Reading the text in the background of the Zhasn Huo bit it looks like yu jing is being a big mean bully again. When will they learn.
Oh wow, I just noticed that text. Well fellow subject citizens, time to load up the guns, power up the armored suits and go ( Hopefully. ) wreck some stuff. And hey, who knows. Might be a good chance to try out some new toys ( Experimental prototype weaponry. ) in some more... realistic environments? Wink wink nudge nudge please-give-us-some-new-units.
Sigh.. it's this type of narrative that's creating artificial hostility against the players of the faction. Please don't rise up to it and stop playing to the idiotic trope of being evil just for sake of veing evil.
Eh, personally, I don't mind if YJ becomes the bad guys. Even if they become such bad guys that the Combined Army stops being the bad guys. I don't mind playing the evil/objectively immoral factions... actually might prefer having an objectively immoral faction, come to think of it. But that's just personal preference I suppose.
We've had that conversation before and we've got a lot of people who would mind who play Yu Jing, but most of all that sort of wink wink nudge nudge thing is what gives other factions very cheap points at ganging up on Yu Jing, something the diminished player base could really do without. For once, just this once, I'd like Yu Jing not to get trounced in the online campaign and picked on by CB.
The ''wink wink nudge nudge'' part was more so meant as ''please let us get some new ''experimental weaponry'' ( New units. )''. Sorry for failing in getting that across. I'm not really good at, well, proper communication. Gonna just edit the whole ''please give us some new units part in'' just in case. Honestly, so long as it is done well and not shoehorned to hell, I'm fine with whatever development route Yu Jing takes. YJ can be the bad or good guys, so long as it's done well. And yeah, we could use a little bit of break, judging by the stuff I've managed to speed-read past in these forums... wouldn't mind if that break came in some gameplay form too, but that's wishful thinking...
I play fucking SS and Imperial Japanese in WW2. I'm OK with that, because I knew I was playing the evil assholes going into things. I have a serious problem when the faction I play is changed from dark gray to evil assholes.
Okay, that is a good point there. Still, I'd say, even if it was under a very ''evil assholes doing evil asshole things'' pretext... this campaign would be a great opportunity to reveal some new units. Since I'm pretty sure we can agree that we could really use a handful of new units to use.
It will be interesting to see how they twist yj campaign commanders strategic decisions into butchering civilians for fun and profit.
"We launch artillery strikes on a CA force advancing on defenseless civilians." "Got it. You bomb Pan-O forces protecting defenseless civilians from a CA attack." "What? No. We send medical aid to the surviving refugees-" "You successfully deliver diseased blankets to the refugees." "Uhhh..." "Everyone hates you" "We didn't start this shi-" "The Kempeitei's sister organisation, the Schutzstaffel, unleash another devastating UPRISING in the Korean penisula they have been planning for exactly 2 weeks." "THEY'RE GERMAN? THEY DON'T EVEN BELONG THERE!" "Korea is taken by rebels. China number 5. Taiwan number 1. You all suck dicks."
Whatever gave you that idea? [ /sarcasm ] Yeah. I was fine with playing the darkest gray of the factions. I strenuously object to having that faction suddenly become stupid-evil and incompetent, just to have the Uprising succeed. But that's a different discussion than we are having here.
Huh, just reread uprising and I could not disagree more. I thought yj made mistakes, but that they were understandable and that they were by no means the clear villains. Remember the source of information is always important in infinity fluff.
I really don't want to re-hash all the arguments here, so read the April speculation thread, and several of the other locked threads. While YJ's reactions are understandable as human emotions, they are absolutely the wrong things to do according to the counter-insurgency warfare manuals. And the predecessor of Yu Jing's ruling Party, the Chinese Communist Party, literally wrote the book on how to have a successful popular insurgency (it's in Mao's Little Red Book, fer fooks sake!). So how the hell is it possible that Yu Jing does everything wrong, everything to make the Uprising worse and more likely to succeed? The authors decided that Yu Jing was going to hold the Idiot Ball, and that pisses me off. The Yanjing was so good at it's job that it forced PanO to scrap it's old intelligence-gathering system and create the Hexahedron, and yet it somehow didn't see ONE MAN doing all the arranging for the external support of the Uprising. Holding the Idiot Ball again. The Japanese public was somehow brainwashed/propaganda'd so heavily that 100% of the Japanese civilians took up arms against Yu Jing, except for the minor Ninja Clans, who stayed loyal to YJ. What the hell?!? And also, somehow Yu Jing trusts those Ninja Clans, too...
This is why I believe (maybe want to believe) that the whole thing is Shasvastii manipulation. They took existing pain points for YJ and pushed it. A divided enemy is a defeated enemy. Even if the humans find out it's Shasvastii doing it, it creates further chaos by the humans no longer being able to trust each other because they think they are aliens. Win-Win.
I must Admit, that the whole uprising thing really feels "forced" and you have properly and accurately expressed my opinion and sentiments on this matter... Sorry, I know this ain't the Thread for this. The Patch has already been confirmed to be the Zhan Huo Heavy Artillery base for the next Campaign. That artillery could be used to great effect against Onyx Contact Force's multiple burrows on the coast of Dawn...