Healer with Zondbot. :) More than happy to wear a B2 Chain-colt for an IMM-2. But this goes to 'repeaters are probably really necessary for protecting this link'.
Fair point. I'd spend 3-4 points to ruin the day of a Hollowman if it didn't cost me an order, but I'd have to think about spending 8pts or more and an order (I almost always play Limited Insertion). As far as the snipershot goes: There are two models out for the Blackjack, covering both profiles. Might be a Zondmate, or could be a TacPuppet.
Looks far too big to be a puppet. There's rumours of a 'Redjack', a TAK Blackjack equivalent, which this could well be.
I was trying to figure out how factions without much cheap CC ability, like PanO, would deal with these guys. Auxbots are the answer. The whole team would have to tank the template for the Hollowman to shoot the Auxbot on the way in. If he doesn't shoot he'll only have a 15% chance of winning CC against Electric Pulse. One on one against a helperbot, assuming you are in +3 range and a have a full link, you are still effectively BS9. Worse actually, as their hit is guaranteed and will bypass your Armor/BTS.
Bruh, show me your math. There’s 30% chance to wound a Hollow Men with a HFT and 25% with a Chain Colt, this is assuming he fails dodge and the ARM save. It’s a massive waste of time and quite inefficient remove them via a template. Please don’t spread this bad apologia around as gospel. Unless it’s against Adhesive Launcher or E/Maulers, Hollow Men are not frail glass cannons in any way shape or form.
25.00% Auxbot (Auxilia) inflicts 1 or more wounds on Custom Unit (1 W) 12.50% Auxbot (Auxilia) inflicts 2 or more wounds on Custom Unit (Unconscious) 6.25% Auxbot (Auxilia) inflicts 3 or more wounds on Custom Unit (Dead) Failures 25.00% Neither player succeeds Reactive Player 50.00% Custom Unit Dodges Auxbot (Auxilia) Here is info from dice calculator. Hollow men have the same fears as most other hi in game.
Seems I had miss clicked on the drop down giving them armor 2 instead of 4. Still they are twice as likely to take a wound from a template then say a kriza (see below) Hardly, Mr Kriza is 2 times less likely to get wounded. Active Player 13.50% Makaul inflicts 1 or more wounds on Kriza Boracs, Special Crisis Unit (1 W) 6.08% Makaul inflicts 2 or more wounds on Kriza Boracs, Special Crisis Unit (Unconscious) 2.73% Makaul inflicts 3 or more wounds on Kriza Boracs, Special Crisis Unit (Dead) Failures 16.50% Neither player succeeds Reactive Player 70.00% Kriza Boracs, Special Crisis Unit Dodges Makaul
Why are you making this comparison? The Kriza is a massive HI that isn't representative of most HI's in this game. Compare him with a Mobile Brigada, as they have the same ARM value. You'll find that the Mobile Brigada is only 10 percentage point more likely to survive a HFT and barely 9 percentage point if you use a LFT. Sorry mate, their survival doesn't fit your narrative.
If you want to believe they are as survivalable as other HI all the power to you. My makuals are itching at the bit to say hello to your glass cannon.
You have same or even higher chances to wound hollow man by combi rifle. Sure they can be killed by flamers but it is not the ultimate weapon against them.
No offence here mate, you’re the one trying to believe a different reality. Literally math disagrees with you.
Makauls can kill Hollow Men in CC, but that is true of just about any troop that isn't CC dedicated. Actually Hollow Men are relatively tough against Makauls because they'll get hit, take two BTS saves with BTS 6 (pretty decent), probably pass one and fail the other, and shoot a Chain Colt in the way in, potentially taking out the Makaul. If they can't do that because smoke, at least it's a significant order investment to get the Makaul into position, toss the smoke, move into CC, then attack, then attack against because you probably haven't killed them etc. And it's not like Hollow Men are crazy expensive either. You can do exactly the same, just about as easily, to a Swiss Guard, a Hac Tao etc and they cost like, twice as much, PH 10 is not great for dodging. That is a definitely downside, and one which is made up for to an extent by their very low cost (and their speed and super-jump, which means they are able to attack and then move into positions where it is difficult to hit them with templates etc). I'm not massively concerned by CC for Hollow Men, any more than I am for Riot Grrls, or Krizas, or indeed anything that isn't good in CC. You deal with such problems by playing well, making it difficult for the enemy to get into CC, making it order intensive etc. Hollow Men are, in fact, another troop with another set of strengths and weaknesses and appropriate costings, and are neither crap nor overpowered. To win games with them, you must use them well, which is, you know, Infinity basically.
The two main dodges are turn to face and getting behind cover when the mods are too high and you just want to dodge back to total cover.
Hopefully in a few weeks the this type of discussion will move on to the Ariadna and Aleph forums and leave us in peace.