I don't understand this part. The Wú Míng have the Fireteam: Core special rule on their profile, why can't they form a normal team?
This is a mistake in Army. Wú Míng in Ikari do not have Fireteam: Core listed in the Sectorial chart.
Fireteam: Core is not a skill, it's a function of the Sectorial. Wu Ming in Ikari can only form the special Fireteams listed on the Wiki page, they cannot form a Core of just themselves as this is not listed. They should really move Fireteam: Core out of the skills & equipment section, and into the Fireteam notes section for the Army Builder (and remove it for Ikari-Ming).
@ijw Follow up question. Is harris a special skill? What if the Link Leader dies, can I reform a Harris with the Clipper + a Wu Ming + Wu Ming Harris? Or can I not bring the Harris profile, if I intend to form a core? Kind regards
Am I reading JSA Karakuri correctly: they can no longer form a Haris of 3 Karakuris? I ask because the notation appears to be the same as Samaritans in Army6, but different on the wiki fireteams page.
No, you're not reading it correctly. Karakuri in JSA have Haris AND Special listed in the chart. Umbra Samaritans in Onyx ONLY have special Fireteams listed in the chart. Note that having the Fireteam: Haris Special Skill is not enough to be able to form a Haris, the Haris also needs to be listed in the Sectorial chart.
http://infinitythewiki.com/en/Volume_and_Silhouette_Templates y http://infinitythewiki.com/es/Volumen_y_Plantillas_de_Silueta updated with charts of the Silhouette dimensions.
On the Wiki for flash grenades it says that have been replaced by stun grenades in N3, however there's still profiles in the army builder and profiles pdf that have flash grenades still.
(Hope this is the right place for this) The 'Weapons Chart' page(s) lacks the 'anti-materiel' trait on D-Charges in CC Mode http://wiki.infinitythegame.com/en/Weapons_Chart http://wiki.infinitythegame.com/en/Weapons_Chart_Alphabetical_Order D-Charges (Deployable Mode) -- -- -- -- 14 1 AP + EXP Anti-materiel, Deployable, Disposable (3) D-Charges (CC Mode) -- -- -- -- 14 1 AP + EXP CC (-3), Disposable (3) Bit pedantic I know, but just thought I'd point it out
The List of Fireteams page doesn't have the notes from the profiles PDF regarding the Ashcroft hunting party.