This message is brought to you by the Neovatican Church. God is with us all. "The holy church embraces all christian believers, regardless of rite. We are all connected by the Lord. If you find condolence in the 13th century monastery or in the faszinating embrace of our Escher churches, we will be your pathway, to life and in death. Trust in the Lord. Amen. This message was brought to you by the Neovatican Church. Personal Sermon available via Maya. Would you like to know more?
And the Ariadnan Orthodox Church went for that? To submit themselves to the descendants of the patriarch of Rome? Seems there are things in the Earth and sky the philosophers haven't dreamt of...
I could see the Merovignians, Caledonians, maybe even the Americans going for something like that, but Kazaks are decidedly Eastern Orthodox, and that church has its own pope
Patriarch. And I think they can go pretty well without him anyway. Long time ago, in the old forum, I theotized that Ariadnan Orthodox Church (a localized offshot of the Eastern / Russian Orthodox Church) would be, likely, the most poular religion on Dawn.
Yeah, in like 1993... Caledonia is the last bastion of Presbyterianism, and while the Merovingians and USariadnans might be papists, I'm pretty certain that the Pontiff they recognise doesn't have a battery up his ass, or his soul in a jar behind his ear...
Probably at this point of time they would have more congregations that people. What's the half-time of the Presbiterian congregation on Dawn ?
Yup, exactly my reason behind betting on AOC. They had a head-start with those Cossack regiments (that surely brought their chaplains with them), and then they had a good base of ,undeniably, Christian denomination with long tradition behind it that would,I assume, be acceptable for many of the other settlers. Not to mention, they have a long tradition of working hand in hand with secular powers-that-be (starting with Eastern Roman Emperors and continuing pretty smoothly to modern-day Russia).
I knew what you meant, but let's be honest, we've disproved physics on Dawn with Dog warriors, Tessium and making guns small enough to be carried by infantry that are ballistically identical to the 12 foot long version on the blackjack...
Ariadnans survived on Dawn by believing in ourselves and in our weapons. No deity answered our prayers. Our salvation came from our will to survive.
No, it's ok. Really! Let them derail it! Anything to get attention off that horrible Newslady and her unfair accusations!!! (OOC: I'm Sireen Barakat)
I'm sure there's a point in reminding everyone that an 'Atek' with no cube who isn't part of your religion is excommunicated. No idea what that might be but I'm sure you have one, somewhere in that delusional mind of yours...
I was wondering about that too. Besides as a soldier a cube isn't worth the risk. I'd rather die free then live as a zombie of the EI.