Hello, I just wanted to know what this patch was. I got it at a recent tournament. A friend said the characters meant fire fighter. Does anyone know what it is? It looks like a stylised parachute or maybe some horns. Is it a new unit?
Might be the new Invincible Army AD troop, the Flaming Meteor or something like that it was called I think?
Beasts of War hosts a web-controlled campaign each year, the first was in Flamia (operation flamestrike, an Island in Paradiso), the second was in space (Wotan, close to the entry poing to Dawn), and this year is the third, where Merovingia will say "out of production" to stop the CA in Dawn.
They do stuff like that? That actually sounds pretty cool actually. Hey, who knows, maybe we'll get to actually accomplish something as a faction ourselves-
Translation reddit is saying it translates to something along the lines of Conflagration/fire of war/Battle Fire
Well if this isn't the third or something time this has popped up. As Koni has said it has something to do with new BoW campaign. Might be the starting location/base for YJ.
New troop or campaign related stuff. There's a lot of patches from this campaign in the current ITS tournament packs. Mainly locations in dispute or home bases. There is also said by Bostria, tha YJ may recieve reinforcements during the campaign... so keep it together
Whoa whoa whoa whoa Reinforcements you say? We gonna be a tossed a bone? Could it perhaps be a bone in a powered suit of armor with orbital jump thrusters attaches?
A bigger and better bone would be, in my opinion, to have the CC tax on Zhanshi and Celestial Guard revised and adjusted.
That would be a big bone being tossed to everyone. Since if one faction suddenly gets CC valued differently, it would only stand to reason that all other factions get the same treatment. But now a big new Tactical Assault Bone would also be a nice bone to receive... Or it could just mean Xi Zhuang is coming back from his unpaid vacation.
Military Orders would be affected as well, but most equivalent units have one point lower CC value and thus gets the value of their CC in points rounded down leaving Fusiliers, Moderators, etc untouched. Keisotsu also have a somewhat unique combination of skills that makes me think they are also already rounding down instead of up. From what I know, of the low cost units, only Zhanshi, Celestial Guard and Order Sergeants are affected. Poooosibly Hassassing Barids as well.
It was said in an interview with HellLois on White Noise podcast that the characters that are currently gone will be back and with a new rule: if you have that character, and they are the Data Tracker, they will have an extra order only they can use.
I knew that much already. Honestly wouldn't mind that for missions where you don't need Xi Zhuang to do much. A free order for himself alone for repositioning his little gluebots is neat.
I think this video adequately indicates that this patch is a military base called the Zhan Huo Firebase that's decked out with missile launcher platforms and heavy gauge artillery cannons.