Better check who else counts as Securitate in Tunguska (hint: probably half of unit entries). Also: who said that CORE link + 2 Harris is broken ?xD
It doesnt. Fusilier HMG / 12 BS: 18 points Ghulam HMG / 11 BS: 20 points Securitate HMG / 12 BS: 21 points With Ghulam and Fusilier I get it somehow, because if you apply a strict formula, maybe +2 WIP is worth more than +1 BS. But Ghulam and Securitate? +1 point +1 BS and Veteran? Its definitely hand adjusted somehow, and Ghulam pay a price for having cheap Doc+ and Ghazis. Or Securitate get a discount for something else that Tunguska might lack.
Yeah, they suck quite hard in direct comparison. Seeing that, I ask myself what Bostria meant, when he said, that RTF is getting "Fireteam priviledges"....everyone counts as Ghulam for Fireteam Composition?
I hope its not going to go the GW way...right now everything looks awesome and flashy but only after sime time we will see whats Tunguska is reallly made of.
But I do, having been on the receiving end of a BS17 Knight Core. Dont make any mistakes during Deployment or youre f...d.
I look at the latest moves/releases from CB with blatant power creep, uber mixed links that old sectorials can't have, factions encroaching on other factions' supposed signature strenghts, CB royally fuckin part of their playerbase for no reason, etc... and i honestly worry
I think that they just really like Nomads. Seriously, though - TJC is very good, but not OP. It does have its weaknesses. And all that flashy stuff is pricy, without cheap order generators. What I'd really like to see is the new weapons and skills - not to mention fireteam flexibility - to find their way to older sectorials.