Yes, I did not say that longer range weapons were more restricted, I said our tables have decent LOF blocking density so they are not open fields, I should be more clear I guess, with higher skill level the HMG is put into place as medium range weapon since proper long range weapons engage them in range bands they are favoured.
I love antipodes as much as the next guy, but that merc antipodes dossier makes me feel a little unsafe. That is not a nice wolf. That is a bad man.
Any indication as to when the sectorial list will come out? We've been teased enough! If we don't get some relief we'll just end up sore
No words, but i expect them to be uploaded to the Army when the Operation Coldfront reach the local stores. Like Tunguska and JSA.
They're currently looking at November to coincide with the big Army update, Varuna, and the Beyond Box.
Oh man, not November. I was really hoping for a Gencon release, then maybe after Interplanterio when that didn't happen. Oh well been waiting 3 years, what's another 3 months.
Spoiler Magic... I don't like it, it's fine but it doesn't fit. It can be a some kind of usarf desperado working with tak, its' ok but seems to have a complete different theme. Also im not a fan of the teseum magic wrench being DA.
I don't know man, any Latin American kid will let you know, with the speed some ladies looking a lot like her swing a flip-flop I can totally believe some people would end up taking two armor rolls per hit
Yeah, the cop-out of the Trench Hammer, (should just be a DA CCW in CC) combined with a literal wrench as DA CCW, is a bit annoying.
Not a fan of that look at all. Doesn't go with military theme rest of sectorial is having. We have army Russian army, anfd for some reason, motorized regiment is biker club, because? We are rebels, so we don't care about anything 'official'. And we have 'kum' bike design, because? "I don't account to no man" ...spoken like a true feminist. Do we also get her girlfriend on bike?
There is still hope that the rest of the dynamos will be a regular regiment like the Mavericks and not a ragtag mercenary unit like kum/desperaos. Maybe she´s just an ex-Dynamo Charakter making abandoning her unit and going for the merc living...*prays to the design gods* on the other hand, ever heard of the Nightwolfs (, they were nicknamed "Putins Bodyguards" in German Newspapers, maybe they made it to Ariadna xD
Agreed, Carmen Johns looks more like she would fit into USAriadna, but she is a merc. She may appear there, too. I don't see a problem having her as an option in TAK. If you don't like it, I am sure she is not essential. I like her motto and what she looks like. I see the wrench as a bit of humour. Who cares?!? She obviously has a DA CC weapon because the profile needs it.
I dearly hope that the Kazak Ariadna background will have nothing to do with Putin. That would really put me off.
Depends, some mercs tend to have Equipment not really available to the army otherwise, so if she´s the only Smoke LGL bike, she might be more important than I would like... but I´ll hold my judgement till we see the profile and the real dynamos
I am not sure if i like a Bike Gang Member (sort of) in a Sectorial that feels more as it is composed of really professional soldiers. Except from Irmandinhos and Dog Warriors. And even they are more Soldiers then some mob goons.
I don't have words to express how loathsome you sound. And about the "night wolves", please spare me irl fascist criminal bikers worshipping a fascist murderer guy in my miniature games, please.