Breaking News!++++++ALEPH statement+++++Breaking News!

Discussion in 'IC' started by Minos, Jul 3, 2018.

  1. Minos

    Minos Νίκη ἢ Θάνατος

    Nov 23, 2017
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    ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++SEARCHING_MAYA++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++MAYA_ACTIVE++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++CLEAR_COM+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++OPENING++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++BREAKING NEWS


    This is an official statement of ALEPH.

    As you may be aware, an open conflict broke out a week ago on Novyy Cimmeria, planet Dawn. [See more: Genetic deficiency; Dogface]
    ALEPH will not interfere with internal politics. [See more: Japanese uprising]
    Nevertheless, the protection of the integrity of the Human Sphere is the responsability of ALEPH.

    ALEPH peacekeeping investigations under the mandate from O-12 in J-5 locations revealed that:
    - Nomad nation built an illegal Arachne node in Kommstat; [See more: Tunguska close to being prosecuted for crimes against humanity; Hollow Men: a new nomad abomination]
    - Nomad civvies and operatives have been massively sepsitorized in J-5 Kommstat and J-5 Kaserne. [See more: Wotan blockade; Sandinista! Incident]

    Therefore, O-12 mandate has been extended to:
    - ALEPH’s military involvement in the takeover of J-5;
    - the immediate deployment of the Steel Phalanx [See more: Myrmidon Wars, the Anime - now on Oxyd!]

    In order to :
    – eradicate the alien menace;
    – destroy the illegal node.

    Do not panic, ALEPH is watching over you. The main powers of the Sphere are asked NOT to intervene in the cleansing operations.
    The situation is in the process of normalization.

    Further informations may follow.​

    Mc_Clane, Danger Rose and Luisjoey like this.
  2. Majorpain

    Majorpain Member

    Jul 2, 2018
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    ALEPH have been the shield which guards the sphere and we will continue to do so. Our orders come directly from O12 and are vital to restoring peace on the island. Surely the major powers must realise that the more they fight amongst themselves the weaker the sphere is to hold off the coming alien menace. We must be united the against our common foe
  3. Yasashii Fuyu

    Yasashii Fuyu Well-Known Member

    Jan 6, 2018
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    The Japanese Nation would like to inform Aleph that all required paperwork for the construction and operation of this communication Node on Japanese Territory by the Nomad Nation has been filed and approved way ahead of its construction and the current incident on Novyy Cimmeria.

    Should the Nomad Nation conduct illegal operations in this establishment it is obviously within Alephs right to conduct an investigation, however we expect a full report and search warrant within the next 7-14 standard days as is demanded by O-12 regulations, illegal combat operations on JSA territory by Aleph forces shall be heavily condemned and legal actions will follow should the proper procedure for this operation not be followed.

    Furthermore we sadly have to announce that due to recent aggressive actions by the Ariadnan and Yu Jing Nation we currently can not provide regular security escorts for Aleph investigators, thus the safety of your agents can not be guaranteed and we'd advise to delay your operations until such security can be established again.

    We would also like to send our regards to the Nomad Nation and express our regret for the current events and hope for a quick resolution with a positive outcome for the Nomad Nation.

    Best regards,

    Yasashii Fuyu, Officer of External Affairs Kurage Station

    PS: OOC: Would you guys please quit the "Our orders come directly from O-12" stuff? No other faction does this anymore and Aleph has no more special right to claim O-12 approval than say PanO or Yu Jing..claiming superior authority over everyone else for your operations is just bad taste...
    nazroth and Robock like this.
  4. HarlequinOfDeath

    HarlequinOfDeath Tha Taskmastaaa

    Dec 14, 2017
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    #ICEBREAKER program activated
    #login sequence started
    #opening thread

    ALEPH protects the Human Sphere. Best joke of the year. [See more: Pop culture references like "Butlers Djihad" and the old-school movie from the old earth 'Matrix' to see what happens to humanity if ALEPH starts to control your lives more and more...]

    Remember La Forja!

    Danger Rose and nazroth like this.
  5. Minos

    Minos Νίκη ἢ Θάνατος

    Nov 23, 2017
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    ALEPH doesn't need to be informed, ALEPH is information.

    Moreover, "way ahead of the node's construction", the Japanese were part of the Yu-Jing State Empire. To whom should ALEPH adress a request concerning the illegal setting of a non-Maya node?


    Nomads... ALEPH has to inform you that Elvis is truly dead (no, this one over there is just a Praxis recreation!).
    That's why ALEPH loves you. So impredictable, so naive. You would be a great tool to fight the alien EI.
    Mc_Clane, Danger Rose and nazroth like this.
  6. mothman

    mothman Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Get stuffed we are just trying to set up Nomad-Flix for Ariadna so they dont have to watch your trash propaganda anime, everyone knows it pales in comparison to even the worst of Bakunins B-Movies. We are well within our contract rights to set up that node per our agreements with Ariadna and JSA.
    Typical Aleph double standards "we can have posthumans, which we make without any oversight and swear are all ethical, but Nomads cant have Hollowmen" Think they are just jealous that humans can produce a more efficient squad to combat the EI than their Hellanic cosplay dance troupe.

    All powerful AI cant even beat some lightly defended Nomad and Haq positions at Kommstat, makes me doubt their ability to defend us from the Combined army, Think the 0-12 should let us perform a maintenance check on the AI it doesn't seem to be running at full capacity recently.
    -regards Nomads
  7. HarlequinOfDeath

    HarlequinOfDeath Tha Taskmastaaa

    Dec 14, 2017
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    Made my day fellow Bromad!
    Daniel Darko and mothman like this.
  8. Luisjoey

    Luisjoey High Marshall of Wotan

    Mar 3, 2017
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    I´m good with that, i want a good MAYANET service working since communications fall down in this atek planet, and we cannot allow rogue pirate internet services in the island, neither in Dawn.

    We shall be aware of the Combined Army presence; i wonder WHY they are here? since they were stopped at WOTAN; maybe the ateks have something to do with that since their position it´s untouched by the aliens while human sphere are being touched by CA presence, it´s suspicious that ateks once again work for the combined army instead agains them as O-12 and Bureau Aegis commanded on first time.

    Aleph and Panoceania Shall work to keep order; and to secure Japanese sovereingnity over their new founded nation.

    Minos likes this.
  9. Minos

    Minos Νίκη ἢ Θάνατος

    Nov 23, 2017
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    ALEPH praise the foresight of PanOceanian Hight Command in these times of trouble and wish to thank warmly PanOceania for its unwavering support. [See more: Stephen Rao, the secret of a successfull brushing – exclusive report on Maya!]

    ALEPH will work endlessly with all nations of good will to ensure the respect of international treaties and to protect the Human Sphere from the alien menace. [See more: Extreme cooking : shasvastii eggs]

    ALEPH deplores the short-sightedness of some nations that seem to be concerned only by their mean alliances and by promises of material profit. [See more: Nomad war criminals: the Haqqislamite new ODESSA network].

    #9 Minos, Jul 4, 2018
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2018
    Mc_Clane, Thandar and Danger Rose like this.
  10. Danger Rose

    Danger Rose The Wrecking Belles

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Haqqislam accepts Aleph's argumental surrender and expects the AI to cease and desist from further incursions into Nomad Controlled Territory.

    Deltervees and Durian Khaar like this.
  11. Minos

    Minos Νίκη ἢ Θάνατος

    Nov 23, 2017
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    افتح فمك فقط إذا كنت متأكداً من أن ما ستقوله هو أجمل من الصمت

    Haqqislamite proverb
    Gift from ALEPH
    Mc_Clane likes this.
  12. cazboab

    cazboab Definitely not Cazboaz.

    Nov 30, 2017
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    First of all, you don't "allow" anything on dawn, trespasser.
    Second, it's ridiculous that you, an Alien, are suggesting we're in collusion with aliens, while the strings on your fingers lead to two other groups of aliens who have made unwarranted and unjustifiable assaults on Lafayette FAB.
    Finally and most importantly:

    How dare you belittle the Merovingian sacrifice. Their Martydom is why we don't see a huge Combind Army presence at all upon Novyy Cimmeria. The first victory Humanity had over the CA was paid for in Ariadnan blood. We turned the tide on Paradiso when your own forces were to scarred of being turned or experiencing true death. The remaining CA are staying away from Lafayette because there is no shelter or respite here for them. Only guns, blades, fire and claws. can you say the same about your camp? It seems to be the only place without a conflict for them to hide in...
  13. Danger Rose

    Danger Rose The Wrecking Belles

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Fixed it for you AI. Should have thought of that before invoking Nazis in the debate.
    HardDisk and Kazavon like this.
  14. Minos

    Minos Νίκη ἢ Θάνατος

    Nov 23, 2017
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    ALEPH congratulates wholeheartedly the Haqqislamite High Command for its historical sensivity, unfortunately not for its subtlety.




    ALEPH demands:

    - the immediate withdrawal of haqqislamite troops from J-5 in order to continue the investigations and the subsequent cleansing operations; [See more: Myrmidon Wars, the season finale - Will Ajax play baseball with an Avatar's head? Will Achilles confess his feelings for Patroclus? Will Thamyris finally have a date? All the answers tonight on Maya!]

    - the immediate cessation of Haqqislam's funding and support for terrorists. [See more: San Pietro di NeoTerra, investigations on a banking paradise]

    In case of refusal:

    - the use of lethal force will be authorized with the most extreme severity; [See more: The Concilium treaty, a wrong approach to international relations, by Pr. D. J. Trumpeter]

    - the haqqislamites commanders on Dawn and the representatives of the haqqislamite banking network will be taken to court under the charge of supporting a terrorist organization. [See more: The jails of the Jade Dragon, soft reeducation through meditation - a report by Xian Xiandun from Yu-Jing Observatory of Human Rights]

  15. havocfett

    havocfett Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2018
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    While I understand that ALEPH's job is not to enforce international law, it is deeply unfortunate that the AI so much of the functioning of the sphere is trusted to is completely ignorant of so many particulars of the same.

    I welcome ALEPH's decision to attempt to take this matter to court, but would like to point out several particulars that are pertinent to its case:

    First, the Nomad Nation is protected and recognized under O-12 law. Arachne nodes are not illegal installations and the Nomads do have permission from local landowners for the operation of all of its nodes on Dawn. Haqq forces have been invited to assist in the defense of J-5 against Combined Army offensives and so are there legally. The legality of ALEPH's own offensive on the site, however, is not settled law and fertile ground for a countersuit.

    Second, the accusation of support for terrorism is on its face absurd. The factions that HaqqIslam is supporting on Dawn are the Nomads and JSA. Neither of them fall under the definition of a terrorist organization by international law and both are currently protected by the same, and are simply taking action to protect their holdings on the planet. Taking Dawn commanders to court for supporting so-called 'terrorist organizations' outside of Dawn will, of course, fall flat on its face for obvious reasons, while I very much doubt that ALEPH even has the jurisdiction to attempt to get banking representatives into a court on this matter. While ALEPH does not like the Nomads, they are very much an O-12 nation and legally allowed to defend their own territory.

    I would remind ALEPH that it is overseen by Bureau Toth, not the other way around, and ask that it leave legal disputes to the professionals.

    Or at least those with a basic idea of what they involve.

    If ALEPH decides otherwise I look forward to seeing your representatives in court and do plan to file countersuit. If you instead decide to continue escalating the current conflict, I am sure you will continue to perform exactly as well as you currently are.
    nazroth, Deltervees and Danger Rose like this.
  16. Danger Rose

    Danger Rose The Wrecking Belles

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Counter-Proposal: Aleph leaves the Kommstat area and Haqqislam will not press charges for her inability to keep her Aspects in check and even unilaterally threatening Citizens of the Human Sphere with Lethal Force.

    We have more than enough problems with the Yu Jing-Japan-Ariadna Conflict, to have to deal with the caprichousness of an entity whose main goal is supposed to be the protection of the Human Sphere.

    We went to stop the Combined Army, we stayed because of your aggression angainst the Nomads' Instalation.

    Leave Johnny-5 and I guarantee, we will do the same.

    The ball is in your court, AI.
    Deltervees likes this.
  17. Errhile

    Errhile A traveller on the Silk Road

    Nov 25, 2017
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