I'm already confused by the G. Marionette skill. It's an automatic skill and obligatory. Furthermore it tells me "In order to act, both the Controller and the G: Marionette troopers must declare the same Order, declaring the same Short Skills of the Order. But, the Order declared by the Controller is always considered an Idle, taking no action." Does this mean the controller can never actually do anything in the active turn unless all his bots are dead? (because then there is no model with the G:Marionette on the table) Or does this only apply if both of them declare the same order? But it does not say in this case it says always...
The controller can't do anything, in both active and reactive turn, until all the G: Marionette he commands are Isolated, in Null State, dead... In order to you controller to act normaly, his Troupe have to be destroyed, (or you can deploy a Controller without G: Marionette).
Impersonators are gonna be so annoying vs that Marionette Team. Better hope you win deployment so you can hold the controller back after the enemy put all his stuff on the table. (unless they bring Saladin then you are screwed anyway)
Behind a wall of CORE link teams, Haris, and additional Harris with WIP14 Flash Pulse ? Not that sure he will be squished....
Yeah i didn't mention reactive turn because that was especially mentioned. Well we are kinda screwed on PanO side. With my Haqq though the controller has a very high chance of getting a light shotgun from a Fiday unopposed with BS 18 in his face in turn 1.
Because we need yet another rule with a list of exceptions to not make it totally crazy. Rules streamlining in action ^^
So is it safe to assume concept art and fluff, etc... for new units will be seen at gencon? Also how well does this represent what to expect for other new sectoral releases. Theres a total of 7 new units if we include Borac. Some unexpected crossovers (namely Raoul Spector), new profiles for some existing units, a unit rework, and link options for days.
I don't know if you will see everything. If you do that will mean they spent every major event for the year talking about this one sectoral, something they have never done before. Im sure you will see some things, but definitely not everything. Expect profiles with no models till mid next year (my guess)
AFAIK, a GenCon seminar is a little longer than most, so we'll see some coverage of Tunguska in terms of things that will be released soon or have dossiers ready, the next Aristeia expansion, a smattering of other small releases for other armies, and whatever is coming next in terms of new sectorials (TAK and Vedic is my guess) will be the bulk of it. I'm predicting we see Grenzers, Securitate Special Weapons, and maybe the new Zond or the Puppetmasters.
Why is it unexpected though? Uprising book was IIRC the first source that mentioned him, and it contains a page with a fluff blurb featuring him giving short description of DBS to Tunguska command.