Yeah. I think it could be better balanced though. AVA1 in Vanilla, MI rather than LI. Just as cool. Slightly more limited.
Ideally all MI get a discount or a buff, because Prowlers are not the only model suffering for being an MI. Fusiliers vs Bolts, Jags vs Tomcats, Riot Grrls vs Moiras, Unidrons vs Rodoks, etc.
They have a Panzerfaust, though I agree they probably got the name wrong I disagree a bit too, Moiras are perfectly serviceable.
someone on /tg/ noted cybermines could be a typo for nullifiers or work like them. Would be a pretty interesting loadout for keeping a TAG safe. Inside the Area of Effect of a Nullifier troopers cannot declare the use of Hacking Programs, Technical Weapons, Comms Attacks, or Sepsitor, applying the effect of an Idle in such situation. Moreover, troopers, weapons, or pieces of Equipment inside of the Area of Effect of a Nullifier, cannot be targeted by any Hacking Program, Technical Weapons, Comms Attacks or Sepsitor. would be very tricky and useful, but you would need to be careful not to fuck over your own hacking net
I don't think anything actually conflicts with Wildcats. If anything they steal the role of Alguacilles as a defensive link by costing less SWC and having a superior hacking device for the ideal Lt./ARO weapon/SS2 hacker.
It's only .5 SWC less thanks to the HRL tax. The base MI profile looks like it's: CC14, BS12, PH11, WIP13, ARM2, BTS0 and 14pts with a Combi. It's probably half a point overcosted (due to CC bloat).
I dunno if we can really make final judgement without the Cybermine rules But even if that profile didn't have them, it'd still be really solid. I'm very impressed and eager to use the Heckler in all its forms!
I think you may be overreacting here. The jammer is a strong choice, no doubt. But putting down > 40 pts on rooftops just to get to jammer someone taking objectives in your DZ is quite an opportunity cost. And if you want to properly threaten objectives on the center line, you probably need to move your hecklers as well. And isolated really isnt the worst state to be in for a model, which is already at an objective. Also after quite a bit of tournament play with her I am quite confident to say that Emily is strong, but fun to play and doesn’t break the game.
I agree, I don't think the jammer is going to be overwhelming in actual play. A jammer is a p. cool weapon, but it's only stressful right now because of the dude who carries it. He has WIP 15, V: Dogged, and costs 5 points. Our boy Heckler is four times the cost with WIP 13, and it's not going to be the same.
I'm in agreement about the Jammer. It's a great tool, but not a reliable one. With that WIP, and even against an unopposed 0 BTS target, it's statistically likely that the attack will not succeed. Burst 1 weapons that need to make a roll, followed by a save, are not reliable. It's great, but it's more of a psychological ARO deterrent with some nice utility for Intuitive Attacks versus tokens. When you do the math on trying to Isolate something like a BTS6, WIP15 target, Jammer becomes pretty reasonable.
Agreed, Jammer on Ghazi seem obnoxious, but thats mainly due to the opportunity cost of a 5 pt model. its a nice tool to have but its not going to be particularly reliable either.
He'll be used for some annoying asymettric attacks which people will complain are unstoppable, then adjust and plan around. He can advance in marker state and isolate the enemy lt then cover their dz. He can aro fast panda to pin down any enemy hi at the cost of his own life. I expect the cybermines to some way take hacking back from the khd kiddies . The redfury is point efficient. But tactically these aren't new problems, just a new package. Superior infiltration / impersonation / spammed ad can all lt snipe more order efficiently. Pitchers and plenty of units can get repeaters upfield. Khd responds to this efficiently. Nomads are at least close to top of all things hacking . It's kinda our thing. Red fury is defensively barely better than a combi, and every army has access to some gunfire expert.
I hereby publically apologise to @AdmiralJCJF for publishing his post in the open forum thus breaking his trust and the trust of fellow WarCors bestowed upon me in the WarCor closed subforum.
He claimed that he speaks on behalf '99+% of the community', and he gets mad because You shown his post to... community? Man, THAT is some salt But it is nice that You apologise.
@Mruczyslaw : The apology is less to the Admiral than to the rest of the WarCors. Those guys have a private subforum for a reason. (Despite my vintage on the forums, I'm not one, I didn't have the time to be pushing the game for the last 2-3 recruiting cycles.)
That post was taken out of context, which was the point of course. However I sincerely appreciate that @nazroth has taken this step. On the matter at hand, I agree with the several posters who have been pouring cold water on the danger. While I've had a go in private for people suddenly changing their opinion on Jammers now that THEY get them, I think it will be a different kettle of fish ('though the Camo is a new wrinkle). One factor which I think people underestimate is the extent to which the Impetuous and Irregular nature of Ghazi combine to encourage them up into the midfield rapidly, in a way which will require investment for the Heckler.