I am adict to scouts. I entered into the game because them and I totally love the new profile (I mean the one from the N3) and I always carry one or two of them. I like to put one in the midfield's eagle nest to ARO or kill some extra units. Plus, with one more point they are FO, so adding to the main purpose you can complete objectives. Another plus you have d-charges to open holes (or make the classified). And also mines for further midfield game. Totally in love.
Here in Argentina is winter and just started a 5 day rain yesterday, perfect to start drinking Kazak juice
Right now, you have... Chasseur - Arguably the best skirmisher in the game, most dangerous at 0-8" Foxtrot - Cheap skirmisher, no frills SAS - CC-capable skirmisher, short range emphasis Scouts - Skirmishers with high BS and strong medium-range capability I'd go the other direction with Ojotniks - they're pretty useful but very expensive. The issue with the Scout is that all but one of the profiles have them, and they're incredibly expensive. A regular Rifle specialist profile would differentiate them from the other profiles as a slightly more elite shooter option while saving on the cost. I'd also pay for a SWC Molotok profile. While we're on the topic of fixing units, let's talk Spetsnaz. The HMG profile is amazing - so much so that it overshadows all of the others. The AD: Parachutist profiles are a big gamble on a unit that has to choose its table section during deployment. The Sniper Rifle loadout is 1.5 SWC for a regular snipe, and only a few points less than the HMG. I'd like to see the Sniper Rifle upgraded to AP, and drop the SWC to .5. On the AD profiles I'd like to see a longer-ranged weapon like a Molotok so you don't have to choose such aggressive deployment in terms of table sections.
It's going to have to be a weirdly complex bullet to make this happen, because both of these functions come from almost completely opposite constructions. You have the AP which is built to punch through armor, so the tip is more than likely covered in a well-refined teseum that'll rip a hole right through any armor it comes across, but is not necessarily the best at causing internal damage. T2 on the other hand are hollow-points covered in "fragmenting" teseum, which really means that it wouldn't do jack against an armored target but will do massive damage to anything that's organic that it gets inside. AP are meant to punch through hardened steel where hollow points are made to expand inside a target but definitely don't do well at going through anything like steel because they'd just collapse and flatten on impact. I have no idea how they'd pull of AP + T2 but they're gonna have to get creative lol
Well, .50 BMG AP explosive do exist in real life (and how does Matt on Demoranch loves to abuse that baby) so im confident that CB can recreate in a fictional setting
In setting where you have werewolves&half werevolves running around the field, women soldiers wearing heels, invisible insta kill sword ninjas and all other bonkers stuff that doesn't make 'too much sense' you are not sure how they could pull Ap + T2? xD
The ojotnik is a great weapon, but also quite difficult to use. the proper use of the profile is to always engage in the bad range band of the enemy, the ojotnick and the pistol grants you a big +3 area so you have to chose your enemies and pick them one by one choosing the best moment to do it (pure ariadna style). I have beaten tags with a single one of them. That works wonders, nobody expects a mid field sniper with +3 rangebands, but stick to active turns, the ARO is risky it can work but its not optimal. Tha emauler is cool Overall they are not easy to use, they can work wonders but usually its not a must have profile, just a situational one. No AP you have the scout sniper for that. The swc could use a drop but just to 1. 0,5 is too low.
Not sure I would be tempted pick Spetnaz sniper when there is Vassily with T2 sniper and dogged, he can usually even take hit from lucky crit and still keep going to due dogged, and has higher armor, and T2 sniper is way scarier than spetnaz sniper. Spetnaz has +2 BS if enemy is in cover, if enemy is not in cover he is -1BS.
100% agreed. In a faction (vanilla) full of 1 SWC HMGs (Vet Kazak LT, Moblot LT, Paracommando, and Grunts...line troopers get them for .5), some of which are AP, a 1.5 SWC (or even 1 SWC sniper for that matter) is trash. And if I want a 1.5 SWC ARO/low B piece, I'm taking the Tankhunter Autocannon for the exact same price 10/10 times and blowing heads off of TAGs. Most things you hit with that Autocannon go straight to a dirt nap. Unless we see some sort of serious improvement in the Spets sniper's loadout or a serious SWC reduction, that's a hard pass from me. He'll continue to do what he does now - serve as a second Spetsnaz HMG model.
Could not agree more! Right now the only Spets option is the HMG profile. All others need serious changes in order to see some games! There are better AD rifles for that point cost, better AD BSGs and definitely better snipers for the point and/or SWC cost. As for the scout I'd love to see some points reduction or a new profile BUT still there are 3 great profile options even if we need to pay them a bit more than we should! 29p LNT & 0 SWC is great and one of the few options that you'll want to spend that LNT order on (the other is the vet kazak hmg lnt), 25p & 0 SWC boarding shotgun with shock and/or ap ammo/template, and 30p & 0 SWC FO choice! Great stats, ojotnik is a wonderful weapon although it's only B2 (B3 & SF would be a wet dream to be honest...), AP mines & D-Charges are awesome equipment, great skills! If he could only have found some armor on his way (totally anti-fluff) he would be perfect!
I can't agree more, the scout is a fantastic choice and at least one always seems to make his way into my lists. Either as a sneaky FO to do objectives, planting mines to secure flanks, or just to be a cheaper sniper to scare people. Scouts can probably use some TLC, but even in the condition they're in right now I can't see them vanishing from TAK lists anytime soon. Would be some nice icing on the sectoral cake to see it get some up;dates, a better/newer Ojotnik would make scouts a special snowflake once again. As things are they may be stuck between the shiny new kit of the Strelok and the outright murder machine that is spetznaz Speaking of outright murder, the sniper spetznaz does need something to get him to see the table, probably because yeah... that HMG option is so brutal. He slices he dices he makes mincemeat out of anything within his LOS on active turn.
To be clear: The AD shotgun spetsnaz is a beast. he is expensive, the paracomando is cheaper and a really good profile, but the spetsnaz is the premium version with really deadly grenades and marksman L2 shotgun, also he can kill things with the knife in cc. The spetsnaz sniper is expensive because he has 2 camos and ignores cover, that is special in his own way. Maybe he could fit better costing 1 swc but seriously 0,5 is asking too much. Yes the spetsnaz is really good for the meta until you find a list with a couple of heavy tags. Make sure to take at least one ap hmg like the tank hunter or the veteran. thank me later. The tank hunter autocannon is not a crazy good aro piece, in fact i don't feel its that good. Now days with so many link teams and elite shooters the only good aro piece is the one that has +3 beyond the 80cm band to punish hmgs and any weapon with shorter ranges. Kazaks profiles in general are not your typical defined profile like in usarf or other sectorials, you have to learn how to use them. there is a place and a moment for each and every one of them, some of them need some minor adjustments but overall they do the job really good, just pay a bit of attention while playing with them.
The only spetsnaz that need a readjust are AD rifle (maybe making him specialist ) and the sniper (just need to swap the swc to 1). Even sometimes I would increase the HMG to swc 2. That thing is crazy. Laika Dog-Girl Now
I just dream about the come back of the veteran kazak doctor and to have the rm-100 for all ariadna. But you know:
I've always felt the problem lies with the HMG Spetsnaz being so much better than the other options. There's a reason he's the first trooper I add to my lists and why 90% of vanilla forces seem to have one (if not two). The sniper is ludicrously overcosted in SWC, and to add insult to injury the HMG is usually still better in the Active at 32"+ due to higher burst. If I were to remake the trooper I'd drop the sniper to 0.5 SWC, increase the HMG to 2 SWC or swap it out for a Molotok. The Rifle is rather whelming compared to the BSG, not sure what to do there, could give it an AP Rifle but that's even more expensive.
You are correct that the spets ad bsg is a beast but in the cost/utility ratio chart there are cheaper better options IF an AD troop is needed! Personally when it comes to AD my only options cost 21p and are both FOs, paracommando and airborn ranger! Those 2 profiles have been the undisputed champs! I can thank you from now, actually i do thank everyone that takes both a tankhunter and a spetsnaz minimum in their lists! My lists have always 3 slots and 4,5 SWC reserved for a tankhunter AC & 2 spetsnaz HMGs or 2 tankhunter ACs & a spetsnaz HMG. Especially when I field my tankhunter Ltn, in the near future vasili fo ltn!