With possible profile adjustments coming alongside side varuna in November I was wondering what people most think needs tinkering with. I'm sure the bulk of the adjustments will be pano related but with uprising we are a pretty good candidate for it as well. Things I would hope for are: That FO ninja from JSA Zhanshi cost reform Guijia somehow being more desirable Sun tze v2 not being a Clarence
1. Zhanshis 2. Cost reduction on Shang Ji 3. Ninja FO oh and one more thing. 0. PHESANTS. I really want to field this cost eating fat dumb Imperial Agents, since I saw their awesome rework on Crane rank I hope CB can make them useful.. Come on. The concept is perfect, the sculpt is awesome. One thing this guy lacks are everything else.
The problem on the shang-ji is not just the cost... but the similarities with other yujing troops like wumings and zuyongs, they need a signature advantage, like a Tinbot+haris profile and access to special fireteam members that reduce the cost of the team, Or a 15-5 movement+multiterrain, or... It's not so dificult to make them desirable without acting in the point cost and make them dirt cheap Zhanshis are good as they are. I still thing that extra CC is a toll more than an advantage... but they're not so bad Pheasants on the other hand... gosh! I'm still struggling thinking about how to fix them!! I don't know what do you mean with that Clarence thing. The multi sniper one has paid me well in Nimbus zone scenarios on LI. It has good odds to hold down enemy troop adcanve via Flash pulse or sniping, It has relatively good defense against fidays with a shock nanopulser, etc... I only miss marksmanshipX to max out active fire on nimbus or linteam options (Sixth sense or +1 Burst would have been neat) Guijia certainly needs a new interesting profile
Its just that for a unit that is going to be you lieutenant v2 is so much more fragile for 3 or 4 points less and looks pretty average in comparison.
Whats wrong with pheasants? or I guess more importantly, what would you fix that wouldn't be rampant wishlisting? I feel like kanren are slightly too expensive for what they bring. Holoprojector on them I think is overcosted given the inability to do shenanigans with forward deployment. Ninja options (SMG!? and FO options) Chaiyi AVA 2! I don't think Shang Ji will get changes until IA drops.
One thing : Their CC bloat. That DA sword of wonderous PH 10 and MA 2 makes them weirdly expensive and makes me frustrated. Im not gonna argue about their fluffs and cool CoC, but frankly, they're like Civvies brandishing a hockey stick. About other units, yes they are my wishlists. Although I quite enjoy fielding Shang Ji AHD, sometimes.. well.. :)
You mean just because they can't Holo1 as other people? Pretty sure the strength of Holo2 isn't that.
Oh yeah, the cc is a complete tax. But I think it's reasonable given the safety net it provides for you Jing lts. If you dropped MA and the cc that's probably 5-6 points? A low to mid 20s CoC in yu Jing would be nearing autoinclude for me. So clearing Mines and surprise shot L1? I don't think that's worth what they're paying over something like a Camo infiltrator.
This is also true, since now ALEPH's got a decent CoC unit like Shukra. I was hoping for units like that, secretly. Still I feel paying a hefty cost for Hockeystick Civvie, despite having CoC, the cost is painful for us.. Wouldn't mind some more tactical skills like counterintelligence, to make him more viable pick from our roster.
It does have a regenerating state - your model re-holos every turn so long as it is out of LoF. No order expenditure needed. In IS you don't have options for anything else...
Is there any actual evidence that they will take the time to buff YJ's stuff or is this just some wishful thinking on your behalf? Because so far they've completely ignored everything.
In was mentioned in the gencon seminar that adjustments to profiles would be made about when Varuna comes out, which is November.
Probably valid that they're intentionally a little unoptimised for IS. I was mostly thinking from a vanilla PoV.
Keeping in mind that the Phesant got a significantly more radical rework than did Crane already. High 20s or more likely around 30, so still more expensive than JSA, Tohaa or OSS and still less defensible than Ariadna or ASS. Faction doesn't really have rambo LTs, and frankly I don't lose my LT when playing Yu Jing often enough that it'd be worth it at that cost and for me the CoC doesn't feature into the calculation when I go for a Pheasant - simply put the Pheasant is so expensive and so easy to kill that going for several more Zhanshi or several more Celestial Guard is better protection. I'd be happy to see the CC go down to Shang-Ji level or to see CoC go away in favour of making the CC worthwhile, Counter-Intelligence and natural Haris, 'cause if there's one thing that's been preventing me from fielding these it's the SWC cost on the Red Fury model.
Pheasants are okay, there's just little to no reason to take more than 1 and i'm fine with that. If they were to be upgraded i'd like to see options like NCO or counter intelligence integrate their profiles, it would fit them perfectly as a support commanding unit.
Would really love to see the Guijia get some love. It has all the plainess of a PanO profile without the optimization. A smoke/CC profile as someone mentioned in another thread would be pretty cool (and would make great use of that awesome sword that us currently just for decoration), and it's not like it has the O-Yoroi's toes to step on anymore anyway. Alternatively, holo2 could be fun. An IA mixed haris would probably be asking too much.
I'm going to have to disagree on this point - this is the faction with Daofei Spitfire, Hac Tao HMG, Hsien HMG, Yan Huo HRMC, Crane Spitfire, Zuyong HMG, and Guijia lieutenants. I understand they might not be your preferred flavor of "rambo," but I wouldn't say the faction "doesn't have rambo LTs." CB seems keen to update profiles that aren't being saved in ARMY, and from what I've seen that requires both an unattractive profile and an out-of-date miniature. I doubt the Pheasant, Zhanshi, or Guijia are going to get a re-work - the Pheasant is seeing plenty of play, Zhanshi are in the starter set, and the Guijia miniature is very attractive even if its rules are lackluster. If I had to guess the top candidate for a re-work, it would be the Shang Ji, as it fills both criteria. I would not be surprised if nothing changes, and CB waits on Invincible Army's release to revitalize the faction.
No, it's a difference of definition. Those LTs die hard. JSA LTs die easy. That's the difference I was going for. Well the Daofei is kinda squishy, but the others will be able to avoid over-exposure. On the Zhanshi, the re-work we're on about is a drop by 1 point on it (and Celestial Guards) since they are perfectly Alguaciles in everything but price.