I hated the Magisters from the render. I like them a lot more seeing them painted, but I'm not a massive fan. They're too static, for impetuous Knights.
They're in oddly static poses for a unit who should be constantly on the move, and the single 'panzerfaust' model is going to be confusing as hell to opponents not familiar with their loadouts. "This one here has a missile launcher. This guy next to her doesn't have a missile launcher even though it looks very similar but it's a panzerfaust, which is almost the same but limited in shots. All the other guys have panzerfausts as well, even though the models aren't carrying them. To summarise: Not holding a big launcher = panzerfaust. Holding a big launcher = missile launcher, not panzerfaust, unless it's this one guy in which case holding a big launcher = panzerfaust."
Looking very Aleph'y to me. Might be a new model for Vedics, since they should have their big release this year.
Is it me or does that left leg look bionic to me. Further down the joint looks very rigid. Maybe it's armor but I would like to hope.
Pfft, as if the Hellenic Hellion would ever obscure his objectively olympian physique under a hoodie. The godly Greek's leisurewear consists of yoga pants and baby oil, if he even bothers with the pants!
I wanted to make a horrible joke about padded jacket, but that ornament makes it look not that much Ariadnan. Unless Voronin gets a promotion or something.
I'm still really hoping we'll see Raoul Spector as the gencon mini. My bet would be on the non drop profile that can link with brawler and csu. (Cause that would be the most frustrating one in the long run.) I though I heard something about the gencon model being a character that can be used in both arasteia and infinity. And his backstory would certainly have him fit the bill
Yep, exactly. Good job CB! This Panzerfaust issue is really annoying. Addional salt comes from a fact that by mistake they already have 3D modeled shoulder-mounted panzerfaust (hello Aquila).
Obviously, I'm complainig about some metal mini soldiers but the point still stands. And homogenisation is always bad.
Let's see... The Jaguars have any launcher weapon aside from the Panzerfaust? No. Thus no confusion is possible. The Magister Knights have any launcher weapon aside from the Panzerfaust? Yes. Thus confusion is likely. Despite of "has shoulder weapon + man = panzafaust. Has shoulder weapon + woman = ML.