towards the end of the BoW coldfront video, bostria says that wardriver is so ariadna can hack dakinis, and vedic gets Dart to compensate points wise. She probably will get metachemistry( read her fluff) and a funky ccw(see painted model and the fact cb color codes ccws), g rem presence, not sure if she gets g:jumper, lv1 or otherwise.
Well she is a posthuman sure but in her very own Lhost. Not in a generic proxy body produced for combat according to specific settings. since she is a character I don't think she'll have Jumper.
Damn ... if she has infiltration and at least mimetism she is going to be brutal. I mean bow or smg (more probably smg) and mines AND em nades ? and most certainly NWI or at least dogged since she is a post-human
She might have more than one profile, so we don't know if she'll get everything pictured. Dossiers are also not 100% reliable (looking at you BSG Kamau and ML Kriza)
Every skirmisher and their dog gets SMG these days. Such an easy way to cheat yourself to a dirt cheap price tag. :o
Third, for me :p That was part of her lovable profile! There is a pentalogy (Cassandra Kresnov, from australian writer) about a what could be considered an Asura with extra upgrades (super-strength, fall resistance, and some more stuff), she muses at some point that her breasts are totally unnecessary, so clearly her designers must have been male and unable to conceive a flat-chested female robot (there are male 'bots too, built like Conan &Co, slightly taller, better at constantly applying strength while the female ones were able to produce better explosive strength). EDIT: I can see Dart as a mk5 stand-in
Transcribing the text from the video Shukra Consultants The Shukra Consultants are experts in logic and psychology applied to security issues. But they're also special intelligence agents with tactical training and so they take on the role of investigators, employing their special abilities to solve crimes and prosecute terrorists and cybercriminals. Don't be fooled by their neat appearance, soft voice, and gentle manner. These SSS operatives are also field agents, (can't make out) that won't hesitate to get their hands dirty if that is what it takes to get the job done, which, generally speaking, is always the same, protecting humanity from the greatest threats, those that remain hidden to most people" Yadu Troops, Tactical Assault Teams The Yadu Troops are the elite shock unit of the SSS. Outfitted with first-class Lhosts as well as advanced weaponry and tactical equipment, the Yadu cast a shadow on any unit that would attempt to imitate them. Functioning in the SSS as a law enforcement agency, these troops assume the role of an assault team specializing in short-duration operations of a strong offensive nature. Their main purpose is to inflict the maximum possible damage to a designated target during criminal activity suppression operations. Onlookers often consider the actions of the Yadu as extreme, due to the extreme aggression of their operations. However, they owe the forcefulness of their approach to their training as an elite unite designed to be the spearhead, the cutting g edge of ALEPH's blade.
So the Shukras are investigators, huh? Their resemblance to a certain Adam Jensen is looking less and less like a coincidence.
Would be great if the Shukra Consultants could get Biometric Visors. Would help with investigating that slightly arabic looking Janet from Accounting that is planting mines next to my Dakinis again! Dammit Janet!
Look what you did! Now I'm tempted to model a sci-fi trenchcoat to match that look... Damn it! Why can't I just leave minis as they are?