It irritates me that basically every list is 267/5.5 before I start building unless im going a limited insertion.
Just before Uprising I was going to Vanilla with JSA. In particular the Raiden and Shikami. I notice a lot of you guys don't base things on the rule of cool! Ya the Raiden wasn't fantastic and the Shikami wasn't amazing but you know what? They looked cool! That's the power I miss! lol
Four Kuang Shi and a CG with control device. Which I mean, woe, five regular orders and four impetuous orders with great DZ defence and smoke at range? For that cost? I'm sure you'll live.
I'd only really been using oniwaban for the last few months and while I'll miss them it won't be as much as arogoto. I do agree with triumph that the shell game has been compromised for the removal of some of the options, which from my CA background was one of the draws to YJ but with tigers, ghost wolves, daofei, hac-tao, lunah and ninjas and a hsien that's actually a kanren KHD, I still think there is enough variety which isn't overlapping roles to have enough effect even if we lost the nasty little niche that was the Oniwaban. We still have dirt cheap HI, those remotes, and I never used JSA line troops anyway, just pay the point and have a 5% better hit rate, if i want discount cheer leaders kuang shi exist. So personally I think vanilla is fine and I want to see what is going to fall into place to fill the gap.
@Solar terms and conditions apply. @Aspect Graviton not to nitpick too much, but if you're paying a point to go up from Keisotsu, you go from a FO Kesiotsu to a regular rifle Zhanshi, who is 5% worse at defending itself. You mean pay the two points.
@Mahtamori A fine point! It never much crossed my mind but of course people took them as F/O, I generally took Zhanshi more as the models by the time I came to YJ were just so much better, however despite having the JSA support pack I always played them as their chinese equivalents, basically as I valued the +1BS, maybe I'm just so used to expensive line troops I felt it was cheap enough anyway!
That's not the point, the point is every list is the same unless you really try hard and then it doesn't feel as capable.
Couple of points here and there make a difference. Immediately post uprising basically almost all of my lists lost their warcor, because I was now down points. Warcor generally dies first turn and consumes an enemy order doing so. Losing a Warcor from each of my lists essentially grants each and everyone of my opponents +1 orders on turn 1 which isn't exactly insignificant in value to them.
Frankly I don't think we lost that much power, yes we lost Domarus and Oniwaban, those guys were kind of cheat against heavy targets like Avatar. Yet we received solid assassin, Kanren. It hurts to lose many units, I agree. But still, finally we can use some flexible rosters. I would gladly pick Yan Huo when facing a TAG, Crane rank when we need some CC power, and well, Zhanshi for support hacker. And I think that's the way Yu Jing should play.. About ISS, don't want to comment about it. Super OP sectorial IMO.
We didn't receive the Kanren, the Kanren existed already along with the Oniwaban. We didn't receive shit. And the point is precisely lists are LESS flexible now because the core cheerleaders and support went up in points. Anyway when you call the Crane "CC power" i know you can't be serious.
Could you explain that a bit? A Crane in CC will make mincemeat of anything less than a TAG or another CC specialist.
Use a smoke! I mean, we got decent smokers all around. Shaolins, CG with smoke launchers. I don't think delivery is the problem. One won't charge the crane into multi-ARO places, that's the place for Hsien or so.
I've never particularly set out to stab somebody with my crane as a game plan, that's more for impetuous troops, what it is good for is stabbing the idiot trooper that comes to contest my objectives mid field, main method of crane based kick ass is generally the business end of a spitfire
Almost never. Especially if he's fully linked. He's usually much better off shotting. The only scenario where it was worth it for me, was when I made him my datatracker and I had to kill the HVT in unmasking.