What's next?

Discussion in 'ALEPH' started by Weiserbenni, Jul 15, 2018.

  1. Weiserbenni

    Weiserbenni New Member

    Jul 8, 2018
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    I'm painting my Starterkit from Aleph. I'never played the game before but I'm thinking about what's next?
    My plan is buy one or two models to have a playable 200p list and then after a few games I want to enlarge to 300p. I have no idea what is suitable for the 200p. I threw an eye on the posthumans but I can't imagine how they work in game. I'm thinking about Sophotecs and netrods but I have no idea if they are that important Maybe someone can tell me what are good units for next or what the advantages or disadvantages for the units are, I'm thinking about.
  2. Nenyx

    Nenyx Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Go, you won't be disappointed. The sophotech is nice, and the netrods are definitely useful. As for the posthuman, this is a very powerful and versatile unit. It's a very good troop. There are 2 posthuman boxes. The old one with proxies 1, 2 and 3, and the new with proxies 4 and 5. You can either take both, or only take one and pick some other minatures to represent the others.
  3. Arkhos94

    Arkhos94 Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Proxy are good because they give you a very usefull toolbox (all kinds of specialist with mk1/2/5, rambo unit with the mk2 hacker, defensive unit with the mk2 sniper and mk4 heavy rocket launcher...). You will use them in all kind of games. You can't go wrong with them.

    Sophotec are usefull but I'm not a fan (prefer mk1 doctor or engineer) but you will need the yudbot in her box. Netrod are not obligatory (I don't play them in most of my 10 order list) but they will be vert usefull in low point game or if you want to go in 300 points with 2 group

    Next, you will need some heavy hitter (Achilles ?), some cheap orders (rebot box to have 8 points lamed) and a second naga to use with the one in the starter when you reach 300 points (I often play one naga forward obs and one killer hacker to do objectives)
  4. Pander22

    Pander22 Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    I cant imagine a list ithout my proxies now. Totally love them!

    Once you wrap your head around the rules for them they are easy imagine them as one trooper that generates one order, cant be moved at the same time and can only make one aro. Its one guy jumping between bodies. My advice would be to proxy your proxies and take the mk1 doc (or engineer list depending) and the mk5 Forward observer. 20 points for nearly 4 wounds (nwi can be a hit or miss with all tge shock ammo) and lets you ease into the proxy rules. And they make excellent specialists.

    Second favorite units are skirmishers in paticular the mono mine naga keeps creeping into my list mostly due to my local heavy infantry link team meta anf gives you practice with skirmishers


    This is a list i used to start off with you have a smoke trick(myrm officer and agema), white noise trick and support ware on the dakini make a super dangerous brawler. Thorakites flank guards and aro (remember forward observers all have flash pulse and thoras have 360 visor a great combo!) Lamdah bots for hacking range

    I have only played a few games and still learning the game myself
  5. Nenyx

    Nenyx Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Same thing here, i usually take a Mk.1 instead. The sophotect is better as a field specialist in missions where you need to cover most of specialist types, like highly classified, since she is really fast and can fulfil several roles. Or if you run a REM heavy list in a mission like supplies where you need a doctor, but you still want an engineer to support your troups, and you don't want to take both Machaon Lt. and a Mk.1 engineer.
  6. Renfri

    Renfri Well-Known Member

    Dec 11, 2017
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    Hold your horses a bit. Are you talking about the 300 pts Steel Phalanx starter ? if so I am afraid most recommandations here are for a more "vanilla" ALEPH.

    I could interpret this the wrong way though
  7. Weiserbenni

    Weiserbenni New Member

    Jul 8, 2018
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    No it's the "vanilla" Aleph Box. Oh, I hate this word so much. I play Warhammer 40k and there it is the word for space Marines who can't choose the right Chapter so they choose them all. I think I don't like it because I play Warmachine, too. There was a special rule on Page5. It's like if you loose the game take it with nuts and real poeple with nuts go to the chamber if they have to cry.

    But back to topic: I think I should try the Proxys. The Box is very versatile I think it's a good idea to order the first box. It's the more versatile box and I like the girls more ;}

    About the heavy hitter. I like the model of Atalanta Is she a good choice? I could imagine to support her with a MK 5 proxy with HMG or rocket launcher.
    #7 Weiserbenni, Jul 16, 2018
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2018
  8. paraelix

    paraelix Seed Embryo Scholar

    Jan 31, 2018
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    From memory, that rules was intended to get people to bring their A-game, but is used as the excuse for every toxic powergamer to just be rude and offensive to everyone they play.

    Not even touching on the gendered terms you're using...
  9. Kir

    Kir Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2018
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    Shes a bit of a glass cannon, but she hits hard and can't miss if the enemy is in the open (excluding albedo/white noise and ftf), and she can take any kind of camo easily.Keep her far from the enemy, and she can kill half of their army in ARO plus a few active orders.
  10. xagroth

    xagroth Mournful Echo

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Please do note that she, rolling at 20, means that yeah, she cannot fail. But that does not prevent her from rolling under what her opponent does!
    jherazob likes this.
  11. Pen-dragon

    Pen-dragon Deva

    Mar 6, 2018
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    I am a big fan of Atalanta. Largely because of the model, but she can do some real work in a list. I once had an opponent get badly out of position, and Atalanta personally smoked 3/4 of his team.

    The thing I have found with her is she is an excellent active turn hunter. Pair her with a smoke tossing Myrmidon, and she just takes apart the opposition. However she lacks any defensive tech and seems to suffer for it in AROs. She needs the burst 2 of active turn. Every time I have had her loose a sniper duel, she has been in ARO mode.
    jherazob likes this.
  12. DAX

    DAX Member

    Jun 9, 2018
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    An ARO-piece usually starts at CH:Mimetism and ends with CH:TO Camo.
    Please do not use any Agema as an ARO piece. Pheonix in a Fireteam is a great ARO-Piece with ODD and Long Range Weaponry. If you want a sniper as an ARO piece its either Dasyu or Proxy Mk2.
  13. jherazob

    jherazob Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Atalanta needs to outright hide for the reactive turn, under full cover and hopefully prone. Then take her out to play in the active one.
  14. Pander22

    Pander22 Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    She is pretty scary and not terrible for aro duty. Sure she doesnt have a minus to hit stat but the trick with her having spot bot is that she can have a larger to hit chance to make up for it giving her better odds for cancelling hits and hitting the target rather than just missing.

    Ive always been tempted to keep a 16pt myrmidon on the roof with her as my reserve model in view of something impetous or something i know will move and dodge smoke as an aro on top of her.

    Difficult to do but mega dirty if pulled off as now they cant target you unless they have msv and even then you will probably have the higher hit chance over them and if not free aros bby! Not a tactic to rely on but still fun!
  15. Weiserbenni

    Weiserbenni New Member

    Jul 8, 2018
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    Spotbot is a good point. What is the difference between having the tinbot and having the skill by herself?
    I understood the tinbot as a platform for a skill or equipment.
    The difference is that I am able to hack the tinbot to make a shutdown so the skill or equipment is not usable until I reset the tinbot or make it working again on another way.

    What I'm reading here is that I can play everything and there is no model where the points are wastet or I shouldn't play because they're not strong enough or there is another model with the same task but better stats. Is that right?
  16. Iver

    Iver Human Plus

    Feb 3, 2018
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    Well, Andromeda is a little unimpressive overall, and Dactyls tend to be used less in Vanilla since we have so many great specialist choices.

    Still, they can be used to good effect if you want them to, so just play with all the things until you find what works for you.
  17. Nenyx

    Nenyx Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Every HMG wielder has great chances of killing her for less than her cost. If this is an infiltrator she has even less chance - yes she has a MSV2, but she is not immune to surprise attack (it would be MSV3) and worse - an infiltrator will be able to use a better range band.

    I use her in ARO from times to times, but only when I already have other ARO miniatures covering her and often for turn 3 - when losing her would just mean my opponent used one of his remaining tokens to kill her instead of doing an objective.

    An example with your standard naga using a combi rifle at 8-16 range band with surprise shot:
    Active Player
    47.44% Nagas inflicts 1 or more wounds on Atalanta (Unconscious)
    11.84% Nagas inflicts 2 or more wounds on Atalanta (Dead)

    36.99% Neither player succeeds
    Reactive Player
    15.56% Atalanta inflicts 1 or more wounds on Nagas (Unconscious)
    6.64% Atalanta inflicts 2 or more wounds on Nagas (Dead)
  18. DAX

    DAX Member

    Jun 9, 2018
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    The main problem as Nenyx mentioned is the mathematical 1 shot ARO.
    On average your enemy will go sniper hunting with an HMG. Let's say Atalanta in her ARO is on roof with cover.
    Both are in good rangeband.

    Atalanta takes 1 shot:
    +3 for Range
    -3 for Cover
    You ignore Camo or TOCamo and smoke!
    You shoot on a 17! Thats great.

    The HMG Trooper takes 4 shots:
    +3 for Range
    -3 for Cover
    He shoots most likely on a 12.

    He has a 20% to crit you out of your 40 pt. model.
    You have a 20% chance to roll <=5, while he is most likely capable of outshooting that with his 4 shots.

    Atalanta in your reactive turn is just too much of a gamble and only advisable in turn 3 to burn some orders or cover an objective (because that 1 specialist there with a rifle? we can smoke that guy)

    The best use is to place her behind a myrmidon and smoke her silhouette with your first order. Then you start shooting down Total Reaction bots and everything that is stupid enough to think about being visible.
  19. Nenyx

    Nenyx Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2017
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    You can also protect her with a myrmidon who will try to smoke on his first ARO, and put some yudbot close to her. It's rather unlikely she'll get killed in one shot, except if shock ammo are used. That's starting to be a bit expensive for a pure ARO duty, but since you probably already have the myrmidon and the yudbot anyway ... (always have some way of healing her, she can take a crit as anyone else)

    In fact, her bane is most probably any buffed remote with HMG. Here is some stats with a buffed Zayin (but all human armies have access to a similar remote), both on cover:
    Active Player
    61.61% Zayin Rebots inflicts 2 or more wounds on Atalanta (Dead)
    23.00% Neither player succeeds
    Reactive Player
    15.40% Atalanta inflicts 1 or more wounds on Zayin Rebots (Unconscious)
    7.30% Atalanta inflicts 2 or more wounds on Zayin Rebots (Unconscious 2)
  20. DAX

    DAX Member

    Jun 9, 2018
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    Remember that the myrmidon has to see the enemy model as well. It is quite an easy task to position yourself in a way that you can only see Atalanta and gun her down.
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