i recently started playing yujing vanilla. I would echo the original post comments in terms play and listing building. Without feeling like you should just play ISS (i.e. not including a vast amount of ISS profiles but rather more vanilla profiles) you tend have only a few work horses (what seems to always be the auto include guilang.... and why o why did the beyond red veil go with the sniper model... ugh i have yet to logically see why out of the other profiles i'd want my guilang to be a sniper with all the other alternatives we have for snipers) with rest being almost "taxing" in feeling. Now with that said, i don't think yu jing is bottom barrel (try a shasvatii list this days.. hahahaha), the positive i can bring the table, is boy it's a fun challenge to squeeze what you can from yu-jing vanilla (without it being ISS in a different name) and i think some vets get that so there is a point of pride in beating'em knowing that you don't have all and or the best tools out there, but then again it comes to having to accept that your force is clearly not a top tier.
Isn't the Guilang Sniper technically our best overall Sniper though? Has camo, can soften enemy negative camo mods, gets Antipersonnel Mines for close range defense, has Infiltration in the event the best sniper spot on your half of the table isn't in your own deployment zone but a little bit outside it. So I suppose that's a decent-ish list of reasons to take him as a sniper over our other alternative(s). I do agree with the remainder though.
No. Lunah is cheaper and doesn't chew up important AVA2 profiles. You take a Guilang sniper you have to give up the good Guilangs for a BS11 sniper which is not great.
i think major lunah gives a good bang for buck sniper sure no infiltration, but with CH:mim and CH: limited it might as well be CH: camo (i personally haven't seen a lot re-camo of snipers being done since they tend sit in corners and visible lanes that prevents re-camo efforts) with the added bonus of viral and BS+1 point and even if rarely used markmenship L:x ability. sure no MSV L1, but with things like ruishi and hsien for camo hunting, i think the guilangs' MSV is more a nice bonus then a deal maker. heck if i want a +33 points power sniper for more, Le muet offers solid returns (although ya 33 to 45 in points is a jump...., but that fwd deployment and odd with symbiotic combo can be nut to crack or at least when i've played against him haha.)
Yeah i find myself taking guilang fo and minelayer + lunah far more than guilang sniper, I think I've only used the profile a couple of times tbh. Having lunah for cheaper in group 2 to power up my shaolins or secondary bot works pretty well for me so far.
Yes, I agree that CB just flat fucked up on their customer relations with the Uprising. No, I will not retract that f-bomb. It is deliberate, because I don't know any other word that adequately conveys the level of fail involved. Arguably. Tiger can be interesting, as can Ninja. Bao may also sneak in there with better MSV at the loss of camo. But they really probably should have made a Guilang with combirifle and a mine in the off hand.
Even if it were, there is that thing called "opportunity cost": only the Guilang, the ninja and the Daofei are infinltrating camo markers, so by fielding the Guilang as a sniper (of which you have comparable options elsewhere), you are sacrifying a third of your cheaper infiltrated specialists. Also, he has a unique loadout for YJ (repeater-carrying Forward Observer infiltrator). If you take Shaolin Monks, it's quite the hunter. But the HMG MSV2 Hsien likes that role more... or the MSV2 spitfire remote, too (mainly, because of Shock Inmunity letting them be ARO pieces with less risk of insta-death).
The 2nd female in the red veil box has a Combi Rifle that isn’t too hard to armswap with the Guilang. :)
Careful @Section9, that word can only be used to insult, belittle and attack @Hecaton without consequences, like @oldGregg did. If you aren’t eleventy millions percent shilling that Uprising is the best fanfic evar @psychoticstorm and @Koni will ban you for using it.
Come on guys, we don’t need toxic posts like these. I know I might not have come off as the most positive person on the OP but that might have something to do with the fact that I’ve been too used to play with the power level of ISS and Vanilla Nomads.
Actually Shasvastii have gotten a great boost with the EVO repeater and Bitt & Kiss. Not fantastic help but makes them a bit more viable. I’ve been liking Le Muet for a sniper. BS13 and ODD is fantastic. MSV1 is pretty good too. I actually think the best bang for the buck is the Bounty Hunter. 19pts & .5 SWC with BS12. Not to mention the possibly of cool free booty! I’ll admit though that I’ve only used him in ISS. Not Vanilla. I’m more likely to use the Spitfire but get use out of the Irregular order.
Gotta get used to salt like this @Zewrath @Dragonstriker and his little crew won’t let you forget. They were personally offended to such a degree that they now spend their free time reminding everyone of the tragedy. True heroes. #NeverForgettheBan
@oldGregg while I don't share the... insistence, please refrain from throwing gas to the flames. Trying to push others to say things that will get them banned is, at least, not something positive. And equally disrupting to the community than the words you criticize.
They lost you as all those things but didnt lose you as someone who posts on their forums? I call shenanigans.
Posting on the forums at work to talk about fuckups done to you costs nothing and hopefully gets some notice. Buying second hand if at all and not advocating for their products also costs nothing.