Zero releases this year, and it looks like Tohaa is going to spend between 1 year (the whole 2018) and 18 months (especulative Shas vs Triunvirate box for next GenCon) without any release at all. But hey, no problem at all because Tohaa doesn't need releases; what this game really needed was another Ariadna Sectorial, another PanO Sectorial and another Joan.
There's a paradox: Those two sell well, and in the Ariadna case, was a sectorial that existed since the dawn of the game basically. The paradox, of course, is that without releases, of course Tohaa don't sell well. As for Joan, well, her old Mobility version is just that - Old. Add in that the LE version of 1.0 is widely seen as way better than the Combined Army Creeper/Tactical Corpse that was the general release (Seriously, why the hell did you put the arm on her leg guys, that's a million times worse than tactical rocks) and it is a bit justified to have that second Joan out. Add in that alien stuff is trickier to design and actually look alien, combined with the CA stuff also being tricky to design and postured as a counterpart/mirror to the other aliens and it's another reason the Tohaa suffer.
1- Take Neema Satar 3D render. 2- Reduce her size by 10% 3- Replace head with a Maakrep's head. 4- Replace Spitfire with Boarding Shotgun and add a cilinder somewhere in the Shotgun. 5- Change pose a little bit. BAM! Female Ectros Vulkan Shotgun done and ready to release. And there are several others easier to design... 1- Pick Kerail Preceptor and one Symbiobeast. 2- Change their pose. 3- Replace Light Shotgun for SMG. BAM! SMG Kerail ready to release. And more, like Sukeul HMG, Clipsos Boarding Shotgun, Kotail Forward Observer... There you have it, 5 Tohaa releases that require near to nothing from the Design Department.
For other Factions, maybe they work a little more on it. But when it comes to Tohaa, well... take a look a the Kawaii Sentinels and compare the legs of the models of both blisters. Notice something? They just mirrored the models and then replaced arms and weapons. That's all. P.S.: By the way, they are bigger than their suposed S1 Silhouette, just like the Kerail model doesn't have Symbiont Armour and the released box has an illegal combination of models and weapons. But hey, who's gonna complain? Tohaa players?
Maybe you could just collect another faction rather than rail against the fact the smallest faction in the game is remaining so for more time?
Maybe you could take the patronising tone down a notch and just show a little empathy with people who like infinity and their faction and express legitimate feelings of frustration when they feel somewhat snubbed? It's really not that hard to understand. Also, like someone said before, it is the smallest faction... And will remain so as long as they don't devote significant resources to them. Loving a game and the setting does not mean having to like everything they do. It is our prerogative to express disappointment, too, not just "ooooh" and "aaah" at everything we see. But sure, tell the guy to just play another faction, why not.
Well, okay, but sadly in reality it goes like this: 1- Take Neema Satar 3D render 2 -Reset the Clock 3- Siesta 4- Reduce her size by 10% 5- Reset the Clock 6- Siesta 7- Play Aristeia! 8- Reset the Clock 9- Replace head with a Maakrep's head 10- Realise you actually replaced it with a clock 11- Reset that clock 12- Actually put a Maakrep head on 13- Siesta 14- Replace Spitfire with a Maakrep's Head 15- OH GOD NO THAT'S GONE WRONG AAAH 16- Panic 17- Call the Police 18- Play Aristeia! with the Police 19- Reset the Clock 20- Let the Police replace the Spitfire with Boarding Shotgun and add a cylinder somewhere in the Shotgun 21- Wave goodbye to the police when they leave 22- Call the FIre Brigade 23- Reset the Clock 24- Play Aristeia! with the Fire Brigade 25- Change pose a little bit 26- Forget to save the file when closing
It's general. Last example Veteran Kazak AP HMG vs Caledonian Mormaers AP HMG, same base legs, mirror from waist up, tweak details (and fumble some, like the belt feeds). Nomad Kriza & Taskmaster share base legs too.,. it's worse than in the times of metal masters, at least then chaging the base was complex, if not just a remake from zero. After remembering Maru's nightmares with Ariadna asses... I think legs are the most copied, torsos get an extra pass to be less obvious. Demo by other miniature makers showed how they got the base, then tweaked everything to make units look varied. Do you think Tohaa sell poorly due to rules? Flimsy with "thousand tiny belts" initial releases scaring people away? No tapas? You missed like 5-10 extra steps. And imagine if the bar runs out ingredients, more steps waiting for new cargo.
Well I understand it's frustrating. But lifes too short man. I don't know how that's patronising? You can only control certain variables. Getting more tohaa releases probably isn't one of them.
How dare you! Hater! Crybaby! fithy antichoke lover!... Nope, forget all I've said... you're totally right
Well... No. These are not the Tohaa releases i'm looking for. I would rather have no releases than half-hearted releases. Nevertheless, as a relatively new player, I always feel more like betting on the wrong horse with my Tohaa.
Of course you can't control it. And it certainly is not a matter of life and death! I'm sure that we all have lives outside of infinity, and, as frustrated or angry as we can get, it's all forgotten in our daily lives. It's simply that this is the place to say it, and CB's decisions this year have been... Let's say controversial. That's why some people may have the impression that no one says nothing positive anymore. It is, of course, wrong: we do say positive things. The negativity can get out of hand sometimes, though, and that is normal, given the newfound penchant of CB for unnecessary drama and shaking the setting just for the sake of it, confusing controversial narrative with good narrative. Granted, both get reactions, and if that's what you're looking for, just a reaction... Like a movie that's 80% explosions and car chases. And there are plenty of situations in life in which you can't change anything but your attitude; then there are other situations you can change by showing your opinion or acting in a certain way. I'm not saying this is one of the latter; I'm saying that you have the right to say something sucks even if that doesn't make the situation change.
Not sure if this was mentioned before but the Classified Deck will change again. It'll be a similar change to last year so current decks can still be used. A new deck will also be released with different art for every card.