Well mine managed to kill two assault hackers with red rum (one in reactive) and then kill a kriza with multi rifle, then proceed to kill everyone in my opponents force. Off to a good start!
Well, friend of mine is able to clean the floor and take the midfield with her while putting alot of holes on my Fasids and WuMing team. Doesn't sound useless to me. I think people are just expecting Archilles out of her.
For a robot girl than can do everything on her own? I'm rolling with it. Archilles are overrated anyway :v
Asura was cool and useful in N2. She's a little useless in N3 since everyone else got bumps and she became less special. Asura was a go to for me in a lot of lists back then. Not so much anymore... Archilles is very overrated. I'm more of Chile's man myself.
This is it. Some of us remember her in N2: She tanked terrible hits like nothing ("Why the hell won't she die?!?!?!"), she was bloody murder against camo opponents ("What's that, 3 camo markers in the table? I divide my burst to one hit to each"), smoke made her even more dangerous, she was pretty much a pint-sized Terminator. My main opponent these days was an Ariadna player fond of camo games. He made a point of insulting the mini every time he saw it, even if it was not in a game. These days? she has to spend orders (multiple) to have the chance to attack camo markers. The smoke trick itself got reduced. Her vaunted durability has been dramatically nerfed. There's multiple units that can do all she can do for less points and bringing in more orders. The niche she had is no longer there. We miss N2 Asura. I miss N2 Asura. There will never be N2 Asura again.
Words of wisdom. It's to some extent even worse than that. When you pay more points than Achilles you expect something at least as good. But Achilles is MUCH more durable (+1W/ODD or +1W/CH:mim/+1ARM) and has MUCH better killing power than the Asura.
I think, Achilles is perfekt if you wish someone or something a violent and bloody death. The Asura HD/MR is someone to get shi* done (kill hackers, disrupt msv, discover/kill camo, disrupt template weapons, push buttons etc. They don't fill the same role.
I do feel it's a little unfair to compare the HD Asura to Achiles, at least Compare the Spitfire version for killiness. So in exchange for MSV3 and 5 points and 0.5 SWC you get +1 BS, +1PHm, +1 ARM, FD1, Mimetism, and upgrade from NWI to a full wound (and a load of combat stuff) Or in exchange for MSV3, +1 ARM and 5 points and 0.5 SWC you get +1 BS, +1PHm, ODD, and upgrade from NWI to a full wound (and a load of combat stuff)
Yeah, it feels a bit like apple and orange at this point (althought depend on your own prespective, you can feel it like bland apple and juicy orange or otherwise). Asura HD+ is stable toolbox compared to impulsive and narrow focused Archilles. Personally, i like Asuras more. Auto discover is still a terrifying stuff (seriously, f#*k dices) and HD+ are really good swiss knive hacking device who is bane of all MSVs. With bots heavy theme of OSS those Redrums will come handy (alot).
Except we are talking about the new profile, the HD+ with MULTI rifle. But ok: Achilles applies ALWAYS his "optical gear" unless faced with opposed optical gear (mimetism/ODD Vs MSV1-2-3) Asura takes use of her MSV3 only if: you bring smoke to combo (currently not expected for Vedic, also cutting on the Marut attractiveness). Face enemies with "optical gear" (camo/ODD, smoke combo). Let's not forget she has to use the White Noise inside of her Hacking Area, so unless she has some repeaters where she wants to use it, she either won't, or will blind herself. If we remember the title thread, that is. She costs more points than 2 Spitfire Devas, and the same amount of SWC. That's a second model (and regular order) plus a second NWI... She has "inmunne to Shock insta-death" in exchange. Deva Sensor is base 21 to discover enemy camos for 24pts, and can be Lt. Plus can reveal hidden camos in area, and combos with Lamedh (cheerleader 8pts remotes with Sniffers) and specialist remotes (who are also sensor-toting troops). So I pick the Spitfire Asura or the Multi Asura Lt (or non-Lt) and a Danavas, getting pitcher and an order too.
Nah, i pic HD Asuras because i love the face of my opponent when they realize that those sexy murderbots they trying to disloge with hacker is also a superhacker with steroids. Oooooh, so much order be wasted just for getting her off the table (talking from experience)
Killing hacking a 2 wound wip 15 bts 6 deathbot that also has a Redrum probably wasn't really a best idea. Unless you're Interventor ;).
I kind of get where some of the saltiness comes from, I too remember N2 Asuras. That being said, I still really like the Asuras and she finds her ways into many of my Aleph lists. Not all, because Aleph has so many fun troops that are also super expensive, and there is not always room. I really like the HD+ +redrum hacker version, because it means she is not as worried about a hacker shutting her down like some normal Heavy Infantry. And while the the hacking device does make her susceptible to killer hacking devices, I feel like the WIP 15 +redrum, means she is not going to just roll over. I have never been disappointed with her in a game. What I would love to see, and would pay a ridiculous amount of points to field, would be a Multi-Spitfire MSV3 HD+ (+redrum) LT. Probably that would be too much bloat to be effective, but might bring her back up to Achilles levels of fear among opponents
But comparing the HD+MR to achilles is comparing apples to oranges - she has very different positives (all based around her hacking device) whilst being not quite as killy as the MR version of achilles. Just as a very simple one, she can do specialist objectives whilst achilles can't - that clearly means she's better so should cost more (i'm not being serious here, but that's the equivalent of what's coming across by comparing MR+HD against any Achilles) I'm not arguing that she's over priced (or achilles is underpriced) just that comparing the two in any depth... especially focussed around their killiness, is foolish.
You mean like the one she is carrying herself? I just really hope for a KHD with a good medium weapon. Still a specialist who can perform well in combat and capable of defending herself. The HD+ is crippled on a MSV trooper.