If we are bored while we wait we can discuss what we think of the /tg/ rumours, up to you what you believe as its unconfirmed rumours just fun to fill the time. -Kriza is in a haris of some sort -"hollow men get it all" - think quick jumpy karakuri-HI with STR -If anything strikes me as the most likely to draw the ire of the masses it will be the fact that Tunguska will be the first Sectorial that will get to run two "Haris" teams at the same time... ... ...And Nomads will be the first non-sec to get one. :^)" - Someone guessed this is likely the combat puppets forming a psuedo haris -securitate link- "Well here is the fun one... fucking (almost) everyone. Including a couple of characters... One of whom is a, get this, rogue m...ERK-ACK! BOSTRIA, NO!....." - someone joked rogue marut responce was "Ha, you're closer than you know friend. ;)" could be rogue aleph or svengali maybe
https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Literature/TheQuantumThief "A debt of honor requires Jean to commit a daring heist, but first he must steal back his own memories from the Oubliette of Mars." Whoops! (Incidentally, the Oubliette in that book trilogy is, in essence, "super crytography"). So maybe the Oubliettes here are just the system architects that design codification and chainbloks to make 100% safe the Tunguskan economy.
Didn't they say "3 PM GMT0?" If so, it's still 5 more hours to go. On a side note, calling long-term storage of secret data an "oubliette" is a delicious wordplay. Especially if said data is memories (say, from cubes).
Tsyklons can take advanced deployment now in the Spanish version. Any word on getting the news rules for puppetacticas or zondnautica. Also what's up with the securtaite repeaters costing so much?