The Bright side of Yu Jing: a fully referenced guide

Discussion in 'Yu Jing' started by jj.konko, May 3, 2018.

  1. jj.konko

    jj.konko Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2018
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    Due to the dominance of the negative aspects of Yu-Jing in recent global campaigns and law books, I want to make an easy reference -with quotes- for anyone who wants to know what we are really all about and why they should leave their current nation and join the mighty Jade Empire.

    I would be grateful for any proof reading. Simply copy the paragraph and make the correction in red and I will change it.
    Also if anyone has some good law about Yu Jing protecting the sphere for the CA please send me a quote. I do not want to include anything i cannot back up.

    Politics of the state empire.

    From what you will have seen on many Nomad and Mayanet midea show you may think Yu-jing is a totalitarian state but that is and inaccuracy at bast and more likely an attempt to mislead.

    “Despite appearances, the party is not monolithic in its actions or its options. internally , the party is split into two major factions: the Old Guard, extreme leftists that defend the party’s political tradition, and the New Wave, younger reformists that push for the party to take advantage of the best aspects of capitalism while rejecting the worst.” ( core book, page 38 paragraph 1)

    This indicates that the citizens of the empire get to have a say in the direction their government takes. This say comes in the form of “elections and referendums.” (core book, page 38 paragraph 3) the later is particularly important as it indicates that citizens get the final say on important issues that may crop up between elections.

    The next area of criticism is likely to be the fact the both factions exist within ‘The Party’ and thus is not an open electoral system. While this may be true- “Joining the party and succeeding within it is an extremely difficult endeavor, as all applicants must pass a thorough evaluation at the hands of the internal committee” (core book, page 37, paragraph 8) -the reasons for such a tough selection process is not to keep new ideas and people out, but because Yu-Jing believe that only those that are intellectually capable and dedicated should be put in charge of the lives of billions. “The party believes that only the most finely honed minds can be expected to run the country, and it seeks to perpetuate itself through the cream of the crop of Yu-Jing society.” (core book, page 37, paragraph 8)

    From this we can see that wealth is not a concern. Those with the ability can rise to a seat in the party from any beginning, and any child of an existing party member can be rejected if they fail to meet the criteria.

    Obviously the educational benefits of coming from a wealthy family will make it easier for those with the potential to thrive, but inequality within Yu Jing pales in comparison to the Pan’O where there are a "few percent points that are considered poor, the so called Ateks, are treated as pariahs and kept out of sight" (core book, page 14, paragraph 3) so this issue is not as much of a barrier as it could be.

    The stability of the Yu-Jing system is also shored up by the “balance of power and influence” created by “every single religious, political, economic and social source of power.” All having “a counterbalance in direct opposition that stops it from claiming complete control.” (core book, page 37, paragraph 4)

    This system of balance is also extended to the imperial lines that exist in duality. There are two imperial lines at all times. When one rules the other remains involved in the political landscape, competing against the other and keeping them in check. When an emperor dies a member of the opposite dynasty is elected by the people to be the next “The citizenship of Yu-Jing has the opportunity to choose who will become the next emperor through the imperial Elections.” (Human Sphere, page 58 paragraph 7)

    In this way the Empire is never in danger of one dynasty being in control long enough to try and gain total control of the over it.

    Just like those wishing to join the party, no despot may stand to be elected emperor.The candidate can be chosen from any member of an imperial household and direct descent from the last is not necessary. They are expected to be highly educated in many areas including extensive knowledge of law,“In order to qualify for the position of Emperor, all young claimants of the upcoming dynasty are required ro study law and legislation, and to excel in their studies.”(core book, page 39, paragraph 11) as well as having the sense of justice and fairness. "The emperor is expected to to show a strict but benevolent character and to be an excellent observer and judge of the human condition” (core book, page 39, paragraph 10)

    The existence of an emperor also prevents the government ever having ultimate control because “The party govens Yu Jing, and the Emperor must accept its resolutions. The emperor, on the other hand, has complete autonomy in his control over the judiciary” (core book, page 37, paragraph 6)

    In conclusion no position of power within the Yu-Jing political system is truly heredity. Anyone can rise to a position within the party, and any member of an imperial dynasty must stand for election as emperor based upon their personal skills against other members of their family.

    The public has a say in the direction of the party in free and fair elections

    Personal freedoms and quality of life

    Much focus has been applied to the restrictions applied to the japanese citizens of the StateEmpire, but this is not representative of the situation of and the wishes of the party. The Yu-Jing government does not seek to repress any nationally and its traditional identity that does not seek to isolate itself.

    "The party is fully aware that in addition to the logical national pride in belonging to the great StateEmpire, all Yu-Jing citizens of non-Chinese origin value their ethnic origins" "The party tries to stimulate the value placed on traditions of other Asian ethnic groups that make up their great nation through cultural reinforcement programs." (Human sphere, page 57, paragraph 1)


    The StateEmpire has no “official state religion,” however “three denominations constitute the beliefs of the majority of the population, in constant struggle for control over the moral choices: Toaism, Confucianism and Buddhism.” (core book, page 37, paragraph 5)

    Take note of the word ‘majority’ as Yu Jing citizens are free to follow any religion they want to. Unlike Pan’O that claims religious freedom but has made being favored by the christian church essential to be given the gift of resurrection.


    The media industry in Yu Jing is free one, but it has to compete with the Ministry of information who are used “to bombard its citizens with propaganda, and quickly silencing and voices that fail to toe the party line.” (core book, page 39, paragraph 9) This is very different to a state controlled media, as it can be argued that public support is the ultimate decider in which interpretation or opinion of events is seen to hold the greater truth. Freedom of speech is not repressed.

    Cultural identity

    When the nations of “North Korea Mongolia, Burma, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Taiwan, Nepal and Bhutan eventually joined the Chinese project and were assimilated as new chinese prefectures” they were “under an agreement that they would be able to maintain key aspects of their cultural identities.” (core book, page 36, paragraph 1)

    Japan and south korea joined later under the same agreement when economic situations left them reeling from recession. Despite the benefits this union brought to South Korea and Japan, “this decision caused social tremors that can still be felt today, particularly in Japan, where many flet their national pride had been sold out.” (core book, page 36, paragraph 2)

    Here it must be noted that the Yu Jing government did not come down hard on those who did not want to let go of their national pride, instead they sacrificed part of their own and renamed the chinese empire ‘Yu Jing’ the Jade Capital, so all the nationalities within it could be proud of and feel a part of the Empire and not conquered by it. “In order to soothe the inflamed spirits of those alienated by the Chinese presence, and to refute accusations of cultural imperialism on top of political imperialism, it was decided that the new, immense country needed a new name.. This way its new inhabitants could avoid identifying themselves as Chinese and could go on feeling Korean, Vietnamese Mongolian, etc, but above all, they would be citizens of Yu Jing and not China.” (core book, page 36, paragraph 3)

    Once Yu Jing acquired their first off world territories they took another step to “appease the different nations that had joined Yu Jing and now struggle for recognition,” (core book, page 36, paragraph 5) by relocating the capital to the new system to thurther distance the new empire from its chinese roots.

    To help the nationalities maintain a personal identity on these new worlds they are allowed to settle in territories that followed the same semi autonomous nature of their home territories on Earth. This allows for great diversity to exist on these new plants but all are expected to have a balance between their Yu Jing identity and their ancestral one. All nationalities were allowed to speak their own language as well as ‘Yujingyu’ the new official language of the Empire. Japanese later lost this privilege due to their own actions that we will get into later.

    This attitude was carried over to the military, where armies with mixed ethnic backgrounds are norm, but there are also some single ethnicity units where military history and traditions can be maintained while still serving the whole."Although the majority of regiments are mixed character, the army has gone a step further in exaltation of cultural values of every former Asian country" by way of the 'armed forces regional dispersion program' that creates "regional armies with autonomous and semi autonomous capacities." when one of these armies is located on an area with the same ethnic majority, "it is permitted to fully acquire the traits of that culture" to act as a "point of pride for all citizens who fell that they are well protected by their own people." (Human sphere, page 57, paragraph 2)

    The result is the “The Asian power can be understood as a multicultural composition with room for all the ancient nations that comprise it. Numerous ethnic groups of varying origin with different languages, cultures and customs give shape to the body of Yu Jing. The Party has been able to integrate them all more or less successfully, under a unified and unifying ideology that assures the political and social stability of this great country” (Human sphere, page 49, paragraph 2)

    The equal nature of the treatment of all people within Yu Jing can be seen by the fact that “the average Yu Jing citizen is not quite as well off as his PanOceanian counterpart, but wealth inequality and class gaps have a much lower impact on Yu Jing society” (Core book, page 37, paragraph 9)

    Access to resurrection, while not possible for everyone, is not simply a luxury of the rich and ruling class. “Counclied by Aleph, a special committee reviews the merits and achievements of candidates and gifts the most valuable with a new life. Any citizen can potentially be eligible for the reward” (core book, page 38, paragraph 5) The rich and lazy will not be given a second life ahead of a dedicated civil servant or gifted scolor in the StateEmpire.

    The true reasons for the japanese problem

    It is listed that the Chinese and their government still held resentment for the actions of the Japanese during world war 2. But despite this fact, the Yu Jing government gave the japanese the same first class status they gave to all the other nations except the Uighur communities. The Japanese leaders that made the choice to join Yu Jing, “found themselves in direct opposition with part of the population and above all, numerous right-wing opposition groups. Who recovered the work of ‘Yukio Mishima.’“ (Human sphere, page 50, paragraph 2) Mushima was a avid supporter of the Japanese military traditions and was a symbol of Japan's lack of apology for actions during world war 2. This added fuel to the fire of suspicion amongst the other Yu Jing citizens.

    Open rebellion followed the withdrawal of titles from the Japanese Imperial. And when this failed “the Teenokai organized several” terrorist “attacks, all of them very bloody and several victims. The savagery of its methods turned the stomachs of all Yu Jing citizens.” (Human sphere, page 50, paragraph 8)

    It was only after these events that “the StateEmpire repealed the first class citizenship status of all Japanese.” (Human sphere, page 50, paragraph 9)

    This included restrictions on the use of the Japanese language and the practice of a number of traditions.

    Yu Jing generals did indeed treat Japanese soldiers badly and in turn Kempeitai agents assassinated Yu Jing officers perpetuating the problem. The Party did attempt to address the problem by allowing the Japanese to maintain their own army with their own officers where they could maintain the Japanese language.

    In conclusion the Yu Jing government can at worst be seen as equal in responsibility for the issues with the Japanese as both entered the union with some suspicion or inflated pride. But Yu Jing gave them the same privileges that others accepted including the South Koreans who were also reluctant at the onset. The rise and support for Japanese Nationalist groups was the trigger for Yu Jing anxiety about historical events.

    Yu Jing had since attempted to show the Japanese that the situation could be healed by offering full citizenship certificates to those “demonstrating that that they are valuable citizens with much to contribute”, as well as “loyalty to the ideals of the StateEmpire.” while the Japanese terrorists “consider such people collaborators.”(Human sphere, page 51, paragraph 2)

    This is further demonstrated by the tolerance shown to members to the JSA when Kempeitai within their ranks kill Yu-Jing officers.

    “The luster of the regional combat force is only clouded by the shameful and criminal activity of the Kempeitai, obstinate in their murder of loyal soldiers and who, through deception and cheating, have come to assume command of entire units in the middle of combat. However, neither the party nor the high command judges all of the valiant Japanese for the attitude of a few renegades.” (Human Sphere, page 58, paragraph 1)

    This clearly shows that the uprising that follows was perpetrated as relations were improving. Some might argue that the Tatenokai, Kempeitai and their Kuge masters were rushing to rebel before the situation became too comfortable for the majority of Japanese.

    well that is It so far. Until we know what new glories you Jade Capital and all its people will achieve, keep fighting against the Combined Army and remember it is only through ignorance that the rest of the sphere fails to recognize what we do for mankind.
    #1 jj.konko, May 3, 2018
    Last edited: May 4, 2018
    Mask, Ladios Sop, Willen and 39 others like this.
  2. Kallas

    Kallas Vincible

    Mar 8, 2018
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    This is a great reference, thank you for putting it together!
    Golem2God and AdmiralJCJF like this.
  3. Shiwen

    Shiwen Commissar, Yu Jing Political Work Department

    Dec 31, 2017
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    Excellent work, fellow subject-citizen!
  4. banthafodder

    banthafodder Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2018
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    Much appreciated for the effort.

    Also, in regards to the meat grinder tactics of the JSA, Ikari's story demonstrates JSA High Command bears at least some of the responsibility.
    Golem2God and oldGregg like this.
  5. AdmiralJCJF

    AdmiralJCJF Heart of the Hyperpower

    Feb 21, 2017
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    Great stuff @jj.konko !

    Just as a note, these basic ideas are all explored in more detail in the RPG core book.

    If you are looking for more info I highly recommend checking it out.

    This isn't really the place, but one minor quibble:

    This is explicitly false OOC, and it's unfortunate to undermine such a good piece covering the positive aspects of Yu Jing with something so incorrect (even if it is exactly what Yu Jing likely teaches about the Hyperpower).
    jj.konko and Aldo like this.
  6. jj.konko

    jj.konko Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2018
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    This is totally the place. Some constructive criticism is always appreciated when compiling such things. Thanks.

    Section changed and backed up with a quote.
    I got my old system and new systems of Pan'O mixed up in my head. Should have read it but kind of forgot.
    Shiwen and AdmiralJCJF like this.
  7. Section9

    Section9 Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    While this is my opinion, I'm going to repeat my assertion that the biggest reason that Yu Jing 'tolerated' the Kempeitai fragging officers is that those fragged were usually the worst, the lowest-performing. Despite the massive populations we're talking about in the setting, people willing to put their lives on the line for the nation are almost always in short supply, to say nothing of how much it costs to train them to their levels of competence (it takes the current US military 2 years to turn a civilian into a soldier in a unit that is ready to deploy to a combat zone).

    Even in the US, cases of officers getting fragged tend to get swept under the rug, because admitting the officer got fragged would mean admitting what that officer did in public.

    Yes, sometimes what the mission requires is a sacrifice (or high risk of death). That should not be the norm, or even the 'typical' exception. It should be the extreme exception.

    This also gets us back to the complaint of Flanderization. Given everything that is posted here, why would Yu Jing go to the extremes they did during the Uprising?
    Golem2God, xagroth, Aldo and 2 others like this.
  8. Antares

    Antares Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2017
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    Greate write up! Can we make this sticky to mock the haters? =P
    In a more serious manner: Your post pretty much emphasizes the reasons that made me start YJ. Their whole society is way more interesting than what PanO brings to the table for example. Of course it's far from perfect and the dark side of YJ gets to show itself more than we want recently, but we knew we weren't the good guys before all this, and the concept of this multicultural nation paired with the well executed presentation of Asian influence in the models makes for a great faction to play. This is not about "Come join Nomads, we do what we want and kick ass lul, bro!" but more about a faction with a dream of what it wants to be, but struggles hard at achieving it's goals, with victories and failures all along the way and many different facettes which invite to thinking about what is right and what is wrong. If you're into discussions about philosophy, the human mind and how far you can go for the greater good, it's the most interesting faction along with haqqislam, period (I play Haqqislam, too =P).

  9. ObviousGray

    ObviousGray Frenzied Mushroom

    Nov 27, 2017
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    A gildered post! Yu Jing need a respect like this, not just infuriated mutterings.

    A multi-aspected Empire is something very intreresting to see nowadays, considering how China-based Fiction Nations are illustrated now.

    It is WAY better than flat sinister evil empire.
    Golem2God likes this.
  10. zapp

    zapp Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2017
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    Maksimas likes this.
  11. Maksimas

    Maksimas Heavy Infantry Addict Maxim

    May 23, 2018
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    Honestly, this got me thinking now...
    Would be kinda neat if we got some new units to represent those other cultures that make up Yu Jing-
    I feel like that might go quite against the whole idea of a unified Yu Jing. Why have a Korean/Vietnamese/Thai,Mongol/etc. unit when it can be a Yu Jing unit, right?

    Good stuff here-
    Golem2God likes this.
  12. Section9

    Section9 Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Chinese culture is highly static (what do you expect from a nation that has existed for 2500 years, and that's just since Qin Shi Huangdi, there were multiple separate kingdoms for about another 2000 years before then!), and tends to assimilate would-be conquerors. So you could easily have culturally Yu Jingese troops that are ethnically Korean, Mongolian, etc.

    Plus, there is a fluff-piece about the various other nations still having a lot of their own celebrations, they just teach Yu Jingese as the official language.
    Hecaton, Kallas and Golem2God like this.
  13. Maksimas

    Maksimas Heavy Infantry Addict Maxim

    May 23, 2018
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    I was more so referring to the idea that while it might be cool that there would be an HI unit, for example, comprised entirely of, and developed by, the Korean populace, as an example... it might be cooler to have a Korean developed HI, but it's used by the entirety of Yu Jing-

    Might help both acknowledge that it's a group of different ethnicities that do their own thing but also show that they are still sort of unified in a way by goal and purpose, no?
  14. Alphz

    Alphz Kuang Shi Vet. Retired.

    Dec 25, 2017
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    I think there's been a couple missed opportunities for other ethnicities. Like adding lunah to vanilla yu Jing was weird and could have been a sniper of Mongol or Korean region and be near identical
    Kallas and Golem2God like this.
  15. Maksimas

    Maksimas Heavy Infantry Addict Maxim

    May 23, 2018
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    You'd sort of expect to hear more about them in one way or another. Even if it's just like ''...developed by <Insert ethnicity here>...'' or ''...the most famous members of this unit tend to be <insert ethnicity here...''.
    Golem2God likes this.
  16. Shiwen

    Shiwen Commissar, Yu Jing Political Work Department

    Dec 31, 2017
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    We do get some references of that very type, or just on the edge of being such! The rumoured Shooting Star AD HI being Korean, the Blue Wolves TAG regiment being based in the Mongolian province of Shentang and famed for their cavalry maneuvers on the steppes, the Mine Dispenser description throwing out that delicious tidbit about 'these are used by the bozoku [Japanese biker gangs conscripted into the StateEmpire Army] and also by the crazy Thai mafia bikers [who if one follows the logic would be equally great candidates for StateEmpire conscription]'.
    East of Irem and Maksimas like this.
  17. Maksimas

    Maksimas Heavy Infantry Addict Maxim

    May 23, 2018
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    Is the Blue Wolves TAG regiment a regiment of Guijas, or new TAGs altogether...?
    Wouldn't mind some Thai mafia biker units TBH-
  18. Mahtamori

    Mahtamori Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    The Shooting Star is rumoured to be Korean because at one point CB were planning a Korean troop with the same game play as we now expect from the Shooting Star. This does not mean the Shooting Star is Korean.

    Blue Wolf is uncertain. Latest is they are Guijia, but it's sufficiently ambiguous that CB could easily TAG-bomb with that name if they felt like they wanted to.

    I, personally, hope we don't get motorcycles in Yu Jing. I didn't think they played well outside of JSA and the concept of motorcycles don't mesh well with Yu Jing's identity in general.
  19. Maksimas

    Maksimas Heavy Infantry Addict Maxim

    May 23, 2018
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    I do suppose we already have the Su-Jian for high speed actions.

    Speaking of the Su-Jian-
    I wouldn't mind seeing another Mechanical Transmutation unit. Would be interesting-ish.
    Also wouldn't mind hearing some news about some new units. Just a handful, really.
  20. Ten Thousand Arrows

    Ten Thousand Arrows Imperial Sage

    Mar 20, 2018
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    Yu Jing definitely needs some more heroes, the vast majority of ours literally deserted and betrayed the faction. Not great PR really. A zuyong Dire Foe would be a no brainer. What I'd really like to see is a Mulan recreation in power armour (MI/HI). Not only is she a movie reference, which CB loves to make, but she's an actual character from Chinese folklore.
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