Love the kaaren and rarely leave home without it. In my last game played (Done for Kurage campaign) I saw a poorly place Mobile brigade link team. in a line, behind a building with no AROs set. His forward deployment meant he could skip up the field using less orders than anyone else and lay a couple boarding shotgun shots down the line. He died in my opponents turn... but not until he'd killed 3 Mobile brigada, and left a 4th unconscious. That day he earned his points ten fold as the rest of my force was able to just clean up in following game rounds.
Not sure what you mean there. Anyone can delay against markers regardless of Sixth Sense, but since we are talking about links, they will be able to delay regardless of marker state because of sixth sense (except some edge cases like being within colt's range but outside 8 inches - something you don't normally want if you expect to hit multiple targets with a template). Am I missing something?
You can still do sneaky stuff with co-ordinated orders though. Order step 1: Kanren holoecho steps into the open. Everyone else stays still. ARO step 1: Shoots holoecho or delays Order step 2: Crane moves to corner of building, holoecho does whatever it wants ARO step 2: Can only shoot holoecho even though the Crane is now visible Puts you in position to triangulated fire or whatever on your next order without provoking ARO getting into position. Switch the Crane action for dropping mines or whatever other sneaky trick you fancy where you don't want to provoke AROs. Really not a fan of how AROs interact with delays on co-ordinated orders but you should understand what opportunities are available to you in the rules.
Don't underestimate the Kanren minelayer profile with sniffer. Being able to get a "free" sniffer on the board at the start can help you quickly cover the table in sniffers, making the mass reveal of camo heavy teams much easier.
Fixed that for you :p Though keep in mind any stationary actions (such as dropping mines with a Guilang) doesn't need the Kanren Holoecho to do, since either you're in a position where your opponent could already shoot at you meaning the ARO baiting movement doesn't work or your Guilang is not going to take any AROs anyway and all you'll achieve is lose Holo2 state with the Kanren (unless you really need to move it forward and the state doesn't matter as much any more)
Hey, a lot of good points here. I think the glass is more than half full for a kanren in some missions. For looting and sabotage or something where the enemy has to go down the middle of the table, madtraps make sense. In a camo heavy meta getting some sniffers down would be useful. I think you're overestimating how useful MSV3 is against TO camo though. The key difference is that a ninja starts off the table whereas a kanren will always show holoechoes on the table. Unless your enemy advances aggressively and uses sensor, which takes a bunch of orders to do, your ninja is probably going to be around late game to press buttons if that's what you need it to do. If your opponent wants to stop you scoring with the kanren they know where it is and can come deal with it. To do that with a ninja they have to find it first. What I was really getting is that is that I don't see a kanren as an auto include in a flexible ISS list. It's something you can switch in or add for certain situations, but the profiles have enough trade offs and situational usefulness that you could easily be wasting 30 points.
Slightly off topic, but which of the Kanren sculpts do you prefer? I wish the female sculpt was not in the standard kneeling pose (always makes me think of bagh mari), but both sculpts seem to have good character. 1) Male sculpt with chain colt or 2) Female sculpt with combi (hacker)
I've seen this a few times on differing boards, and it seems wrong. One of the things that cancels the SF state is activating that trooper with another order. As you have to activate again to respawn holoechos, you'll break SF state. Am I missing something here?
You automatically respawn holos if you are out of LOF of the enemy at the end of the player turn, no activation or order required.
It is a marker state, but one that can be shot without being revealed. So a marker but not quite the same as other markers