Carlos will certainly speak of the Tohaa this Saturday at the GenCon Seminar. I bet he shows us renders of a Sakiel box. I'd bet on a preview of the Vedic and TAK sectorial lists, and some renders of kick-ass new Vedic minis.
Funny, hadn't even considered that. So new MO starter-- whenever it finally happens--could be what? Teuton, Black Friar, a couple of Order Sergeants, a Magister, and a Crusader?
Dunno if they'd tease the next army while the latest big shiny big box is still being released, it might affect sales.
That seminar is usually a pretty big information dump, and honestly I think the people that are going to get Coldfront won't let this change their minds as it's still going to be the biggest shiniest box actually on the shelf for quite some time. It's down to either Varuna or RTF for me. Somehow it feels more likely they're actually going with RTF given they've released the Hakims and the Haqq support pack recently so it has more of a lead-in than Varuna with PanO getting the ALL MO ALL THE TIME treatment lately. But maybe Varuna is going to be the big 300 pt or whatever Army Pack ala USAriadna or SP where they won't need much lead-in as they'll just pack a massive amount of minis in one box. My gut tells me RTF, but I feel Varuna is definitely a runner. Or they'll shock everyone and their mother and drop a 300 pt Invincible Army pack to get some more positive energy and hype into the Yu Jing playerbase. I recall that we had some artwork showed up from an artist they've contracted before (he did the Tunguska splash art) that pretty clearly showed what we might expect from IA (which he then promptly took down from his ArtStation) That may be really cool
Considering varuna has been stated to be out this year by bostria... I'm thinking RTF won't be ;) Also, I don't no it will be explicitly revealed at gencon... but you might see the renders for say an orc box
The big surprise is going to be another Aristreia related thing majority of infinity players won't give 2 shits about. Unless it involves a named Fat Yuan Yuan for the board game in which case I'll be learning the rules in a hurry. I really want to say that I don't think they'll announce another faction sectorial at GENCON because it'll cut into O:CF press but given they've been beating that drum solidly for a month while selling pre-orders, they might be ready to announce something else. Clearly CB knows that while we can still afford groceries, we still have money for more minis we'll never get around to painting... edit: By "faction" I meant "Sectorial".
Announcing new faction would be really bad. I think they might reveal some renders of "beyond" Coldfront, maayby some initial small release for IA (like a blister of sudden box?) and maaaaaayyyby something small for Varuna (like Kamau box or ORC box, or sculp/dossier of ORC character).
I just want to remind everyone that, just as previous years, most of the presentation will be about the latest Beast of War online campaign, the latest released Sectorials, the Operation box... We'll probably see some new things, but probably related to the Beyond Coldfront box. After all, they need to keep something hidden to reveal it at Interplanetary.
Obviously it'll be a Black Friar MSR, a Crusader HMG, 3 Order Sergeants (2 Combi, 1 MSR) and a Father Knight Missile Launcher! (you don't need a Lt or spare SWC to Deus Vult!)
Yeah sorry but "faction" I meant "sectorial" i.e.. Varuna by I agree with @Abrilete that Varuna/Next Sectorial will probably happen at Interplanetario. Totally forgot there was another big infinity day after GENCON. The small varuna releases you mentioned also makes sense. Especially if they don't confirm that varuna is next, something like an ORC box or renders shown should get people hyping for the next few months. Given they've already shown what beyond O:CF looks like, I'm hoping we see either renders for the aleph side or fully painted sculpts for both.
I really hope people are wrong when they say Securitate SWC. For me that just seems like another wasted month of releases for Tunguska, we already had the heckler blister which just wasn't needed given the starter already contained one. The securitate will be great, but I'd rather have the Zondnautica, Puppetmaster & Bots, Grenzer box, hollowmen box - before we get an SWC box for a model we already have three of, where only one of them will probably hit the table at a time.
Since ALEPH and Ariadna got much love for august I hope there is much love for PanO an Tunguska in september. Oh and bevor I forget, since I can not stand tohaa with their symbiofuckups I call a sakiel box to reset the clock again *insert Dr. Evil laugh*
Securitate SWC would be a workhorse though. Same with a Grenzer box. These are very much backbone troops.
No Magister I hope. We just got the 4 magister box... And some of us have at least 8 of them already adding the old ones... No Teuton please... Or if they come, please make them useful. That'd be great. I hope it has at least 4 Order Sergeants. One of them MSR, and another one TO FO... The others can be just combi rifle. I'm not a great fan of the Black Friar aka poor Nisse, but hey it could be a great miniature. And having a MSV n2 sniper is always useful. And crusader, please, no. We already got the blister and that's more than enough for a mediocre parachuter.