Ariadna's into werewolf girls, I guess. They've never heard of Bakunin? (Also story goes she was planned for Aristeia but they redesigned into Murtair instead)
Nope. They don't interest me (edit: I've played, at some point, every major faction except Haqq--they just don't do anything for me).
What about them? They don't live on Pan-O planets, ergo they're not Ateks. Unless, of course, you're interpreting Atek to mean "anyone not wearing blue and sporting a real shiny +1 BS." Which is not what it means (or at least not what it used to mean, I guess maybe the RPG could be using the term more extensively?). Ateks in PanO are defined by the fact that they belong to an exploited underclass as much as, if not more than, their lack of access to technology. The original comment was sneering about Ateks' weak minds; I made an observation about an explicitly Atek character's WIP. I know that a lot of PanO players on here use the term Atek to refer to anyone not PanO, but that wasn't my intention. :-)
I'm, personally, starting to think that Tohaa and Shasvastii might get their own 'Operations' box down the road. It would mean every overall faction barring the NA2s has representation in a 2 player starter set.
;) I've been considering coming back but this particular release got me willing to come back for the discussion. Come October or November I'll throw up a speculation/release thread and we'll see how things go.
It makes some sense, and yet, the problem is conventional wisdom says Aliens versus Aliens doesn't make for a good starter set. They sell fairly low compared to anything with a Human side when other people have tried. There's also the fact Tohaa work as a Sectorial right now, there is no basic vanilla army. TAK and OSS can both serve as basic starter sets for their vanilla armies, so they still work as a starter. But Tohaa are built to use the Fireteam rules and complicate matters. Shasvastii also have that spawn-embryo thingy which even right now are a bit complex as a starter, because they're just a special KO that doesn't count them as casualties. So quite a gamble.
Well, that's on whoever opted to ignore Tohaa or SEF for facing TAK. ;) They're basically painted into a corner for future 2 player sets: introduce more human factions, redo old human factions, or do NA2 factions. Tohaa vs TAK would have been a beautiful chance to further explore the history of Paradiso. SEF vs TAK would have been a beautiful chance to explore the future of Dawn. I, personally, was rooting for a TAK vs Druze/Ikari box. The Druze Shock Teams box feels surprisingly lackluster thanks to the contents and the lack of many profiles and done properly could have served as a backdoor into three separate armies(Druze Shock Teams, Ikari Company, and Qapu-Khalqi). Tohaa is a "basic vanilla army" that gets treated as a Sectorial because of its special rules. ALEPH always had a caveat next to it that they were going to be treated the same thanks to the REM prevalence. SEF were purportedly going to not just be undergoing a range revision, but a rules overhaul to address the complexity of Spawn-Embryos. With that out of the way or altered in a dynamic fashion it's not unreasonable to believe that they could be done.