At the moment i would say Yadu is very obviously the jewel of the crown for OSS; i hope that changes and we get a interesting and fun sectorial with varied playstyles, but honestly I'm not holding my breath as that seems to be saved for Nomads.
What. Have you read Yadu profile? I mean, can Yadu do some work? Sure. Do they do something exciting? As exciting as cleaning the living room. While they are Alephy profiles, and while they can do work, I see precisely 0 things interesting or fun about them. E/M grenades would be interesting if they were not on a PH12 profile starting in DZ. Weapon loadouts are as uninspiring as they could be to make them as expensive as they are. Personally, I don't see myself ever fielding one. I just want the sectorial so I can field Dakini links (if I can do that without Danavas that is). And see what weapon loadouts Rudras get - there we still have potential. And Apsaras.
We agree. I mean although Yadu are undeniably good, i would rather have interesting units that good units. I don't know if I'm being clear, hahaha.
I like the miniature of the Yadu, that's enought reason for me to field her. And the Yadu character seems even better. They are not very "exciting", true, but they seem reliable. I hope they get interesting Fireteam options so we can play them in different ways.
The Yadu is a plain HI that is not vulnerable to hacking but doesnt have a true second wound. His MULTI profile is pretty decent because of the options it bring. Both E/Marat and DropBears add very nice options. He is not great at winning ftf, but is good enough. BS13 is enough on the active to deal with most things bar TO camo / ODD. I find the troop interesting, but it suffers the same problem as plain HI - a bit on the expensive side for not being that reliable. Keep in mind that against stuff without MSV ( IE: 95% of infinity ) it actually has less chances of winning a ftf than a Dakini.
Dart. Or for example, Asura HD+ MULTI Rifle could have been great if she was Lt. And hopefully cheaper. Few examples otherwise: Tikbalang. Ko Dali. Igao. Anathematic. Ayyar. Teucer. Dasyu. Posthuman Mk.II AHD, Mk.V FO. Dakinis. Many Shasvastii troops. Penthesilea.
Ko Dali? Teucer? I mean, mod stacking, sure, but that's not alone. Notice no Swiss Guard or Hexa or Cutter on the list. It's all about having different movement skills, weaponry, maybe combining hacking and firing prowess, things like that. If I would play JSA, I'd be always playing Shikami. Or Riot Grrls if I would be willing ever to play Nomads. Drakios is very cool too. Scylla if she was more Alephy profile...
I did, didn't I? The Ratnik would benefit tremendously from having dual HRLs. Burst 3 is decent enough to win most offensive firefights at BS13, while 2 is very iffy. The rest of the kit is pretty good - Heavy Shotgun is a gem and minesweeper on a profile that will be marching forward is a interesting addition. But paying 45ish points for a single BS13 Heavy Rocket Launcher is a really bad proposition.
Have to agree with Nemo the only thing so far that has my intrest is dart. As it looks now i will try the dakini link then go back to vanilla.
Other than cubetmask, BS14, arm 5 and a second wound? Yep, that's what i kept saying to people who insisted that the asura hacker needs a MULTI rifle.
Combi Rifle is crap on Asura. Played it out many time. MULTI Rifle is not ideal, but it is an improvement on Combi. Even if she pays the inflated price of 6 pts (instead of 4). She's already overcosted due to high prices of MSV3, high price of ARM, CC. What kills it for me is that she doesn't have LT option.
Same here. MULTI rifle is a big improvement - it will negate all NWI/dogged, it gives her far better ARO (DA or stun, nothing to laugh at) and is semi reliable vs armored targets - in fact if you can manage to get Asura in the 20-40 cm band, she has some chances vs a TAG (that is, if hacking it is difficult or unwanted)
This seems to be the same complaint you have about PanO. Undeniably good, just not "interesting" enough.
For me Yadu are actually very interesting. They're an expensive toolbox unit, but one that provides OSS with some new utility. They'll be awesome at taking down units like Ghazi, or anything that has Shock and can be a threat to our other units. And remember, we haven't seen their link options yet.