Maybe weak is not the right word, but neither is very good. Yes the range band is good but the rest is nothing special either. It feels mediocre, a poor man's sniper. With only two burst it should have some major benefits like the other guns have, like extreme range band, +6 to hit, DA, T2, fire, template etc. With only 2B even with surprise shot things can go wrong quite quickly, too risky. IMO at 29 points is not worth it. I like the boarding shot profile though. Better than T2 marksman rifle, not a chance. +1 burst and T2 ammo makes a world of difference. Ojotnik can't go to suppressive fire which marks rifle can. If nothing changes to ojotnik when streloks arrive there's no need for it. I just hope we get AVA 3 streloks...
I guess this brings up a question for me. Which TAK "sniper" will you be using? 1) Spetsnaz Sniper 2) Scout AP Sniper 3) Strelok T2 Marksman 4) Strelok AP Marksman 5) Other
A T2 Marksman Rifle would cost a shitload more, mind, like 3-4pts. And probably SWC. Also Ojotniks... do have an extreme range band? Literally one of the longest and most flexible in the game?
Yeah, the new character Vassily is a beast! Ambush camo, BS13, T2 sniper, dogged, lieutenant...backed up with Tankhunter chain of command. A bit more expensive but worth every point.
So 6pts more than scout sniper gets you, better gun, better armor, better bs, fo, ambush camo, dogged...yap, worth every point. Also costs same as spetnaz sniper buts is better. He will probably have also non lt option.
I still think you're underselling the Ojotnik and overselling the T2 marksman, but you do you. I definitely plan on using both a lot.
The Ojotnik, as a weapon, has a very wide +3 range band (8-32), and a 0 modifier out to 40. This is the most generous range band in the game as far as I know. The huge range band allows you to engage targets at an advantage, *while your adversary is at a disadvantage*. For example, the Ojotnik is shooting at +3 at ranges where a Rifle and Spitfire are -3, HMG, Sniper Rifle and Missile Launcher are 0, and a Shotgun can't hit you. These are just examples. If you aren't using maneuver to ensure these match ups, you're using it wrong. I also disagree that its damage is poor. Relative to a Sniper Rifle, 14 AP is better than 15 regular against any target with ARM >= 4. I don't particularly love low B active turn weapons, so usually if I take a Scout it's only one, but they are definitely useful. Like I said before, a higher B option (Molotok would be awesome, or even just a Rifle specialist) would open a lot of doors toward using the Scout IMO.
So you are not infiltrating your scouts then? If enemy is positioning shootgun that you can engage it at ranges >24", he is doing it wrong you know, just an example. And for those enemys, it really doesn't matter much what weapon you take, you will beat them. I surely would like to have teleporting scouts that just pop all over the place, always in his favorable range band and outside of enemy range or in his bad ranges, without spending a lot of orders just to shoot with B2 AP. If you are using example that ojotnik is shooting at ranges +3 where some weapons are at -3 range, sniper is at same time using +3 ranges where most weapons are at -6 range...targets with ARM > 4, probably 10% of them out there. If you wanna tackle them, might as well take Autocanon, he will kill those targets, ojotnik will not. For 90% of other targets, you have better weapons, and for 10% of those HI ones, there are also way superior weapons.
Soooo I was just reading the Ariadnan RPG Book again for building an awesome TAK Charakter and I stumbled over the paragraph of the City of Dynamo; home of Dynamokon Motorcycles, iconic symbol of the Rodina Dynamos,the motorised Kazak Light Cavalry. So that might actually be the Unit the Mine Dispenser Fluff talks about. Unfortunately there is not much more info in there except for the name, but still... super stoked :D
Or you just can hide it in a tower in hunting misión in any place in one half of the table. So your enemy has to spent a lot of orders if he wants to kill him. Laika Dog-Girl Now
Hide in your own DZ, this way enemy has to spend even more orders to hunt him + you can create much efficient way of defense with aro templates/supression fire guys defending him....
In an ideal table yes. But during one ITS you don't know where are you going to play and this Lt offers higger flexibility. Trust me, I used to pick up him as Lt even when the ojotnic was worst and Lt opstion used to cost 1 SWC.
Scout Lt with a regular kazak hiding in the DZ. watch your opponent spend half their orders to hunt down the kazak decoy. I’ve had good luck with the scout Lt. Camo is a pretty strong defense and he can pop out, do his thing, and recamo. He also isn’t usually a high priority target in and of himself, so he’s just as likely to be avoided as hunter down. Other camo LTs like the tank hunter are strong in their own right and get targeted on purpose.
When comparing camo LTs, I see a lot of utility in the Scout. In the last game turn, he can use the LT order pop out on a roof top and shoot something at almost any range. Tankhunters often end up bein safe but useless on turn three unless you move them up tge board earlier. But with TAK getting CoC this might end up being more of an issue in vanilla.