I feel like a S5 HI would be more their speed. Would be a heck of a place for an AD S5 to finally make an appearance...
So long as we lose the missions with TAG-only objective points But yes, something akin to the Taskmaster - which was billed as being a riot police combat suit originally, from memory.
Off subject: but I'd love a TAG in ISS. A small one like Gecko but with a Police theme. I keep thinking of Patlabor. So he'd have a Heavy Pistol, Adhesive Launcher and/or Akrylat-Kanone, Smoke Grenade Launcher, Madtraps, Combi-Rifle, Heavy Shotgun How about an Adhesive Grenade Launcher!!!??
I'd rather just have some special mission rules acknowledging Su Jian as scoring units in TAG focussed missions. ISS has it's own answer to to TAGs, it just isn't a TAG. One thing I would like to see for ISS is cleaning out the duplicate profiles for bounty hunters. I get the whole backwards compatibility thing, but find the duplicate sforza / miranda / bounty hunter profiles with regular and irregular options to be unnecessarily noisy. Just give us the regular options and we can live without cheap irregular sniper bounty hunters. Then after cleaning out that duplication give us something else new and cool, ideally something Yu Jing and not aleph and focused on the story post Yuandun and uprising. Perhaps a unit that also patches the missing Oniwaban/Shikami hole in vanilla... a new type of Imperial Agent that can creep through the shadows itself or even replace the faction's dependence on turncoat Ninja. Let's face it - the KHD ninja is almost an auto include scoring specialist for the faction and it would be nice to have alternatives other than the Kanren.
TAGs for those missions isn't a big deal. They are commonly skipped because of the meta assumptions that people will bring TAG counters to those missions.
This. You either bring Assault Hacker coverage and score with the opponents TAG, or you bring your own TAG. If neither of you bring a TAG, then you just have to outplay the other guy. My design complaint about Deadly Dance isn't the TAG requirement, it's the complete randomness of the starting scoring zones.
You mean like the Su Jian? Yes, the Taskmaster is the SWAST (Special Weapons and Suppressive Tactics) unit, what gets sent in when Praxis Black Labs go all Resident Evil. I really would like to see more 'police' weapons for the Imperial Service (and Moderators, and any other normally-police units across all factions). Stun Pistols, ADHLs, Electric Pulse, riot grenades (BTS attack to make you 'unconscious' regardless of wounds), that kind of thing.
I totally agree, you can win the mission without using a TAG. In fact, when I brought scarface to play those missions I found he was more liability than anything else - he was hard to hide and easy to kill especially once he'd killed something himself. Still, it feels to me like the design of that mission *and entire ITS season* slightly left ISS and other tagless factions out in the cold. I don't really see why the Su Jian / Blackjack etc couldn't be designated as proxy tags. It certainly isn't a great scenario for ISS to leave objective points on the table just because you don't have a unit that can score them. The shifting objective zones are super irritating when they both fall on your opponents side of the table. God only knows why they didn't make you roll once then mirror the scoring zones for an ITS mission. Having one person able to score by castling in the DZ while forcing you to come to them is ridiculous.
I kind of feel like outside of abduction units/HVT captures the kinds of scenarios we're incorporating just don't make that thing really feasible. Personal opinion though.
I never considered ISS to be “Police-like”, I always saw them as ‘shoot first interrogate the cube later’ kind of force. I don’t agree with the notion of ISS being chaotic or “Diluted” either, rather ISS is by far one the strongest ITS factions in the game right now and I don’t think we can add more to the sectorial without going into ‘overpowered’ territory.
ISS are police-like in the way Judge Dredd is 'police-like'. Ask the Judge if he isnt being proper police, one is unlikely to survive his expression of incredulity.
Reading the Kanren fluff I feel like we almost had some impersonation but someone didnt have the balls to push it through cos haqq would have been mad.
Well, Stun Pistols and Electric Pulse should be standard issue items (American officers carry them as part of the absurd amount of stuff on their duty belts). ADHLs and Riot Grenades are a little more specialized, and probably less useful for most Infinity scenarios, no argument there. Though with everyone having Cubes these days it does rather cheapen the cost of killing the current sleeve.