Any news on the hypothetical new Marut? I'd want to finally buy a TAG for my Aleph, but I keep fearing that the moment I buy, CB will released an even better model :)
First time I hear abut this, outside some people's whislisting. I think the current one is pretty good and original.
Local store has posted pre order list for Feb (No Photos) Al Hawwa 'Unit (Repack?) Bit & Kiss Garuda Tactbots (BS) Irmandinhos (CR) Knight Hospitallers Box Kuang Shi Box Spektrs (Repack?)
Pretty desperate to know the make up of the Kuang Shi box. Ideally it's the same options as the last box with a new CG box not far behind.
1 chain rifle, 1 CCW*, 2 boarding shotguns.No alternate arms. Spoiler *Kuang Shi still do not have CCW in their profile.
As i converted a boarding shotgun FO Al'Hawwa theres hooe for a new model. But as the hacker blister is been out of stock for over a year nowcand the two existing sculpts are damn good it looks like a repack
The dossier for Bit and Kiss is cool, looking forward to seeing the models. New Kuang Shi is great news. I love the Hospitaller and Garuda renders, and looking forward to seeing the redesigned Irmandinhos.
I realy hope the Specter will be a new desgin - would bean instant buy for me the Sniper and Hacker are quite dated.
Whatever the Feb. Releases may be, my wallet will probably cry, like it did when I got the lovely new Kanren, Haha.
Well, the Hawwa hacker is on the KQ Starter box... It would be good if they released an arm-swapped hawwa so we could have 3 different models, but right now I'm happy proxying my third one with the Tuareg from the Haqq starter.
If the Spektr Sniper and Hacker are repacked then that means they aint being resculpted. And if they aint being resculpted then I'm going to do my Spektr Sniper conversion!
It would be great if they would repack the shotgun and the combi models, with a change in the combi one so he carries an open hand instead of a knife... A conversion is another option, of course.