I'm not sure your Avicenna writeup really matches the unit entry: https://store.corvusbelli.com/products/mercenaries/280719-0554-avicenna-mercenary-doctor Looks like the Hassassins acted first, not the Black Hand, and there aren't any particular references to torture.
Updated the ordering of who acted first, thanks. :) However, I will stand by my summary of what was done to Avicenna as torture (bold added for empahsis): The word torture might not have been used originally, but I don't see a better way to summarise.
He's particularly fond of Red makeup for his cheeks. Wait... Rogue Myrmidon, that makes so much more sense!
I imagine it's the same as with the Greeks: virtual generation of personality, then decantation to a live body that is synthetic emulating living (kinda like the "hosts" from Westworld).
Aleph once considered every MIA troops to be possibly septorized. Because of that, all their save were deleted and they were hunted on sight to prevent any risk of contamination from EI. Also, of the first generation of Myrmidon (before Achilles), very few survived (Phoenix is one of them) and many met "true" death in Paradisio or were septorized, like Odysseus. Maybe Perseus is one myrmidon that went MIA but survived and joined Tunguska instead of being killed. Hell, maybe he is Odysseus (who wasn't septorized, contrary to Aleph info) looking for revenge after Aleph left him rotting in Paradisio.
I like Bostria's comment on the Operation: Coldfront video, that some of the miniatures were sculpted to look a little more artificial, to represent the fact that it's a military operation rather than a diplomatic or undercover one and being convincingly human is less necessary.
It was stated firmly by CB (as firmly as they can, that is) that Odysseus is Dead and Buried, so I'd say no, Perseus is not Odysseus. As for what Perseus is, he certainly is no Recreation (can't be, frankly, without breaking that "recreations are hard, extremely expensive, and rare"), but he can very well be a "rescued" myrmidon by Tunguska (voluntarily or not). As for the "lose contact and be considered sepsitorized" rule, it is still in effect. Cube 2.0 means constant communication with ALEPH, so once risk of sepsitorization is detected the cube blocks the comm and kills the body, if the cube does not do it, the myrmydon has to. And after ANY lose of contact with ALEPH, the dude is considered compromised, and he can either self-destruct or be killed on sight once back in the Human Sphere, no compromises (then there is Diomedes, who in fluff makes a backup before going out and expects to not return...).
A few corrections It is Operations Subsection "OS" and Assault Subsection "AS" The combined Special Situations Subsection is correct "SSS" Recreations are artificial personalities created to be what the historical or fictional personality would be in its "current" (infinity era) popular belief, while Aleph draws from the fictional and historical records of the recreation, it draws more on what the Human Sphere believes the recreated character is. For example musashi's issue was Aleph recreated it with too much influence on the "historical" records about him giving him a dry and professional sword-fight style when the Human Sphere believed him to be a flashy swordsman.
...But do they poop? https://www.google.dk/url?sa=t&sour...IwAHoECAEQAQ&usg=AOvVaw1hXwRI2pC1TtMNO4vlt5d0
Specially placed genengineered glands allows SSS operatives to produce highly corrosive or explosive waste products to aid in an escape. The Morat Agression Force is said to be highly jealous of this ability.
So... secreted weapons? Think I've seen a supersoldier with that ability before... (excuse the art, that's from seventeen years ago, in the second year of the comic. It's a lot better drawn nowadays.)