Hello Generals of the State-Empire, I share this letter to try (as much as possible) to contribute more than numbers for the next campaign. I will divide it into two parts, one as a player and in Roll mode in favor of a fun campaign ^ _ ^ Let's be honest, this has not been an easy year for Yu Jing, but I will share my unsolicited perspective, I'll summarize it: Yu Jing player, I do not know you and you do not know me, we are separated by language and a few kilometers, even so we are a team, a team in a game that allows us to work for a goal once a year, I am Mexican and I am fascinated by the idea of playing side by side with a Spaniard or an American, with no other reason than to kick our adversaries' butts. I do not promise to win all my games but I promise that I will play for our team, whether you play or not, but if you wish, I invite you not to accumulate dust on your Yu Jing troops and play together, no matter that we have less troops , no matter that we are not in optimal situations, we need you. Roll Mode On: General JefePanda speaks, leader of the proud (and badly painted) "BlackStar" forces with a request to all the strategists and troops of Yu Jing within reach of this transmission. A crisis is approaching, one that will put in check our shield, one in which sisters and brothers of our Empire State will put their lives at risk to defend us. I call you to fight and defend ZHAN HUO, and to our enemies that I am sure will intercept this message, I invite you to fear. By Destiny, we are Yu Jing, and for us the crisis also means opportunity; Opportunity to be Warriors, to be Invincible, to be The Dragon Roll Mode Off
No. I'm still boycotting this. CB didn't address how they bungled the handling of Uprising and screwing Vanilla players over so I'm out, and I certainly won't be organising any local events for this either.
Will have to see how the player decisions vs cb visions pans out in the first update. Inb4 shelling civilians with our big boy zhan huo batteries.
I will gladly join the campaign, will beat up other factions, and will show them Yu Jing is not a toothless tiger EVEN after the 'crisis'. We had enough jokes about JSA - Its time to make them pay.
VERY well said, JefePanda. I don't know if I'm going to join you, but that's a different discussion entirely.
Well, everyone locally already declared that everyone locally here should participate... And as practically the only Yu Jing player in the local area ( Technically one of two players, but the other one was rather into the JSA sectorial pre-Uprising, so... he's probably gonna go for the JSA for this campaign I'd assume. Which leaves me as the only local YJ player. ), it'd be rude of me not to participate and leave out an entire faction locally. Honestly, I'm looking forward to participating. And am hoping for maybe us being tossed a bone in powered armor, maybe?
Well, at least I feel like I am growing in relative competence as of late, so... I suppose me raking in a handful of score for an area is possible. Even got second place at a small tourney today, gots me a Cube Jager ( I know this isn't the topic for this thread, but if someone who knows a good bit about that unit, could I ask you to send me a convo and tell me some stuff about it or link to some threads where I could eat up some knowledge about the unit. ). And it seems the other YJ player has gravitated back into the ISS, so you have our local modest player base ready to lend some assistance of sorts. So yeah, I got your back here.
I'm not sure if anyone remembers Gerozilla Lee from Wotan. *ROLE MODE* ---> Imperial Service Matrix accesed ---> Archive of Agent's Dossiers Accessed ---> Human resources Department Testament Library Accesed ---> All activity beyond this point is monitored Citizen ---->present credentials Inssuficient for complete Disclosure of Gerozilla Lee's Report post-Wotan ---->Available information now present ...BUT, MY DRAGON LICENSE SHALL EXPIRE BEFORE THE HONOR OF THE STATE EMPIRE IS JEOPARDIZED BY THE VEIL OF MAYA AND THE ALIENS AT OUR DOORS! *Role Mode Off* I am Gerozilla Lee in campaigns, I will surely be active this time like in WOTAN! I am an ISS player, I was fairly green during WOTAN though I am a lot more capable these days, in fact you can be sure I will be playing, motivating and possibly advising our playerbase! I hope we can get a functional Strategy in time this campaign, looking forward to it!
JSA traitors have stolen our nuova cynmeria assets, the rest of the factions are struggling to take some piece of the cake and The EC has shown it's sorry assface once again. Once again we should stand up an defend what is rightfully ours. But our main agenda is yet to be revealed, so be ready until deployment orders
I agree, well said Jefe Panda! I’m a bit on the fence over this. I’m no longer upset about the storyline with ISS, because I now believe everything was orchestrated by the Shasvastii. #PsychoCraneIsASpeculo lol. But lately I’ve really been wanting to play those Shasvastii! However, if I play ISS again I hereby pledge I will NOT use my Kuang Shi to explode or use them as missile catchers. In order to show a more humanitarian ISS. In fact as soon as possible they will be replaced by robotic Karakuri leftovers as soon as the requisition goes through.
Roll mode on: Transmission received. Greetings Commander Gerozilla Lee. I think we share a battlefield in Wotan, both lacking some experience, let's prove that the Dragon only gets stronger over the years. It is an honor to share the battlefield with you again. Roll mode off
We will make them pay, they can not be left without consequences hahaha that is applied creativity, I support that idea of kuang shi, although perhaps there are some assholes that merit a time in the ranks of the Kuang Shi. Congratulations for your victory, brother. it's great to be able to count with you
Some of it is just having old figures and still wanting to use them. My old Zhanshi are now Bounty Hunters, My Exrah are now Hungries. etc. I only have one old Karakuri though so I want to try to get at least 3 more. Unfortunately more are going to JSA rather than ISS. So people are holding on to theirs.