hi everybody I love the motorcycling miniatures of infinity so i was thinking about a kind of game using them on a board with events cards, actions, and hasardous events (example one card : breakdown with necessity to go to the stand, or rain falling with some malus on several rolls) There would be for example m experience system between the games with sponsoring allowing to earn money according to final places and upgrade available for the moto and some upgrade for the pilot for some cost. It would be like aristeria a trash gladiator spectacular game with people crushing moto or sending some pilots to infirmery and their moto to graveyard. What do you think ? Good idea or bad one ?
I like the idea. My instincts tell me to have objectives to complete and combat along the way. I picture larger tables the size of Infinity. It could still be played on a grid if desired. So it's more of a cross between Infinity and Aristeia but with small vehicles only. Maybe treat it like a special Mission where the goal is to enter a highly sensitive or hazardous area and get in and out quickly to reduce exposure. Small encounters where speed and maneuverability is often preferred over firepower. I'm picturing 3 relevant positions on the table more like a triangle for setup. Each team starts on their own corner, meets in the middle to complete objectives and face off, then everyone tries to escape out the other corner with the prize. Those are my first thoughts anyway.
I've been kicking that idea around, mixed with an idea from an old GW game from white dwarf: Moving scenery. Every turn, scenery moves 12" towards one short edge of the table. If the scenery moves into a model, it's a crash (or maybe Dodge roll to avoid, if there's enough movement in your dodge to clear the terrain). The moving scenery would probably replace the Impetuous order.
Isn't it mentioned somewhere in the fluff that there's already remote races in the sphere? Or am i confusing it with something?
I want a Symbiobeast rider for my Tohaa. Not as fast as some remotes or Motorcycles, but with Superjump it can get over obstacles and take unexpected shortcuts to the goal. You know, like playing Mario Kart.
Just make sure it's always the same edge each time... :p Infinity variant might benefit from a shorter move, maybe 8"?
GorkaMorka used to have scenario working that way with ork jumping from one truck to the other ! That was awesome and could work in the infinity universe ... I just envision a game with a small crew in a train facing invaders in the train and bikes all around :D as the scenary move around the train. And you could have a random table to know where new scenary appear :D
I wonder if you could adapt X-Wing templates for a racing game, if each bike has a 'speed' that can be shifted up and down by one each turn you'd have to slow down to make tighter turns.
Well, I was assuming running the 'race' up the length of a 6' table. And a full move-move from most bikes is 12". The GW version allowed the DE bikes to turbo-boost 12" in a straight line, but the Craftworld bikes to move 6" in any direction, on top of their usual 12" move (so scenery was moving 24" a turn relative to the bikes!). IIRC, it's been a long time since I read that article. Before Infinity was a thing long time.
Some time ago (around the release of USArf) there was something about desperadoes, buggies, and big rigs having mad max-esque encounters in the antipodean wilds. I started writing a custom scenario for that, but as it happens with most of my projects, it kinda went nowhere. Maybe that would be a way to go about it
Suggestion: Look up a neat little game called 'Gaslands'. It could be very easily be adapted into something Infinity related. Or just use the same rules but with bike models.
Oddly I didn't see the link being posted. But honestly Gaslands is a blast. I play it every now and then for fun