun to watch, my wife, who has never seen/heard carlos talk , was basically laughing through the whole thing "Boom!" ... BTW, was there a reason for not including the Biker Mercenary in the pre-record, like she wasn´t ready to show at the time, or was it a "we want something special for gen con" thing?
Which, in my opinion is a non-issue, since everything in the starter is usefull, and I'd say most tohaa players own it.
Personally, the main problem I have with the Sakiel is that I would need to buy 5 blisters of the same model and do a lot of conversions so they don't look like an army of clones when I field the 6 of them at the same time. Because the alternative is buying several copies of the Starter and, seriously, no one needs more than 3-4 Combi Kamael (if someone needs more Kamael, there is a box of those) or another Viral Ectros. Another clone-Clipsos is not bad, but it would be another clone, after all. And I'm not playing Infinity to deploy an army of nearly-identical-looking clone-soldiers, I already have my Warhammer Tomb Kings army for that.
Sakiels are fairly simple to convert by using Kamael arms. You can also make a female Sakiel from the old Neema, a Sakiel head and the arms of a female Kamael.
This is where I give up on tohaa. No releases this year and now we have the community saying, well just convert it up, in ACA we do it all the time. Sure our faction gets a release every month, but if we can just put up with only having a few sculpts so can you.
Which is not the point I was making. The point is that there's a shitload of units with less available sculpts than necessary, certainly less than their AVA, or the number of them people usually field. This doesn't make the lack of remaining Sakiel sculpts less annoying, and certainly doesn't mean that almost a year without releases should be something to put up with.
Rumour has it, the brave few ORCs fielded as ORCs are only there to trick opponents into thinking they're proxying as something else.