Since is thrownable (maybe vorpal-like with 2 launchs), shall I suggest, instead of removing, a little mod?
Coldfront seems to be Aleph VS Ariadna. So it looks like the TAC sectorial is not coming with this Box. I just hope it comes soon after.
The starter set doesn't have the sectorial rules, but that doesn't mean the sectorial rules won't drop around the same time.
If the hammer end up with range similar to other throwing weapon (I bet on a AP/DA or EXP equivalent of the vorpal CC weapon), it will be a throw on 18's (PH 15 + 3 for range) before cover/camo/ODD. With the human SMG shots, it will be brutal at short range. Add the antipode sensor to that and Ariadna mid-range game is becoming crazy PS : the human has a SMG so why the mini is using her gun to shot at something ?
The trailer literally calls it a Tartary Army Korps starter, and Bostria confirms that both new Sectorials are being launched with this box.
Carlos mentioned heavy rocket launchers in today's video. Have to wonder I'd they'll be present on the molotok version, that'd be a lot of SWC on one model.
Its labeled as an HMG but the drawing is the same as the ApHMG shown on the tank hunter, so there may be a typo on the Line Kazak dossier.
he said it´s modeled after the Blackjack, so probably there is one ARO version (HRL) and one aggressive version (Molotok). i hope
Beyond Box revealed, new MI linkteam for Kazaks as predicted, another Strelok option, and a named Tankhunter!