Taowu - Mind Reading

Discussion in 'Rules' started by gribble, Aug 5, 2018.

  1. gribble

    gribble New Member

    Mar 6, 2018
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    We had something come up in play today and I wasn't clear how it should work. If the Taowu player plays his Mind Reading tactics card to take a tactics card linked to another Aristo - say for example Massacre's Kiss My Sexy Ass, can the Taowu player play it, and if so what happens?

    In this case the Taowu player would be playing the tactics card during the Massacre player's turn (i.e. during Massacre's activation)... would it make all the characters on Massacre's side (i.e. the Taowu player's "enemies" - presumably including Massacre himself) taunted by Massacre?

    I'm not even sure how to resolve something like an Aristo being taunted my themselves... so clearly I've missed something in the rules?

    More generally, how does this card work for these types of tactics?
  2. Roadrunner7431

    Roadrunner7431 Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2017
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    If you search the forum for TaoWu I believe you will find your answer, that is the player who plays Mind Reading can take any card he wishes but he could only play that Tactic if his own team has the character if the Tactic is Character specific. Remember there is no restriction in taking the same character in your four man team as your opponent. For instance, TaoWu uses Mind Reading to take Code: Dive from a discard pile of his opponent who is playing Hannibal. But TaoWu also has Hannibal on his four character team. The stolen Tactic is next to his control panel. On the next activation of his own Hannibal he could play it. He could also just keep that card even if he has no Hannibal on his team just to deny his opponent use of Code: Timeout in the future to recycle Code: Dive.
    -V- and zlavin like this.
  3. rag1n

    rag1n Well-Known Member
    Aristeia! Warcor

    Apr 26, 2018
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    What @Roadrunner7431 said but to clarify you still need to meet the conditions of the card you wish to play in order to play it.

    Mind Reading says "Play the Tactic as if it were in your hand". It doesn't say anything about a change in play restrictions.
  4. gribble

    gribble New Member

    Mar 6, 2018
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    Thanks guys - I did search the forums first, but neither "Taowu" nor "Mind Reading" seemed to turn up any relevant results for me (though it's possible there is something buried in a non-obviously titled thread).

    Is there somewhere in the rules reference which clarifies that you need to have a character on your team to play a tactics card which names that character? Or that only the player controlling a character can play a card that names a character during their activation? Because we looked for that too and couldn't find it, hence the confusion.

    The only thing we could find seemed to indicate the opposite: "During the game, you can use your Tactics with any Character as long as their conditions are met, even if they are associated with a different Character". The only requirement on these types of card is that they are played "During the Actions step of X's Activation" - not that they can only be played by the character's controlling player.

    If this is the intent (which makes sense, not questioning that at all), I suggest it appear in the next FAQ/errata.
  5. zlavin

    zlavin Well-Known Member

    Feb 21, 2017
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    You always have to check and fulfill the requirements to use a certain tactic.

    If you want tu use this:
    The timing is "During one of your Character's Activation". Does not matter that is a Gata card, you can use it on any of your character's Activation. So if you use Mind Reading and get this card you can use on one of your character's activation even if you don't have Gata on your team.

    However other tactics works differently:
    The timing of this card is "During the Actions Step of Señor Massacre's Activation". This card can only be used if you have Massacre in your team becouse of the requirements to use it. So if you use Mind Reading and get this card you can only use it if you have a Massacre on your team.
  6. gribble

    gribble New Member

    Mar 6, 2018
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    I understand this is the intent... but I can't find any rule which actually makes it so.

    The first card in your example is clear because it uses the word "your". I.e. "During one of your Character's Activation".
    The second card is unclear due to a missing "your". I.e.: "During the Actions Step of your Senor Massacre's Activation" would be clear... but the missing "your" is what makes it ambiguous. If I just read those words, it would be completely valid to read it as "I can play it during my opponent's Senor Massacre's activation", absent any text in the general rules which clarifies you can't do so (which, as noted, we couldn't find).

    Hence my suggestion to add this to FAQ/errata, if there isn't any such general rules text (and if there is, I'd appreciate being pointed to it please).
  7. rag1n

    rag1n Well-Known Member
    Aristeia! Warcor

    Apr 26, 2018
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    You make a point but if you wanna use Kiss My Sexy Ass for your opponent go right ahead! :)
  8. gribble

    gribble New Member

    Mar 6, 2018
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    Well, this is actually the underlying problem... it's pretty powerful to make the opponent's entire team taunted by their own Senor Massacre... including Senor Massacre taunted by himself. :)
    Assuming that "Enemies" refers to the enemies of the player playing the card... which seems to be the case going by the rules reference definition: "Characters controlled by the opponent are Enemies".
  9. rag1n

    rag1n Well-Known Member
    Aristeia! Warcor

    Apr 26, 2018
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    I guess we interpreted the card differently. My interpretation was that it would be massacre's enemies that would be taunted as he is the one taunting. The enemy of your enemy is you in this game.

    I think we can agree that some clarifications are required :)
    gribble likes this.
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