Not to mention the possible issues that could come up by changing the profile between list deadline and the tournament for Interplanetario. Imagine how salty people would be if they profile did change (say Shock Immunity), but you were locked into the old profile due to the list lock down despite it being live.
/shrug Most of the time Achilles is for me either a murdermachine that never gets to the Impetuous part (dying, or killing everything, with no inbetween), or a BIG distraction that lets the 230-odd points the other part of the list is to accomplish the mission XD. Enemy fires a Pitcher/heckler AROes with a Fastpanda. Enjoy being the target of EVERY enemy hacker in the table at the same time, redrum or no redrum you are gonna eat damage. Spitfire + a Myrm escort performs as Achilles V1 at range, and you throw the myrm at melee targets. But saying that the MSV3+NWI equals to frenzy+1wound+6Melee+5cm Mov+1BS +1PH and either -1ARM+ODD or +1ARM+Mimetism... things just don't add up. And if it were to, an Achilles would always be preferred, frankly. Or the ones that have the Asura from the Aleph Starter, you know ;) Leadership is something funny. In the Steel Phalanx, it tends to mean "I kill first, whatever gets left is yours, kids". In the OSS means moving pieces on a chessboard, with the added bonus of those pieces being parts of something you are a part of XD It was revealed to a point, though: being able to use the Lt order without being the Lt. The doubt is if that will treat the Lt order as Regular, so it will be used inside of Fireteams, or not (in which case it will see use in generic, mostly, for the Yadu). So can Eudoros for 40 pts. Eclipse grenades and a sword to the gut ftw! Well, at least in a 2W+NWI model. How much for the MSV2? And the Charontid has non-MSV3 options (among them... the H+). With a plasma rifle, for 73pts and 0.5SWC You mean, the points that were discounted on the profiles after HSN3 were released, they were changed to use up 1 troop slot between all bodies, and the Mk2 became able to become the Active Proxy without losing the marker status? :p
From FAQ 1.4 Life is back to normal for the Asura, no more does she have to hide from every SMG, mine, redfury or remote
Ooooooo did not notice that! Still no LT option however... maybe in the sectorial though *crosses fingers*
So, does it say that 2+ wound models are shock immune or that they are immune when they have more than 1 wound and when they have 1, they are not? Because there is also this text below in FAQ.
I'd prefer if they left her at 78 but gave her Lt version. Or just the Lt Hacker version, if that was available I would never run non-Lt Hacker
Which is a good tactic to shut down an Asura. If your opponent is running several hackers. However like just about everything else in this game, you shouldn't let your centerpiece go up the board unsupported. Get another model that is unhackable, take out the repeater, and free up the Asura to go back to her murdermachine ways.
She can have it. I'm a fan of giving sectorial exclusive profiles. This creates opportunity to create fun sectorials and not overpowering vanilla, because ava is not enough. Even if you decrease ava of every ariadna skirmisher by 1 in vanilla, you can still make strong and varied all camo lists with new TAK additions.
It will be interesting to see what/if she can link with anything... Maybe the Yadu... Expensive link mind...
I'd rather have her solo supported by Yadu/Dakinis links on flanks. But special duo options would be interesting.....