WIP13 and 14 isn't really good enough to risk a high cost unit when your hacking programs are inferior, plus your WIP stat may be as well.
More like the Japanese designed said armour or at least had a more part in creating it. I think there is a piece of fluff stating one of the Japanese main contributions to Yu Jing was power armour development
I've just noticed that the CG all have the ankle sheath for knives like Xi-Zhuang, which the combi equipped ones don't. I wonder if this is a slight CAD error, because it might look a bit odd if deliberate. The lack of boarding shotgun is also a bit irritating! Definite purchase for me when they come out - they look to not have the slightly awkward poses that the starter box models have so the good design of the model shows through.
i wonder how they'll manage to make the HI skirmisher cheap enough to fit in what will probably be a sectorial full of super expensive units. SMG is a good starting point, and I expect them to be limited camo, maybe forward deployement lvl 2 instead of infiltrate, and probably low armor for an HI (3, maybe even 2?). Talking about camo, if you look at the green bits of armor on each unit dossier it looks they all have the mimetism/camo effect. If Liu Xing is an upgraded tiger soldier it makes sense, but i'm a bit more surprised by the Haidao. On a side note, the new boarding shotgun design is completly awesome. I can't wait to see models with it!
Aside from our happy new minis, I'm really glad to see our forum finally got some sunshine. We walked really, really long dark times fellow Yu Jing commanders.
They've already used it on the new Kuang-Shi! https://goo.gl/images/35WE3a But agreed it would be good to see more of them so it looks a bit more in place with the rest of the army
On the CG. The pointing one is probably the Shotgun, you just can’t see it well. What else could it be? The only weapon options they have are Combi, Boarding shotgun, Comb-LGL, Spitfire, and Multi-Sniper. We can plainly see 3 of the 5 and there’s already 3 combi in the starter box. Believe me, I WISH the boarding shotgun to be a single because I can’t afford to buy a new box of CG simply for a re-sculpt or a boarding shotgun. I have no problems with the old ones. Liu Xing Look awesome! I’m guess the CCW will be a DA CCW for the pesky missions were you need to destroy the AC unit in CC. He may have D-charges but sometimes you don’t have the order to place and then another to destroy! One of my group was suggesting the Zhencha to have mechanized deployment but I think the name in Armored Reconnaissance means they themselves, are armored. Not that they are being deployed by armored vehicle. Though it would be interesting. I think I agree that they will have camo or at least mimetisim. The Haidao looks cool too. I’m hoping for an Engineer for sure. I agree that if IA has Zhanshi, they will be like an AVA 4 or 5. It would be cool if they can have a fireteam with one of the HI like CG can with a Crane Rank Agent in ISS. With the combo of EVO Remote, TinBots, and Fairy Dust, I’m not too worried about the HI getting hacked. There’s only 3 programs that can effect HI and none of them kill them. Yes they can be isolated by Oblivion. It sucks but I can live with it. I’ll also like an EVO for dropping in the Liu Xing and/or Tigers, and Team Pro is great if they don’t have any Number 2 options.
Nah, the pointing one has a funky helmet. And if Infinity has taught me anything, it's that Hackers like to wear funky headwear.
Super excited for this. I went for YJ because of the Heavy Infantry and whispers of IA from a while ago. Glad to see them finally poking heads above the parapet.
Here's a thought, might we see Defensive Hacking Devices on some of these units? Having one on a HI that is primarily going to do work through gunfighting serves a double purpose by protecting the HI from hacking while also making it a specialist.
I would imagine YJ is sufficiently advanced to get the White Hacking Device, but IA is just about the only faction I think where DHD could do decent work. Particularly if on a unit linkable with Zuyong :)
Sure, Whd, Dhd, either one really. It's something incredibly overlooked elsewhere but could find a really nice niche with IA.
It's pretty horrible of me, but I was letting that slide because it was deliberately offensive in tone to begin with.