Shame they missed the lower foot armor on the render of the frontoviks compared to the dossier, gave them something unique that gave an EOD / Sapper feeling... btw, those rolls on their back, maybe they are actually to represent the sapper rule, would be cool to have a dug in MI link with heavy weapons :D Also interesting, the Strelok Antipode carries first aid bags... hopefully with a reason and not just for fun like the minuteman
Wait... Carlos said something that Vasilly is borned leader, commanding troops when lieutenant fell down. Could it be TAK Chain of Command?
T2 Marksman Rifle on an infiltrator will be absolutely gross. CoC is a big deal since Ariadna is generally lacking in that department. Infiltrating antipodes...just lol...glorious. Wondering if our boys in blue will get any updated profiles? (Yes, I know, VDV is not Spets but the berets are very similar, and VDV has at least 1 attached Spetsnaz brigade) To respond to concerns about T2, remember that the guys packing these weapons are 1W, BS 11-13 dudes that don't have access to MSV and are generally pretty squishy especially for their price (for example, Scouts with Ojotniks are already 30 pts. A BSG scout is 6 points more than a Foxtrot BSG or a Chasseur).
Really I just need a SWC Line Kazak box... and more frontovik's for a full link. This going to be a good year comrades. Also I totally called the redjack getting a shotgun loadout to make it feel different then the blackjack. Damn I'm good.
Seeing all the T2 weapons makes me a bit worried. T2 marksman rifle feels very strong, maybe too strong. A possible change is coming to T2 ?
T2 snipers are already a thing making a T2 rifle +3 at 8"-24" Dam 13 as opposed to +3 16" - 48" Dam 15 doesn't really seem game breaking to me.
I mean, not like it's getting put on a spetznaz. It would be a strong weapon, but a lot of the things in Tak seem like glass cannons. Hit hard and hit fast cause we can't get hit back like some of the fatter factions.
Pretty much all of Ariadna in a nutshell really, though the Kazak's seem to prefer longer ranges than the Americans or Caledonians, they seem to prefer the ranged game like FRRM but with higher ARM. And guessing from the Streloks/Dog-faces/Antipode packs they'll have better close shooting/CC than my beloved Merovingians.
Why I think MRRF really does need a reboot. It's a shame really. When I looked at them way back when, all of the mech deployment, forward deployment. and sapper it seems like a rather unique bite and hold playstyle. If you want to fight in the midfield, that's their house now.
If the game has weathered linked viral and plasma rifles (and soon linked Breaker+Shock Rifles) I reckon it can weather linked T2.
Scots have already been running various linked T2 for years now. Kazaks will just be doing less run up and hit it with a sword. And more keep shooting it with long range expensive bullets till there is only a fine paste left.
If we end up with a camo unit, the offensive potential will be off the roof. B3 weapon with T2 + all the benefit of camo (surprise shot, easy to reach good firing position, recamo for defense) + the shock marksman rifle rangeband. It's a crazy deadly combinaison that will bring down HI of all kind with frightening ease. It will also bring a very interesting solution against defensive unit.
A T2 marksman rifle is good but by no means a game breaker, it's still a damage 13 rifle after all. T2 is a good bonus but that's about it, it still patters off cover or heavy armour and only then if it hits (cover, mimetism, ODD, Smoke, full god damn auto; all still apply). More concerned that the Vasily profile may be packing marksmanship as his name sake is a sniper
Simple test : Strelok with BS12/mimetism (likely profile) in cover VS Orc HMG (standard HI profile) in cover. Rangeband are 8-16 : Active Player 44.78% Custom Unit inflicts 1 or more wounds on Orc Troops (Unconscious) 9.46% Custom Unit inflicts 2 or more wounds on Orc Troops (Dead) Failures 47.09% Neither player succeeds Reactive Player 8.13% Orc Troops inflicts 1 or more wounds on Custom Unit (Unconscious) Hal of a chance to bring down a HI in cover is pretty good. Not game-breaking but impressive. For reference a Septsnaz HMG in the 16-32 Rangeband has only 29% chance to reach the same result (unconscious or more): Active Player 66.82% Kazak Spetsnazs (Camo) inflicts 1 or more wounds on Orc Troops (1 W) 28.94% Kazak Spetsnazs (Camo) inflicts 2 or more wounds on Orc Troops (Unconscious) 6.93% Kazak Spetsnazs (Camo) inflicts 3 or more wounds on Orc Troops (Dead) Failures 27.12% Neither player succeeds Reactive Player 6.06% Orc Troops inflicts 1 or more wounds on Kazak Spetsnazs (Camo) (Unconscious)
You've put marksman L2 on the strelok there so it's actually 40% (we'll assume a strelok doesn't have MML2, I was referring to the tank hunter character) All these things are however subjectively moderated by player, such as the ORC being available to shoot in active with a B3 T2 weapon out of link in the first place. A marksman rifle is particularly good as we're looking at an Adv dep/ infiltrator anyway so most firefights will probably be around the 16" bracket My personal counter to this would be the BS12 MSV2 sniper on look out for precisely this kind of f***ery while my HI assault team or TAG is hiding behind a wall somewhere behind the skirmish screen. I think it'll be good at this kind of mid field sweeping but will it overtake the spetznas parachutist? Is this going to be the way you prep the entry zone?
From what I remember, from seeing the cardboard token sheet in the unboxing video, its S5 (theres a S5 template on the sheet).