Why should I play Tunguska over vanilla?

Discussion in 'Nomads' started by oakenwall, Jul 3, 2018.

  1. oakenwall

    oakenwall New Member

    Jul 31, 2017
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    I have had a hiatus in onyx and looking to play some nomads again, but I just dont see whats so great about this new sectorial. Morlocs/jaguars and intruders have allways been the key players for me when playing and this new sectorial doesnt have them, so what do I actually gain?

    I could be without warbands if they actually had some cool stuff. I though this was suppost to be some high tech sectorial with cool gadgets including msv2, ODD or maybe holoprojectors and stuff but they just dont have any of those either.. So why? I allready have a brute force sectorial and to be blunt I feel onyx are better at it on paper.
  2. loricus

    loricus Satellite Druid

    Nov 24, 2017
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    9/10 times it's because a sectorial has a bunch of units you like and you want a Core.
    Also they literally do get ODD why do people keep saying that?
    Hiereth, chaos11, Solar and 2 others like this.
  3. natetehaggresar

    natetehaggresar Senior Backlogged Painter Manager

    Nov 27, 2017
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    The same reason why you would want to play any Sectorial instead of a Vanilla???????

    A core link significantly ups the firepower of what are normally cheaper troops that get outshot.

    All links significantly increase your order efficiency by letting you move a lot of points around at once. This is really important for points in zones type scenarios, or BTV.

    Perseus in a securitate link can fix any problem. You can block lof with B2 smoke on 19s, or an interventor can drop white noise to block visors. It's also relatively inexpensive for 5 orders. You can also build a very powerful defensive link for cheap by mixing Grenzers with securitate.

    If you really want a ssl2 hacker you can put one in a securitate or grenzer link.

    Haris and duos are nice options too.

    There are a few nice Tunguska only profiles, like the khd spektrs, but the main appeal is the link. (Or theme if you care).

    TDLR, if you don't want to make use of links, play vanilla, not a Sectorial.
    Ginrei, E-Warden and TheDiceAbide like this.
  4. Keyrott

    Keyrott Nomad Handyman

    Nov 6, 2017
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    Aside from the robotic remote presence HI, robotic puppets, insane hackers, AI controlled motorcycles and cybermines?
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  5. Tom McTrouble

    Tom McTrouble Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2018
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    Primary reasons for me:

    - I've always wanted to run defensive links and the Feurbach Securitate looks sick
    - The link teams in the sectorial are very diverse in how you can compose them, and it opens up a ton of options for list building
    - Links of super-jumping units, and on top of that 6-2 super jumping HIs are going to be incredibly fun.
    - By having White noise and Full auto, they will punish MSV pretty hard.
  6. inane.imp

    inane.imp Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    Because they don't get a link of ODD. If they don't have a link of it how can you say that they truly have it?

    Seriously though:
    Core linked Myrm to troll your Aleph friends opponent's with.

    AVA3 Hecklers

    Kriza+Tinbot/Specialist Duo/Haris

    Raoul + BS12 Smoke LGL.

    TO KHD.

    But, White Noise + FA isn't a reason to run the Sectorial. You can do it extremely well in Vanilla.
    Ginrei and loricus like this.
  7. TheDiceAbide

    TheDiceAbide Thank you for your compliance.

    Nov 23, 2017
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    @oakenwall if you play Onyx, then Tunguska is going to feel EXTREMELY similar.
  8. oakenwall

    oakenwall New Member

    Jul 31, 2017
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    Yeah I am kinda afraid of that so I will probably stick to vanilla so I have some variety.
    #8 oakenwall, Jul 3, 2018
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2018
    TheDiceAbide likes this.
  9. Andre82

    Andre82 Well-Known Member

    Dec 27, 2017
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    I highly doubt OP is new to fireteams.

    To answer the question as best I can... I will also have to make a cop out and say we don't know yet.

    I don't have much faith in the HI paintrain myself but it could prove awesome.
    It looks like you could make a pretty strong defensive team with a grenzer added to a cheap link and then switch to a pretty good offensive link. However I think onyx is going to do that better still lol.
    Outside of that.... the modified Rems are really sweet! Superjump on a sensor bot is probably my favorite lol.
    Overall and I can easily be wrong but I think Vanilla gets so much more out of this addition.
    Civilized Barbarian likes this.
  10. perseus

    perseus Angry Clown

    Mar 30, 2017
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    for me there is no reason. maybe only for taking raoul spector.

    puppetmasters are more powerful in vanilla. because you have more orders.
    mary is stronger in vanilla. because of more orders, moran help and cheaper smokers etc.
    szalamandra is more powerful cause of more orders.
    you will never take more than 2 interventors. so why ava.4
    zondnautica you can take in vanilla and enjoy it with good order count with help of cheaper smokers.
    hecklers ? ok take one or two if you like and play your camo game with rich camo options in vanilla.
    even securiate repeater option is better in vanilla nomad where there are tons of order.
    kriza boracs is more stronger when needs more orders. vanilla.
    grenzers. if you were taking it before, you were taking sniper or missile option. in tunguska it is the same.
  11. Xince

    Xince Member

    Feb 20, 2018
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    3 bikes, 2 IS not enough!
    loricus likes this.
  12. Solar

    Solar Well-Known Member

    Dec 4, 2017
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    The best reason to play any Sectoral is theme
    barakiel, Ixidro, Keyrott and 4 others like this.
  13. Flipswitch

    Flipswitch Sepsitorised by Intent

    Nov 4, 2017
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    Because you want to?
    Ginrei likes this.
  14. inane.imp

    inane.imp Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    That's a cop out: what about the Sectorial makes it scream out to be played?

    Honestly though, I want to play a lot of Tunguskan units but the Sectorial doesn't really grab me.

    Mixiblob link is kinda cool, but the rest of the list feels extremely restricted around it.

    Hollowmen link is a defensive HI core: boring.

    AVA3 Hecklers. AVA2 Minelayer Zeros + AVA2 Hecklers :)

    Raoul + Zondnaught. Nah, Zondnaught + Uberfalls.

    It's solid and interesting, but there's a lot of options I want to try out first. OTOH it does disabuse me of playing YJ anytime soon. So there's that :)
    Keyrott likes this.
  15. Flipswitch

    Flipswitch Sepsitorised by Intent

    Nov 4, 2017
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    It really isn't. If you want to play them, play them, or don't. If you're looking for a purely competitive advantage there is no reason not to play vanilla Nomads.
    meikyoushisui and loricus like this.
  16. inane.imp

    inane.imp Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    I'm not saying the reason needs to be competitive. I'm saying that the faction should (and does) have choices that are unique and cool (and also probably competitive). The fluff is also cool: building a DSAD strike-force is reason enough to run them.

    Saying simply "because you like it" is a cop out answer. It doesn't actually say anything.
  17. Daek13

    Daek13 Active Member

    Apr 16, 2018
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    Well, sometimes the lore is reason enough to go and try something. Isn't that good enough?
    Flipswitch, loricus and TenNoBushi like this.
  18. Solar

    Solar Well-Known Member

    Dec 4, 2017
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    Hollow Men don't feel like a defensive link to me. They feel like an offensive midfield one. Speed, templates, great Shotgun profile, can link with a Sensorbot... They want to be getting forward, clearing the midfield, protecting the support, being cheap and durable. They are the Croatia of the Infinity World Cup!
    Flipswitch likes this.
  19. Alz

    Alz Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2017
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    Why play Tunguska?

    >"Double" Hollow Men Haris (3 HM in one side, 2 HM+Stempler core in the other). Spitfire to both sides. Now you have a pretty damm interesting double hammer that can also be an IP/TAG hacking menace in both sides thanks to repeater.

    >Spector AD. Because Spector is the kind of advanced beast we dont usually get as nomads, with our infiltrators and paratroopers being on the cheap side of the spectrum.

    >Everyone ('xcept interventor)'s link. That link feels like an RPG party with the amount of choice you're given!

    >3 Zondnautica. Why? Because as far as i understand, you can coordinate them when in bike form. Get them with a Kriza or Szally and RUSH the enemy base while big bad protects them from ARO. Sure you can do that in vanilla too, but I like the idea of three bikes balls deep early, even if it might not be a good idea, it sounds like a fun one.

    >Hollow Men again. Why? Because I find them very different in Vanilla -Lone side rush, repair with tomcat - from Tunguska -Trio side rush and become a pain in the ass afterwards.

    Sectorials are usually less juicy than vanilla. Corregidor has McMurrough but doesnt have morlocks, uberfall, interventors or zeroes. Bakunin has riot links but lacks MSV2. I personally find Tunguska apealling, but it's obvious that unless you're going links or skewed ava lists, Vanilla is going to offer a more complete toolbox of both profiles and list building options.

    So, coming back to the question:

    That's up to you. I'm very excited to try the hollowmen spam for example, which is exclusive to Tunguska. Or maybe one of those double Szally builds, given the results the big boy gave me last tournament. Linked feuerbach looks legit scary. There's lots of cookies there. If you do or do not like them, thats another question.

    Now let me ask: What do you think the Sectorial lacks to make you think "I MUST PLAY IT!"?
  20. inane.imp

    inane.imp Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    ^ my answer your question.

    I get what is cool in Tunguska: it just doesn't speak to me more than StarCo, Vanilla or Bakunin. I'm sure it will at some point.

    The point of my question wasn't that Tunguska doesn't have cool things (it absolutely does) but that not taking the time to describe what they were was dodging the question.

    Re: Hollowmen. I think about a CC10, PH10 link in the midfield without a decent screen and just chuckle with glee. I can almost guarantee that a game pushing that around the table will be EXTREMELY painful in my meta.
    East of Irem and barakiel like this.
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