My misunderstanding. Haha But the last question still holds. Would you rather I not try? Anyway, the more player directed decision making has meant we lead in the direction players think is fun. Most likely the reason things are going better this year. So we are more cat nudging than leading.
Oh, no, it's absolutely worth trying. Even better if you can succeed. I just hope CB isn't going to railroad events this time around.
If there's anything you can count on with CB and supposed interactive story, it's not actually interactive.
That feel when your faction took someone else's location so now CB can write in some war crimes for free.
We're just snooping in A military station. War crimes? against Military targets? On a base buld by us? in a grey-ops context? I'm a Japanese loyalist with some grudges against pro terrorist governments. I'm just returning home to kurage... for some fun and pleasure... I'm not carrying furits or vegetables through the border... can I pass?
This is a official communicate of the High Command. Join us now. Alone we are strong. Together we are Invencible.
I just hope that the Yu Jing success in Kurage will be well recognised and reflected in the future setting material. The community and commanders who made that happen have my utmost respect
Doesn't seem like it. The initial end-of-campaign summary seemed dead-set on painting the Yu Jing efforts as futile, even though against all odds they made a good show at Kurage and held at Zhan Huo. (I write "they" since I only managed to get a single game played this summer)
At least, we tried our best at Kurage Crisis. For a famous meme'd faction who lost half its forces, Yu Jing commanders went really effective and cohesive, Im a happy man just to participate and watch the Kurage burn. Not to mention we are the 4th most active scoring faction in the campaign. Yes.
I will be very angry if the story of the Kurage Crisis doesn't feature the resurgence and success of Yu Jing front and center. The commanders of Yu Jing deserve no less.
Either way, yu Jing players and high command can be extremely proud of what they achieved. Everything else will be gravy. You showed them we can still kick ass
It was a good time playing the scenarios they dreamed up for the campaign. I got 4 games in for the cause, remains to be seen what the AI narrator makes of it all, we've just got a provisional conclusion at the moment after all, still hope for an epilogue of substance.
Unfortunately I feel like this is gonna turn out like the time you made a thread about YJ deserving IA's release pronto. Call it a hunch, but so far my pessimism hasn't failed me yet. I don't wanna be right but CB just keeps doing what they're doing.
Did i miss something? From the Kurage Crisis update (final update) (source: ... After suffering the loss over the ZanHuo Firebase a few days ago, Yu Jing seem to have restored a certain amount of control on their ground... Have we been retconed to lose the Firebase or is that some PanO propaganda?
I think it's more so a reference to how at the start of the third campaign week we lost the bunker, but regained it soon afterwards.
The final update isn't the end results, they haven't purged the results from false reports yet and the final update was posted before the submissions were closed.
Sorry to butt in, but I do need to commend you guys for your efforts. Yu Jing was amazing this Campaign. No matter the final outcome, we all saw it and we were positively impressed.